Blue the Swordsman

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  • I was working on a description of a image I was going to upload on a site all day, making any final touches that I needed before I [CONT.]
    Blue the Swordsman
    Blue the Swordsman
    posted the image...and the web page refreshed because Safari is and :red: at times. All of that work, down the drain. :(
    Can some one help me on my world plz I'm enjoying terraria but I have no one to lay with add me my psn is Memunchcookie
    Why did you post this on this profile?
    Be pure I don't know how to do it on the posts thibg
    Blue the Swordsman
    Blue the Swordsman
    If you were to go on your profile, select the box that says 'Update your status..', type in what you wanted to say, and an optional thing, use actual grammar. People like being able to easily read what others say.
    Somewhat relevant status: South Dakota is giving me ideas. I was just imagining what a world would be like if it was like the badlands. Cont
    Good to know. Now I know where to avoid.
    Blue the Swordsman
    Blue the Swordsman
    If I was to drive something, it would probably be an ATV or a dirt bike, as both are narrow and are able to climb some of the areas. Some areas would be rather narrow if it wasn't for the roads that allow us to be transported in modern times.
    Blue the Swordsman
    Blue the Swordsman
    Although looking around the area I'm currently at, it is a nice open field with only a few larger rocks, perfect for your trucks.
    Hey there is a problem on Mac when I try to quit the game it closes but the app goes to not responding (I am using the new el capitain)
    I have been thinking too much about a general area of my Multiverse, and have been roleplaying with some of my friends. I may be less lazy?
    Blue the Swordsman
    Blue the Swordsman
    In other words, finally getting plans together for a RP I will enjoy moderating. That is always something that is needed for the RP to be successful.
    My alert box: Some days it gives me six alerts, others it gives me one. If only the alerts were more than one or two posts per...
    My afk trap for pumkinmoon is not working
    hey man, there's a comment button on this posts, use them, you are only making annoying messages
    Hi there. You seem to be new to forums and how they work.

    If you're having issues with finding what you need, I suggest you click on the Forums button near the top, and scroll down to mobile to see if you need anything or have a question of something. But randomly conversing with others like this will not get you an answer. Please use the Comment feature as well in said profile post. Thanks.
    Hey looking for Somone to give me a sdmg I have lots of gear,weapons and money willing to trade or if someone has a spare and is nice enough to give me one my gf and I would be extremely happy! My xbox1 user name is LedlMassage send me a message or a friend request thank you very much.
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