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satire, but my guy is deliberately kinda like this lol

super edgy name ❓ (not really)
isekai 🚫 (there's a dimension warp thing but that's voluntary and a spinoff anyways)
cool sword✅
fast✅ (only FTL in his vehicles tho)
omnipotent❓(he could manipulate reality quite well but doesn't because it can easily cause irreversible damage so he only really uses it for FTL stuff)
ez win✅ (not zeptoseconds, but probably like under a few seconds, he's basically TAS, however he only does this bc he wants a quick fight bc doesn't like extreme unnecessary suffering (but if he thinks you do deserve to suffer then he can and absolutely will make you suffer))
implausibly young🚫 (actually old, like, 12 billion, but his "body" is only like 30)
Ok so I just gave Malenia one(1) try and I have immediately decided I will be cheesing her with as many summons as the game will let me. She's like Sword Saint Isshin with lifesteal.
Honestly the endgame bosses are way too powerful. I know Malenia's optional but still. It's Darkeater Midir all over again.
Ya know idk if it’s just me but almost everytime I unplug my headphones tmodloder crashes ;-; so it has led to some accidental u plugs with loss of progress
I think I’ve heard this glitch, and I’m pretty sure it’s happened to me in the normal terraria client
Welp. I just saw a cockroach with an egg sac in my room. By the time I looked up what it was it disappeared.

So how's your day going?
Fortunately cockroaches don't bug(ha) me that much(outside of the obvious filth, spoiling, and pestilence). Now if it was a mouse, that'd be a different story. Especially since mice don't usually have egg sacs.
Actually we have mice too, we just haven't seen any lately, and we're constantly seeing ants and stink bugs(as well as the bombardier beetle I mentioned a while ago). Our house isn't that clean, if you haven't already figured that out.
You see, the issue with cockroaches, is that whenever you just see one, it means your house is already infested with them.
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