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  • Best red quote ever (I saw someone used the quote bot on Twitter on the post so I saved it)
    Do you know what time it is?
    It’s time for lunch!
    No no I’m joking lol, it’s time to recruit an old friend to watch, PythonGB! I’m going to be watching his terraria series and I think I’m gonna enjoy it, and it will help me get beach into terraria I believe.
    Also I’m waiting for the summer to play calamity 1.5 because well…. Aezancraft lol
    Here’s something funny, my character in dnd in my campaign I’m dming I accidentally picked up on my friends character’s accent after a while…. So I think I’m really well at just taking things in as my own lol…..
    Honestly I love British terms too some of them are just so fun to say
    From my last post that everyone responded to and said sorry that that happened to me thanks! I mean I just really like how you guys still went ahead and said that even when I said I was completely 100% fine
    Unless… lol
    Please read the next comment
    Seriously I’m really hard to get destroyed if it goes against everything that I know and believe in. But still just want to say thank you guys!!
    Although I just was like this guys really stupid and is trying to hurt my feeling but is obviously failing lol. Just want to say massive thank you!
    Honestly people are stupid…… I woke up and saw notifications of the image in the spoiler.
    Like seriously you expect me to cry just about something that’s plain wrong and calling me a :red:face?!
    Ok I seriously need to work on my jungle build in terraria, like seriously…. I would’ve posted the video if it wasn’t like 1 minute long and say part 1 of 2 that will be very long apart….
    i need to get back into terraria more… we’ll throwing only here I come!
    But first comes all my homework and… making my Minecraft skin
    I’m remaking my Minecraft skin again, and this time I’m actually doing the clothes, the hair has just minor changes, but yeah here is a reference image I am going to be using.
    November 18 of 2018 was when I got my first subscriber, and just seeing how productive my channel is with gaining subscribers now compared to back then has brought back my courage, like those streams I did, I would recommend if you want people to still be able to view them, I recommend putting them into a playlist and set them as unlisted.
    You know what sucks, when you feel inspired to play terraria all of a sudden when you haven’t been, just because you want to do a calamity playthrough again, and actually record this time, but well Aezancraft…. And I only have 1-2 hours of time, but I think when it’s the summer I might do the calamity playthrough though, and even during the Aezancraft break
    It’s official sometime in summer of 2022 I’m gonna start a calamity playthrough, and I’m actually gonna be talking
    I don’t care that it’s 1.3 because I just want to play it all of a sudden…. After seeing a strum daes I believe, but I want to beat calamity again my second time, but it malice mode
    I’m not against people cheating in things like Minecraft and terraria in the sense of how it makes things more fun like in the sense, oh I need more blocks, and go into creative mode and grab more dirt to terraform. I’m not against it if it helps you have fun in your single player world, if you talk with people on servers to see what cheats might be allowed then, cool.
    I have a serious problem…. I’m having trouble playing terraria…. By that I mean it’s getting hard for me to find ways to get into it… I mean sure I’m doing a throw only series but I’m in current status of making episode 1 and don’t have enough footage….
    I don’t want to find nether wart….. I traded with my 3rd fletcher to master and it finally gave me a tipped arrow…. But it was leaping and not weakness Ugh!
    • Sad
    Reactions: Kitnight
    once you learn villager life like i have (by enslaving them and forcing them to live in tiny confined spaces with no food or sleep) you will learn that villagers, are in fact, Really freaking stupid and will never do what you want them to do
    i know they are stupid but actually quite productive if you destroy their work stations and change them somewhere else so that they follow it, that’s how I got all my villagers out but my 2 fletchers without loosing all of them…
    I’m so happy!!! Even my dnd character amafrey is super happy and excited, so the last wish she made was so that she could get a sign that the brother was alive, instead she got a vision of him being impaled to death by spears. Yesterday amafrey wished for aldrian’s(her brother) body to burry it, instead she got a vision
    • Love
    Reactions: Champion Greninjoid
    A vision of her brother a bit older then the last time she saw him, walking along the beach with a girl singing a bunch of New Years fest thing(I forgot the name of it, but it’s basically near New Year’s Eve so it’s practically Christmas break lol) songs. And I could fester 1 sentence to say, and I could’ve said whatever I wanted to like who’s with you, but I just said are you alive?
    He then looked around confused and then raised up his glass and said I’m glad to be alive in a horrible singing voice. Then the girl was like hey that’s not what we’re singing, then the vision faded. Amafrey is so much more happy and not depressed as much
    but she did have problems with people talking about oak trees because their dead friend’s name is oak, and he so happened to turn into a tree and was an oak tree, with thorns which makes it even funnier because oak’s full name oak thornvine.
    Hey I’m hopefully gonna be able to post my first episode of aezancraft today!
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