Neoshadow Ω Sep 26, 2018 So, I've noticed I've been on here less and less... As such, I haven't really been updating my story as much. Is there anyone out (cont.)
So, I've noticed I've been on here less and less... As such, I haven't really been updating my story as much. Is there anyone out (cont.)
Neoshadow Ω Aug 30, 2018 @DM DOKURO Made an 8-bit version of The Tale Of A Cruel World.
@DM DOKURO Made an 8-bit version of The Tale Of A Cruel World.
Neoshadow Ω Jul 7, 2018 I made a Shovel Knight mashup...
Neoshadow Ω Jun 21, 2018 This. This is true beauty.
This. This is true beauty.
Neoshadow Ω May 26, 2018 When you try to save the baby metroid but then Mother Brain turns into a robot chicken thing
When you try to save the baby metroid but then Mother Brain turns into a robot chicken thing
Neoshadow Ω Apr 12, 2018 Do not worry, friends. I shall continue my story. At some point. And despite the username change I will NOT change any characters.
Do not worry, friends. I shall continue my story. At some point. And despite the username change I will NOT change any characters.
Neoshadow Ω Apr 12, 2018 Boy, I am trying to change my username to "Dust" but I am told it is taken. I search members for "Dust" but I can't find anyone named Dust.
Boy, I am trying to change my username to "Dust" but I am told it is taken. I search members for "Dust" but I can't find anyone named Dust.
Neoshadow Ω Mar 25, 2018 Is it weird that I made my Tremor Mod Bard character look like @[4697DM DOKURO] ? ... Yes? Ok.
Neoshadow Ω Mar 15, 2018 I've been taking a break from my comic to draw Yharon surrounded by Bumblebirbs. God, it ended up so bad, I'm not even showing it here.
I've been taking a break from my comic to draw Yharon surrounded by Bumblebirbs. God, it ended up so bad, I'm not even showing it here.