The Neki mod in Starbound has entirely different dialogs for the intro mission.
This kind of makes it worth it to replay the intro mission for the second time.
About taking a break from Starbound, I lied.
I went to explore some planets until I finally found a Felin village.
Arachne and Lamia are the only race mods I haven't encountered naturally.
Nekopara in Starbound!
...Not really. All that mods give is their maid clothes.
So I customize Felin's race to look as close to them as possible.
But there isn't an option for Heterochromia eyes, so Coconut eyes just mixed two color in.
Update on the PvZ house in Starbound.
Try to make it more like the Floran found this house and decided to make it their home.
But despite filling the entire room with furniture tagged with Floran Hunting Ground, The Floran Sniper didn't appear.
I don't think it's a big deal even if the gender choice is not clearly visible.
It's only going to create small annoying moment like the man you play during the whole playthrough is actually a woman.
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Off to the core layer I go.