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  • Also wow this account is almost 10 years old already! We've come a long way from the Terraria Online forums. Thank you to everyone that has helped and supported my journey in this community and beyond, and I hope to you dear reader that you may find what you are looking for.
    I have basically dropped the idea of porting Yet Another Boss Health Bar to 1.4 as the mantle has long since passed onto other mods on the workshop. Expeditions has always been mostly an experimental project and I don't plan on porting it, though design elements may reappear at some point.
    As for the others, well... while WeaponOut isn't a large content mod, what it does have is weird jank and mechanics written for an older version of Terraria. The intent will be to port or rewrite small sections of this mod over time, and its features may end up be split into separate mods, such as WeaponOut Lite which is being rebuilt from the ground up for 1.4.
    Time for the rare and elusive "oh right this still exists" moment. If you made it here, my mods have been ever so slowly making their way to the steam workshop. So far I have a grand total of one (1) mod that has safely made the jump to 1.4, Camping (and has been since 2022)!
    привіт,чи можете викласти і оновити мод Yet Another Boss Health Bar у майстерні Steam будь ласка
    Here's my one hot take on the whole torch/luck debacle. I wish we had a recipe for immediate biome torches, rather than going from torch -> biome torch.
    That debate is over. They removed the bad luck part of Torch Luck. So, matching biome Torches will grant better luck but having something like regular torches in a biome won't negatively impact it.
    I know the debate ended good heavens, this is just me being lazy and prattling about quality of life changes.
    1.4 has been a blast so far, can't wait to start tinkering with it some more when I finish my playthrough!

    The offical texture pack support looked fun, so I did some JRPG style tweaks to the vanilla sprites. I know the og sprites were based on final fantasy, but I wanted to try a more secret of mana-y head structure.

    Wow the layout of the forums has changed a little since I last logged on.
    Lunatic Lobbyist
    Lunatic Lobbyist
    I know right... biggest change I've noticed? Everything's clunkier and loads slower. ;)
    Hey man im experiencing some issues with WeaponOut mod, tried to reload my mods and about 3 seconds in it says that WeaponOut is facing issues adding recipes and that it will be automatically disabled, reply whenever you can Cheers
    My best guess is you need to update thoriummod sorry if this is late
    you need to update buildertoolbox for new tmodloader, i used it a lot in my playtrough and now i cant play since it isnt updated!
    Hello Flashkirby99! I want to offer you a job in our mod.
    I'm pretty busy with both personal projects and work commitments at the moment so I'm afraid I'll have to decline. Thanks for asking though.
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