PC 1.3 Spoilers!

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It would take basically a rewrite of the entire game, though, and the devs don't have that kind of time.

Hmm... that sounds very familiar... *cough cough* Terraria 2 *cough*

They said that because of the limitation of the game itself (problem with the code etc.), Terraria couldn't be as they really wanted it to be. They could but it would need to redo all the code of the game, so that's why they're planning to do Terraria 2.
EDIT : NINJA'D ! :sigh:%:sigh:

That is true :p im just saying. Not like i could ever help with this though xD
And also as I've seen in the video, the nyan cats explosions damage can pass through blocks, it damaged a Mother Slime through blocks. Might be server lag though.
EDIT : nevermind it's the falling star from star veil
Um... When was this?

I give you:

The christmas event is pretty terrible. Useless presents, and it's quite annoying. It's due for an overhaul, and I'm betting they've kept quiet about it. They're likely going to release around Christmas time, mark my words. It'd be the third year in a row we've had a Christmas update, essentially.
I would be surprised if the cyber wasn´t in the final update. Less certain about Contagion and Covert though. Also hope for a better desert.
First reaction to the video.... Holy :red: new biome, new biome, new biome, new biome!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I realized it was only paint T__T.... Still super excited though!
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