DarkVenom Nov 8, 2015 For God's sake, Here in Germany some teachers are really awful...i mean REALLY AWFUL! SO SO SOOOOOOO AWFUL!
For God's sake, Here in Germany some teachers are really awful...i mean REALLY AWFUL! SO SO SOOOOOOO AWFUL!
DarkVenom Aug 20, 2015 I'm stil scared of him: Spoiler http://orig01.deviantart.net/82ed/f/2012/207/8/f/ryuk_redone_by_atomiccircus-d58ntfo.jpg
I'm stil scared of him: Spoiler http://orig01.deviantart.net/82ed/f/2012/207/8/f/ryuk_redone_by_atomiccircus-d58ntfo.jpg
DarkVenom Aug 13, 2015 Our Entire house is getting an Overhaul..Best thing about it? Some random dude coming to your House on 7oClock..No Food, No Sleeping, great
Our Entire house is getting an Overhaul..Best thing about it? Some random dude coming to your House on 7oClock..No Food, No Sleeping, great
DarkVenom Jul 31, 2015 A New Lunar--Tier Shotgun would be awsome...a LaserShotgun...Dat would be DEFINITLY Interesting
Neutral Effect Jul 25, 2015 Oh, I didn't get it because I didn't know you're trying to learn many languages at once. Russian, English, German - I understand. But Polish?
Oh, I didn't get it because I didn't know you're trying to learn many languages at once. Russian, English, German - I understand. But Polish?