Terraria Community Forums

It’s a good looking accessory
Tibithia Σ
Tibithia Σ
Everyone seems to say this, but fails to explain in what way it is supposed garbage.
J Bame
J Bame
Mana Flower is one of the worst items in the game due to its main effect being literally replaceable by a hotkey.

Star Cloak is at best mediocre and at worst unreliable garbage.

The added bonus is a worse Magic Cuffs which is in itself one of the worst items in the game
Tibithia Σ
Tibithia Σ
...At least it's a buff.
Does the Stepping Stool actually do anything?
Akira Nishikiyama
Akira Nishikiyama
Stepping stool lets you stand on a stool and be taller. I use this early game for building and for memes with friends.
Did someone say Buff?
@Agent Sandstorm Σ My argument for it being bad can almost be summed up by me begging why people would use it to begin with. I simply do not understand what it offers that is relevant and not also offered by other, better options.
I mean if you have problems with tunnel visioning then the auto mana potion can be helpful.
Toxophilite [East]
Toxophilite [East]
[Late] If it's just a better version of Star Cloak (which I already use... a LOT), I don't see a reason NOT to use it... 🤷‍♂️🥤
Toxophilite [East]
Toxophilite [East]
[Late again] Also, in 1.4 I don't think most newer items are "dedicated" anymore, so you might have to go in with a Hybrid mindset, like with Berserker's Glove. 🤔🥤
It does the same thing as mana flower while doing damage and giving you extra freebie mana. That justifies its existence as far as I'm concerned. I mean not everyone is trying to no-hit or is even capable of it.
Mana flower has a terrible effect already, and Star Cloak essentially a Thorns effect for an already very fragile class. I don’t understand how anyone sees these two effects and says “yeah, I want to spend an accessory slot for this combination of effects.”
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