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  • Hey there. I am an old player, but haven't played in ages and am considering getting back into it. As far as general knowledge about how to play goes, I'm starting from scratch. I'm playing the Steam version of the game. Anyone care to link me to some "beginner's guide"?
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    Reactions: Daikonradish
    Mille Marteaux
    Mille Marteaux
    If you can defeat WoF on mobile, you're more than fine. It'll just be re-learning the controls and finding your groove.
    I hope, but PC's controls look very unfamiliar. I guess the most challenging part will be getting the controls down. Thanks for your advice! 😃
    Mille Marteaux
    Mille Marteaux
    I know that feeling very well. I tried playing console after being super intimate with PC's controls and I couldn't even build a wood box as I've not held a controller in my hands for some eight-ish years. Horrifying experience, but fortunately earlygame is forgiving enough to give you time to adjust.
    From what I've seen so far, this forums seems pretty inactive...
    @Daikonradish Someone high up should do something that makes this forums more active. Like a forums exclusive giveaway. Also the developers should be more active on their "official forum".
    I sense that the former has a higher chance of ensuing compared with the latter as, of course, this next update prolly offers a lot more for a 1.3.x thingy of its kind.
    I havn't been posting recently, I guess I have been taking a hiatus

    Though look at The Last Post Wins and Forum Fights Infinity! Those are pretty active!
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