WackoJ3 May 29, 2015 Your armor is my favorite dev armor but reds is a close second. Anyway keep up the good work
OP Jackson May 29, 2015 Crowno is there going to be any way to get now unobtainable items in a way that is not cheating? (Ex: steampunk wings, S.D.M.G, gravity globe, etc.)
Crowno is there going to be any way to get now unobtainable items in a way that is not cheating? (Ex: steampunk wings, S.D.M.G, gravity globe, etc.)
terrariaonvita May 23, 2015 You like my picture I drew it I'm not a big drawer but since your the artist I'm asking you
Jenosis May 22, 2015 how good do you think the wall and block look? (they're actually red but I painted it for an inside joke)
how good do you think the wall and block look? (they're actually red but I painted it for an inside joke)
Eli10293 May 15, 2015 Ur Profile Pic Reminds Me Of Something From Medieval Times *Cough* Plague Doctor *Cough*
A_judgementalLizard May 15, 2015 Crowno, your profile picture reminds me of this http://i.ytimg.com/vi/cvYFUR6rRx4/hqdefault.jpg
Crowno May 13, 2015 Hey guys, I want to hear your opinions about something, just for curiosity and nothing else. I have 2 questions:
Hey guys, I want to hear your opinions about something, just for curiosity and nothing else. I have 2 questions:
Soulight May 11, 2015 Crowno stop this madness http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/count-to-150-before-a-dev-posts.4825/
Crowno stop this madness http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/count-to-150-before-a-dev-posts.4825/
TheAssKickingHusky May 7, 2015 I redone this. Hi Crowno i was wondering if you could give me some feedback on this: