tModLoader [1.4.4] TerraGuardians - Terraria Companions Mod

Here are the mods I’m using for them to go against. 1. Calamity, 2. Thorium. 3. Zylon, 4. Secrets of the shadows, 5.exdous mod, 6.argantium Reborn

and for classes, healer class, meele, ranged, miner, mage, thrower/rogue,battle rods, yo-yo, chop, void,

well that’s it I will be working on this
The only problem is that companions wont benefit of custom classes, neither will know how to use them :/.
So try focusing them on Terraria vanilla classes when making their build.
Hey Nakano have you ever considered about doing teasers about new TerraGuardians? owo
I had. I even talked about that on a patch note or post in this thread, but nobody reacted, so I ended up scrapping the idea.
The only problem is that companions wont benefit of custom classes, neither will know how to use them :/.
So try focusing them on Terraria vanilla classes when making their build.
And also you better equip your damaging accesories on you and not the guardians xd
Haven't looked at this thread in a while.

"Malisha", huh? Curious. Makes me think of the word "malicious", and now I'm remembering talk of that lamia guardian idea, but we can make Michelle into one if we wanted to with vanity stuff, so maybe that's not it.

If it was though, that'd be cool too. 🐍

Also, maybe Domino should sell more things based on how friendly you are with him. Or maybe he does that and I just haven't noticed yet. 🤔

Imagine if a guardian could withstand fighting the Devourer of Gods. Haha!
Actually, every name has a meaning, but I don't have any idea of what Malisha is for (or almost every name used anywhere).
The "malicious" part may be right about her, though.

And sorry, but Malisha's a Panther. Beside If I managed to make a Lamia, I think I would need to sprite It from scratch.
I think that would be more fun and less annoying than trying to deal with Terraria sprites, heh (The nightmares of trying to sprite Nemesis).

As for Domino's store, It was supposed of me to add new items for sale on his store overtime. You can see that never happened.
I would need to think what kind of goods he could sell. Maybe something that could benefit the player and the companions?
I stepped on a nail today
Working on a house
I can hardly walk
Hi there @Colby564, while I’m sorry to hear you stepped on a nail, this type of comment (one that is focused on you and not on the thread topic) is better suited for your own profile here: Colby564. If you’re posting in a thread, it’s expected that your message is related to the topic.

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Since currently there isn't any system to deal with the companion accessory visibility, I can add a flag on the companion AI to toggle that on/off while retaining status.
As for the head gear drawing in front of the arm, I probably messed up. I'll try checking out a way of fixing that issue. Beside I think It may not be that hard to do.

Have fun with the dress up simulator. :D
Here comes the train.
Inverted the order of factors when handling companion body and arms animations.
Instead of setting up the arms animations first, and then the body, now It sets up the body animations first, and then the arms.​
Due to this change, I can remove 2 flags from many scripts.​
Disabled Vote button on the Guardian Selection Interface, since there will be no contest.
Fixed a problem where a request accepted message could have the chance of being shown, when you complete Nemesis requests.
Added missing verb to the death by giving up message, and also added a variant to the death message.
Changed the Death by lava damage message on companions.
Companions will no longer "brick" when unarmed.
Companions will now behave better when attacking with melee weapons.
Fixed a bug where the companion would not use the left (right) arm correctly when swimming.
If Leopold is able to swim, he'll no longer play the long jumping animation when underwater.
You can now reject requests from Sardine.
Death due to Electrified debuff is no longer gender bound.
Your companions will no longer go "Steve" when trying to attack a monster without having any weapon in the inventory, so they will no longer spam attack independing on distance until the target is dead.
Reduced the Assist and Snipe ranged attack distances from the companion.
Assist: Instead of 268 pixels, the companion will only stay away from the target for 120 pixels.​
Snipe: Instead of 380 pixels, the companion will only stay away from the target for 260 pixels.​
Rococo's town npc will no longer attempt spawning on worlds where he isn't the starter companion.
You will now need to recruit him from his recruitment npc.​
Added a Comfort counter to the companions.
Comfort counter will increase based on what the companion is doing, and depending on how many town npcs are nearby.​
It will not increase while the companion is in combat.​
Being in the Corruption and the Crimson will reduce the Comfort points gained by the companion.​
Invasions also reduces comfort gained by companions.​
The fear of the End of the World also greatly reduces the comfort acquisition.​
Blood Moons and Eclipses nullifies comfort acquisition.​
Companions are no longer blood thristy. They will now only try attackin foes that gets near.
When following your character, they will take in consideration their position, and your position when checking for threats.​
The mod will no longer tell you when a companion has a new request for you.
I did this change, because just by simply telling that the companion has a quest, will not only end up spoiling your gameplay, but also stressing you out.​
The only way of finding out If a companion has a request, is either by talking to It about requests, or checking the Guardian Selection Interface.​
Companions following you that has just unlocked a Talk request will still tell you that the request was unlocked.​
Reviewed the body sprites of: Blue, Bree and Mabel.
Companions will now forget who they were attacking when teleporting to your position.
Blue will now preffer using both arms to hold her bunny, instead of using one of them to hold your character.
Companions sliding on walls will now reset the fall height.
Bree will no longer be shown by her name when you find her during your travels.
She can introduce herself.​
Vladimir will now appear either inside a bee hive, or above It.
Fixed a bug where companions personal requests weren't counting as completed.
Added a Skin and Outfit tab.
Skins and Outfits are planned to be acquired in-game, If you beat certain requirement.​
Currently, only Bree has a unlockable skin, you get It from completting her personal request.​
Skins changes the companion body, while outfits gives them clothings.​
Terrarian companions will not get skins and outfits, since you can give them yourself.​
Companions will now try to leave water when they are drowning, and your character is somewhere dry.
Added Blue's missing animations with a Bunny.
Nerfed the number of boss spawning items that you can find as reward from Bounty Quests.
Instead of giving about 1~3 items, It will only give 1.​
Nerfed also the number of Life Crystals, Life Fruits, Ether Hearts and Ether Fruits you get from Bounty Quests.
For Life Crystal and It's variant, you can have the chance of only finding one.​
For Life Fruit and It's variant, you can get up to 2.​
There is now a option on the companion AI to hide their Merfolk and Werewolf form.
Don't ask.​
Mabel will enjoy a bit less sitting on Thrones and Benches.
Instead of having her hands behind the head, she will now have her hands on her leg.​
Fixed the Lamia Hair showing the Terrarian companion hair when equipped.
Well, this update is huge, not only because of the review on female TerraGuardians sprites, but also because of the Combat and Follow AI changes.

