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  • Just played an all Mercy, pistols only match of Overwatch. Well, mostly. There had to be the one Bastion making it worse for everyone.
    I had this game where it was get the payload to the spot but three bastions stopped us.
    Everywhere I go I see people praising Re:Zero, and I sometimes feel like I'm the only one that genuinely hates it.
    I'm more towards indifferent, since I haven't watched anything. What do you particularly hate about it?
    The characters. All of them.
    Although I'm told it's a deconstruction, so it might be intentional that they all suck.
    Other people are leaving "happy birthday" messages on your profile, so maybe I should do the same even though I don't really know who you are.
    Happy birthday.
    Ooh, a popular mapmaker from my home state! This I like! Good luck to you, I hope you make more maps in the future! You inspired me to make a...some of map. (really having fun with those portal gun stations.)
    I guess I'm a popular map maker now.
    Well, if someone's adventure map is very popular, and they have their name on it, that makes them a popular map maker. It doesn't matter how many maps they made, they just need to be known by a large variety of people for the certain thing they made. The same thing works for myself. I am a popular texture pack creator. That is my definition of being popular for something.
    I worry that antlions will completely ruin my new adventure map...
    Antlions sounds like a problem that can be resolved easily just depends on how you take on the problem
    I thought of real antlions for a second...
    There are antlions in my computer keys! Help! Call 1800 - ArmyFrog!...wait. that's me.
    It's about time I got a better computer. Current one can't even run Overwatch without it freezing.
    And that pc is expected to play current games @60fps/high graphics/1080p, so not exactly high end either.
    That appears to be €900, and about €150 of that is monitor & accessories, which I don't think I need right now. So about €750, or $830, which is acceptable.

    Also, are you from Germany? I've got a bit of history with Germany. My family came from there, my father was a German teacher, I was born in Munich, and I visited Germany for a month when I was 10.
    Yes, im from Germany!
    Well, then im glad that that computer seems right for you, but i dunno if overwatch would run with high graphics settings. Maybe low, but idk.

    OH and very important: Keep your tabs on price drops on the cpu, theres new hardware available which may cause the price to drop further. You could maybe get a old one from a friend for an apple and an egg too.
    Let me know when there's an editor compatible with 1.3.1. Might try my hand at creating an adventure map.
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