Terraria Community Forums

Even in chatrooms where everyone types in lowercase and use simple words, I type longer posts and use more advanced terms. Unless I'm in memelord mode. Then I just meme.
^Similar, always capitalize where necessary and punctuate my posts. Also, have a tendency to put actions in my posts as though I'm RPing.
One of my quirks is to type out certain words like "okay" as "okayy" in a sort of "long vowel" way when I'm feeling somewhat causal. (I'll also try to express more details on what I'm thinking like this in brackets when I'm thinking out loud in a way. Then sometimes forget to end it.)
if I put a period at the end of my sentence you know i'm being serious
four plus four
four plus four
^ So wait... Since that sentence doesn't have a period, does that mean that you're not being serious there, therefore meaning that when there isn't a period there you're being serious, making your post saying that you're serious only when you put a period at the end serious...

Therefore are you always serious?
Nike Leon 🪓
Nike Leon 🪓
I also tend to vary my "haha"s by how hard I laugh at something XD
skullray you need to go deeper

(But really what I meant was that when I punctuate properly, there is no irony or humor in what I have to say. That isn't to say that I'll properly punctuate every serious statement that I make)
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
I'm just a formal old fart, really.
@Commander Crocket I never thought I'd hear the words "formal" and "fart" in the same sentence.
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
Hey, it's simply what I am. ;)
I generally use emojis only when what I say could be misinterpreted as negative or sarcastic because there is no voice to derive anything of (I have a very expressive voice; if I'm annoyed, you'll know it). I also use them when welcoming new people to the forums. Give them a good first impression.
Nike Leon 🪓
Nike Leon 🪓
It's funny cause only half of the emoticons I use get automatically switched for emojis. XD
And that's why the no emote command thing exists. Also, I THINK there was (or is) a setting to disable emoticons from being turned into the faces. Again, I think...
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