Terraria Bad Ideas

Looting Desert Temples has a chance to inflict you with Wrath Of The Pharaoh, which means you forever move under the Sandstorm condition. It never wears off, affects you through walls, and always pushes against whatever direction you move in.

How to get rid of it? Simple! Just offer 100 platinum to your local Nigerian Prince (Goblin Tinkerer) to atone for your horrific mistake of exploring in a sandbox game.
Dropping a guide voodoo doll into lava summons the wall of flesh. My bad idea? Dropping into into a pool of honey would summon the wall of bees. Drop into water and you get the wall of crabs.
Dropping a guide voodoo doll into lava summons the wall of flesh. My bad idea? Dropping into into a pool of honey would summon the wall of bees. Drop into water and you get the wall of crabs.
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