tModLoader Enemy Affixes

No, drop rates can't be modified without rewriting them all. Pretty sure how Reduced Grinding does it, else it's through some gross hack as far as my understanding with Terraria goes.
The purpose of this mod was to use the vanilla ones. Custom ones would be for another mod.
I suppose you could just add custom names for the suffixes then just use vanilla stats then. So, that enemies can have both a prefix and suffix at the same time to make them even more stronger.
Supreme Calamity Doesn't seem to have a Prefix, I don't know if im unlucky or what. I've wanted to change the config so it could have more health because its to easy.
The stat multiplier I think increases the health.

A few other bosses don't have prefixes on them either

Is their a way of adding a HealthMult to the config?
i had some weirdness while fighting a spiked slime from kingslime while playing on my local server just me, the spiked slime was invisible and i was unable to hit it but would still shoot spikes and couldn't do collision damage, never had trouble till i downloaded this mod.

ps here is my mod list and configs


    8 KB · Views: 153
how does prefixChance works? If it set to 12 - almost any enemy is with prefix, i assume it is not 1/12 or 12%
It should be 12%
If it's not, then it's (100-12)% chance which it shouldn't be.
When testing, I had the chance set to 100 and everything always got a prefix.
@Dark-Assassin - Definitely some problem with the config. If I put max boss prefixes to 0, they still get a prefix. Im trying to enable this for enemies only and disable it on bosses, not a huge fan of bosses getting negative modifiers like sluggish, but am fine with a bunch of small monsters on screen being different from each other. If I turn the PreFixChanceBoss to 0 - it turns it off completely for bosses and regular enemies. Seems as if the settings are bleeding over and affecting one another.

Edit - Turning either of the PrefixChance settings to 0 completely disables the mod for bosses and regular enemies. And if PrefixChance = 33 and BossPrefixChance = 100 then it is 100% for regular enemies, the default settings you have it at actually gives prefixes 100% of the time for everything.
I just run the 0.4.6 version with hope to fix the problem above of Doomzy, but the setting "prefixChanceBoss": 0, still lets the prefixes disappear on multiplayer when hovering over the enemys, but if you die it tells you their prefix. Probably a sync error again, because it works fine on singelplayer. Will look into a 0.4.7 version ;)

EDIT: 0.4.7 seems to work fine again. Thanks!
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i was just killed by a prefixless shark and when i died it said it was a celestial shark, it had the standard 600 hp for a shark it was skipping probably due to the speed modifier not syncing. same mod list as last time i believe, (latest TModloader and .tmod).

PS this was on a server that is hosted on the same computer
how did you add things to enemy names when they spawn? Ever since the change to SetStaticDefaults I've been unable to find a way to do that.
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