Official New 1.3 Spoilers: Enhancing the User Interface

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All these Spoilers are Just Making me SUPER HYPE For Terraria 1.3 and i can't wait for the release :D
When 1.3 is out, your world will be obsolete.
But if you're preparing it for storage of 1.3 items, I get it. Just know that you'll have to start a new world to experience all changes.

I know :(
But I normally start a new world each big update with a friend .
@Jakly I constantly misread your signature as "BONUS DI*KS!"

I wonder how disappointed people will get if we don't get another biome.
Let's hope that if they only add one, they choose a cool alternative to the hallow like the cyber covert or confection. Sure enough it would be cooler if they added them all. Would not take that long would it?? ( I have no idea on programing but I am guessing that you can copy easily the spread of the hallow and other stuff)
Items in your inventory can now be "favorited". When you "favorite" an item, you will not be able to accidentally throw, trash sell or stack it into a chest!
Thanks for implementing this, dev team! That's what I wanted to have in the game so much. I'm so glad.
I'm a bit late on seeing this, but holy heck! Not only a few mysterious visual spoilers, but all that interface management will certainly make getting stuff arranged nicely. And I do like the Screen Capture mode~

Keep it up, guys! We'll wait as long as needed!
Im just joking: i think 1.3 will come when this thread reaches the 1000000 pages!!
But really i think the update will come when this thread reaches the 50-100 pages
Im just joking: i think 1.3 will come when this thread reaches the 1000000 pages!!
But really i think the update will come when this thread reaches the 50-100 pages
I know you were joking, but no thread has ever reached 1000000 pages on here, not even Lone Tree High School (an RP) which the IC thread alone has 1/10th of all the forum posts.
Also, the release date can't be based around a single spoiler thread, and that number seems arbitrary.
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