plantszaza π³ Aug 21, 2015 After fail with duke for 5 times I decide to take more buff+my only Lifeforce potion Then decide to despawn.
After fail with duke for 5 times I decide to take more buff+my only Lifeforce potion Then decide to despawn.
plantszaza π³ Aug 19, 2015 What would you got the most after killed hoard of skeleton? Yoyo and Keybrand
CalebthePianist Aug 14, 2015 Your signature gifs practically broke my phone. I wasn't ready for GIF image...
plantszaza π³ Aug 10, 2015 Need to pay attention to my playthrough more so less active on forum. It's now or never.
plantszaza π³ Aug 7, 2015 I guess the like bomb strike me too hard as I not see alert on my own thread.
plantszaza π³ Aug 1, 2015 Has anyone know some shirt in Terraria that look like this? Cause I want one. (see image below)
plantszaza π³ Jul 28, 2015 I'm now plan to build massive tower to just store every random item soon....