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  • The Suggestions forum is just an excuse for people to show off their sprite art skills. Change my mind.
    The Storm
    The Storm
    Hey..... that's exactly why I use it %;(
    Then explain why literally one of my suggestions has spritework, and it was literally only a thing about a month after the suggestion came out.
    Pokemon SW/SH is a goddamn disaster, holy :red:. Game Freak needs to lose the rights to this franchise as soon as possible.
    • Like
    Reactions: GawenStarTeller
    They took some risks in shaking up the formula and damn did that fall in thier face. If they took more time this could have easily been the best modern pokemon game but instead a lot of stuff looks like :red: and the community is pissed.
    Hot off the press:
    Day-night cycles have been removed outside the Wild Area. Each location is now locked into a single time of day.
    Also, they're cutting moves too. Say goodbye to Karate Chop, Ancient Power, and other favorites.
    GG GF
    Ah yes, my favorite move: karate chop. Look, people are making mountains out of molehills to push their agenda, some screenshots of the game look like hot garbage while others are some of my favorite environmental screenshots ive seen in awhile. My point is, calling for something like gamefreak to lose rights is a little bit over the top, especially for a game that hasnt been released.
    I just figured out that I can use two fingers on my touchpad to scroll. Oh my god this is amazing.
    I was literally JUST about to buy a Switch, and then it turns out a revision will release RIGHT when I move back to college. *sigh*
    a regular switch is a much better option for college my guy. detachable joycons and a dock make it the only way to play smash multiplayer reliably. nobody uses local multiplayer.
    @TheQuietBisharp This is for the regular Switch.

    They're making future models with new parts so they have significantly better battery life. Same name, features, price, and everything.
    Upset, this indeed makes me. I just got my Switch ._.
    Pokemon Sword and Shield? More like Pokemon Garbage Can and Recycling Bin now. Gonna pour one out for my man Oshawott- he ain't making it.
    Finished Deltarune- writing is eh compared to Undertale, but the gameplay is way better. Nice that Toby Fox is still making stuff.
    It's the spooping hour. Time to expand my backlog and try out Deltarune, because nobody likes me IRL.
    From what I've seen thus far, it's good. Though be wary of the uninstaller and just delete the whole folder instead of uninstalling the whole thing the usual way if you want to get rid of it for any reason.
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