ShadowPulse69 Apr 9, 2018 Life is like a brick to me. Its hard, rough. But you can use it to build a foundation in what you succeed in. Dont give up even if its hard.
Life is like a brick to me. Its hard, rough. But you can use it to build a foundation in what you succeed in. Dont give up even if its hard.
ShadowPulse69 Feb 28, 2018 Special happy birthday to a cool friend of mine @Myu! She's been a sweet pal of mine for many years now, have fun!
Special happy birthday to a cool friend of mine @Myu! She's been a sweet pal of mine for many years now, have fun!
ShadowPulse69 Feb 18, 2018 *sigh* You know those days when you had so many things planned only to be disappointed because nothing happened as you planned? Yeah..
*sigh* You know those days when you had so many things planned only to be disappointed because nothing happened as you planned? Yeah..
ShadowPulse69 Feb 9, 2018 Ah mornings. Just as ty and groggy as ever. One day I'm gonna end up getting myself up by smashing my face into the alarm.
Ah mornings. Just as ty and groggy as ever. One day I'm gonna end up getting myself up by smashing my face into the alarm.
ShadowPulse69 Feb 5, 2018 Erugh...planning for rps, designing and creating new races, and sickness do not go good together. Frick.
Erugh...planning for rps, designing and creating new races, and sickness do not go good together. Frick.
ShadowPulse69 Jan 31, 2018 I feel as if I'm going to be using this avatar an awful lot cause it fits me. Ask @Vinnoe and he'll tell you why. X3
I feel as if I'm going to be using this avatar an awful lot cause it fits me. Ask @Vinnoe and he'll tell you why. X3
ShadowPulse69 Jan 8, 2018 Modo: "If you're weird then you're normal, if you're normal you're weird."'s okay to be WEIRD! >:3
Modo: "If you're weird then you're normal, if you're normal you're weird."'s okay to be WEIRD! >:3
ShadowPulse69 Dec 30, 2017 When you try to bring data to a better DS it says you don't have enough space. Orders an SD card finds out it's supposed to be a MICRO card.
When you try to bring data to a better DS it says you don't have enough space. Orders an SD card finds out it's supposed to be a MICRO card.
ShadowPulse69 Dec 26, 2017 Merry Christmas everyone! I'm glad I could spend a wonderful, fantastic year with all of you amazing people. I'm glad I got to be here.
Merry Christmas everyone! I'm glad I could spend a wonderful, fantastic year with all of you amazing people. I'm glad I got to be here.
ShadowPulse69 Dec 9, 2017 From what I've heard, Ultra Sun/Moon's pretty good. Hoping I can get it sometime soon, the original two felt like it was missing something.
From what I've heard, Ultra Sun/Moon's pretty good. Hoping I can get it sometime soon, the original two felt like it was missing something.
ShadowPulse69 Oct 10, 2017 Huh, well, now I know how it feels to be hit by a car. Heading over to urgent care to see if I have a concussion, wish me luck!
Huh, well, now I know how it feels to be hit by a car. Heading over to urgent care to see if I have a concussion, wish me luck!