Tyllord Aug 11, 2015 akame ga kill is possibly one of the best animes i've ever watched. its tieing with the first season of SAO
akame ga kill is possibly one of the best animes i've ever watched. its tieing with the first season of SAO
Tyllord Aug 11, 2015 lamp oil? bombs? rope? its all your's my friend. as long as you have enough rubies!
Tyllord Jul 25, 2015 wow. i went from a vampire knife spamming nub on console to a dank mlg pro ranger on pc expert mode every single world. 1.3 is the best.
wow. i went from a vampire knife spamming nub on console to a dank mlg pro ranger on pc expert mode every single world. 1.3 is the best.
Tyllord Jul 17, 2015 there is no way to harness my rage because of me getting 3 eye springs and not a single broken hero sword from an afk pool...
there is no way to harness my rage because of me getting 3 eye springs and not a single broken hero sword from an afk pool...
Tyllord Jul 16, 2015 Since Iwata died... Reggie should go and be the NEW president of nintendo... the legend of Reggie: The Body Is ready... i use this 2 much
Since Iwata died... Reggie should go and be the NEW president of nintendo... the legend of Reggie: The Body Is ready... i use this 2 much
Tyllord Jul 10, 2015 hah, once again... no smooth world generation for me! ..."smoother spawn areas"...
Tyllord Jul 8, 2015 MY BEST LEGIT CHARACTER AND WORLD GOT DELETED.... my computer wasnt charging for some reason... ;-; bye bye brand new mythical meteor staff.
MY BEST LEGIT CHARACTER AND WORLD GOT DELETED.... my computer wasnt charging for some reason... ;-; bye bye brand new mythical meteor staff.
Tyllord Jul 5, 2015 would anyone be able to make me an avatar?. im not sure if i should be putting this on my profile, but eh, i dont know where else to ask
would anyone be able to make me an avatar?. im not sure if i should be putting this on my profile, but eh, i dont know where else to ask
Tyllord Jul 5, 2015 looks like my world is glitched... no souls of light after farming for 2 hrs in the underground hallow
looks like my world is glitched... no souls of light after farming for 2 hrs in the underground hallow
Tyllord Jul 3, 2015 when i spawned an eye of cthulhu on expert mode and killed him, another one spawned out of nowhere, i also killed that one... solo
when i spawned an eye of cthulhu on expert mode and killed him, another one spawned out of nowhere, i also killed that one... solo