Thee Pie Man
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  • Megumin is best girl. Fite me.
    Thee Pie Man
    Thee Pie Man
    -It just seems like a waste of time, people like and dislike what they want and should be perfectly in their right to do so. I don't really understand what the big deal about the "best" is when that word is essentially a paradox. If they are the 'best', no need to even bring it up.

    That aside you're right. There are characters that have depth, some don't even have to be part of the main story which is nice.
    Okai... <--- Really nice site for fellow Dragcave players! You put the last part of your scroll in (Aka your username.) and-
    Thee Pie Man
    Thee Pie Man
    it lets you grow your hatchlings/eggs there. If you have any less than 3 day hatchinglings or eggs- they get the "ER" treatment which means they come up more on the page to try and save them!
    It's pretty crazy I've had an account here for over 1,095 days.
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    Reactions: DoctorMcDerp
    Time is like taking a long drive. It may seem slow, sometimes quite boring, but then you look back at the places you've been and realize how far you've come.
    Thee Pie Man
    Thee Pie Man
    Interesting thought, but if I'm looking back at the places I've been, I might not actually be going anywhere. For the future is ahead of me, yet I'm stuck in the past with my memories. In that way, I feel it's a bit sorrowing to realize that I can't escape a rut of the past because the present can't satisfy me.
    I hope that we'll someday have a way to make all wood and leaf types of living wood/leaves.
    Thee Pie Man
    Thee Pie Man
    You know, something like a crafting recipe that you craft the piece of wood with both wands respectively to get what you want. Would be cool for builds.
    Why not just have the living wood wand place any wood as its respective living variant?
    Thee Pie Man
    Thee Pie Man
    *Shrugs* No reason it can't. I just didn't think of that! :guidesmile:
    Hey, between getting stuff ready to pack I put in a little more than 50 hours into Starbound. I beat the game. Worship me!
    thanks for the follow!
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    Reactions: Thee Pie Man
    Thee Pie Man
    Thee Pie Man
    You're welcome, thanks for being an integral part of the community and sharing your art and opinions~ Have a wonderful day ^-^
    woah, thank you! that is one of the nicest things I've heard. you have a wonderful day too!
    Thee Pie Man
    Thee Pie Man
    My pleasure. take care c:
    @Jetstream ∞ So what is a Klondike like exactly, is it just an ice cream sandwich or is there something I'm missing O:?
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    Reactions: Jetstreme ∞
    Jetstreme ∞
    Jetstreme ∞
    Yeah, it's seriously wonderful. I'd tell you to get your hands on some but I'm sure you're probably planning on doing that already :guidetongue:
    Thee Pie Man
    Thee Pie Man
    Heh, you read my mind. Definitely going to at some point this summer before fall term starts ;P Thanks a bunch Jet, always a pleasure talking with you.
    Jetstreme ∞
    Jetstreme ∞
    Indeedly do, fam
    Hey everyone, I've got job training in less than a week, been working out to help me with the freight work which is why I'm not on. Peace!
    Thee Pie Man
    Thee Pie Man
    On a side note I put a couple of hours into Terraria recently, beat the moonlord/cultist/martians/pillars on normal (only have moonlord on expert) and then I've officially beaten the game on both modes. I was able to make the DCU (Drill containment Unit) and have made a separate world, put it into hardmode and have been mining all the ore and gems I can find for my castle that I'm working on. Wish me luck!
    Hey, League of Legends fans, if you haven't already you should check out Nevercake's channel on Youtube, he and his brother are hilarious.
    FML LOL Bad news everyone, my computer's cord is fried, it was generating electrical sparks between the wiring and I'd rather not tape it-
    Thee Pie Man
    Thee Pie Man
    back up again. I'll be gone for a time and won't have any access to my computer. Take care and hope everyone has a good one!
    You forgot to tag me! That's unfortunate, though
    Just split the wire into smaller pieces while still attached to the computer and put each small wire in an outlet
    Nothing could possibly go wrong
    Hey Followers, normally I don't do anything follower worthy but today I actually made a suggestion~ Check it out in the "Items" C:
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