J J Julkas Jan 30, 2019 Grumpy Squid can I contanct you via Discord/Messenger in PM? I'm having a trouble with modded server.
Grumpy Squid can I contanct you via Discord/Messenger in PM? I'm having a trouble with modded server.
Grumpy Squid Jan 29, 2019 For the next few days I won't be here very often. I'll check up a couple times a day to help out though.
For the next few days I won't be here very often. I'll check up a couple times a day to help out though.
Techhunter_Talon Jan 27, 2019 Funny thing: I know a user by the name of 'Snuggle Squid' on a different site. Here you are as a 'Grumpy Squid'.
Funny thing: I know a user by the name of 'Snuggle Squid' on a different site. Here you are as a 'Grumpy Squid'.
Grumpy Squid Dec 30, 2018 https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20190129T00&p0=179&msg=Kingdom+Hearts+3&font=cursive
ThunderBear06 Dec 29, 2018 @Grumpy Squid i happen to see this thread in pc technical support section and figured I'd send you a link https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/win10-latest-fresh-os-and-new-pc-cannot-access-a-disposed-object-error-cant-find-a-fix.75071/#post-1683297 there you go :)
@Grumpy Squid i happen to see this thread in pc technical support section and figured I'd send you a link https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/win10-latest-fresh-os-and-new-pc-cannot-access-a-disposed-object-error-cant-find-a-fix.75071/#post-1683297 there you go :)
Grumpy Squid Dec 14, 2018 I have 3 months to get a job... Don't suppose anyone knows someone who needs Customer and Technical Support Directors or High Tiered Reps.?
I have 3 months to get a job... Don't suppose anyone knows someone who needs Customer and Technical Support Directors or High Tiered Reps.?
Grumpy Squid Nov 21, 2018 PSA: The Autumn Steam Sale is here. If you've been looking to pick something up check it out.
Grumpy Squid Jun 25, 2018 Darn, I've been band-aiding this machine for so long and now I'm running out of time. Need to get a job to replace my dying computer.
Darn, I've been band-aiding this machine for so long and now I'm running out of time. Need to get a job to replace my dying computer.
Grumpy Squid Jun 15, 2018 I've been working so hard helping people... so many hours of my days goes to that...