As 1.3 released millions of fans Raved and played Terraria hours on end. I was one of those people and I cant say I was not pleased. Started a new world to explore the new 1.3 update and found loads of new cool items, mechanics and had an absolute blast. Yet when I reached the Celestial event I blew past 3 of them, and having my Godly Flairon in my hand, I set off my house to kill the final Pillar. The Solar pillar. This pillar was unique, however and I had such a hard time to kill one enemy, the Crawltipede. At first it was hard because it was so new and killed me a lot. But when I found its weak spot it was relatively easy. Now the Event is cool and all but I have but one thing to ask. Make Crawltipede's spawn rate lower. When ever I kill one, there is always one shortly after. This made me mad because I had to focus on dodging that, and not killing enemies at the event. Crawltipede is also really fast and that the only way to avoid it is to strafe (at least that's what I do) and when it does attack you, it has insane damage, 150 on its head 100 on body and 50 on its tail. Although this is just the raw damage I think this enemy should be more rare, like a Wyvern. Although this is just a sugestion, a Game suggestion!
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