The female companions gained a review on their chest, but I tried my best to make that not rise the mod age rank, even more to avoid removing the thread from here. With that I also had to review some of their animations too.

I also implemented a Skin and Outfit system, but as the change log says, only Bree has an skin to unlock, which removes the bag she carries on the neck.
The Skins and Outfits are planned to be unlocked If you meet certain requirement. Probably most of them will be unlockable by completting companions personal request. Talking about that, give me your feedback about Bree's personal request.

Also talking about requests, due to the stress caused by receiving new requests over and over during the gameplay, It was extremelly hard to actually explore the world, so I decided to no longer make the mod show that a companion has a new request on the chat. You can still check If the companion has a request by checking the Guardian Selection Interface, talking to It about requests, or by checking the Requests tab, with It summoned.

Due to the change above, I had also to add a new way of the companion gaining friendship exp, and you can now rise the companion friendship overtime with the new Comfort system. The comfort rises overtime, but It will rise faster when the companion uses furnitures, and has town npcs and other companion npcs nearby.
Some factors may hinder or even nullify the comfort, like events and other things. With this new system, you no longer need to get requests from companions to rise their friendship level enough to summon them.

And to finish, there were fixes and changes to Combat and Follow AI. Companions will now behave a lot better when using melee weapons, but sadly, a classic problem from N Terraria afflicts this mod too: Companions will have hard times calculating distance from the target, if their target is to the left. This will be a major problem for small and Terrarian companions. I also made the companions less blood thristy, so the monsters actually must get near them for them to try attacking, but not that near like "right in front of my face".

All the changes above may need review, so be sure to give your feedback on the changes.

I didn't managed to be able to fix the companions left arm being drawn under the head, but I'll try fixing that later. I really had to launch the update, because the hiatus was really long.

I also added a Classic Mode option. When turned on, the maximum number of companions you can have following you will be set to 1, and Ether Heart and Ether Fruits will no longer come as rewards from anything. This is intended if you don't intend to make a one man raid, or want to hardwork to increase the health of your companions.

As for the plannings...

Since I've been able to change the girls chest, I'll need to look for ways of making the companions arms look less... Stick? They should at least have some muscles
in their arms. Also, some of the companion attack animations are horrible, like is the case of Blue's item swinging animation. I'll have to review them too.

I have an idea of how I can add summons to companions, I will need to override their AI with a custom AI programmed specially for them. The problem, is that the player character still causes intervention on the summons, so I'll have to use a little work around: Create a identical summon projectile, and set It to use the custom summon AI. I'll still need to test how that will work, but if It works outstandingly, you can expect summons for your companions on the next mod updates.

And the last planning, you know that some companions are couples, what if they shared the same house? But I would need to think how I'll do that. Also, how they would share their bed. I think this may be a fun experiement to do.

Well, enjoy your gameplay, and have fun. :)

Edit:. I forgot one thing on the list. Bree and Blue have different reactions to certain npcs, can you wonder which npcs they would react to?
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This mod doesn't actually have an official discord server, and even If It had a discord server, I wouldn't be in It because currently I can't use the program.
By the way, that bug of the arm being drawn behind the hair is still kind of character breaking, since It will really feel that isn't really a Terrarian character.
My best bet would be if tModLoader gains an update to Terraria 1.4, because It seems like Terraria 1.4 has a new way of drawing Terrarian characters, without the need of a player character, I guess.

By the way, new version means hotfix incoming, and yep, It's here:
The mod will now tell you when Rococo appear nearby.
Fixed the range checking of the melee attack on combat AI, when your companion doesn't have a heavy swing attack.
Removed the revive message, because help is never coming.
Fixed Alex's tail animation when over the player.
Changed Alex's sitting animation, to the same as the petrified animation, but colored.
The reason why the version jumped to 2, is because when I launched the first hotfix version, I decided to do a testing, and found out that Alex's animation was broken.
Anyway, I removed the hope of having your character be revived when knocked out cold, while having your entire team is knocked out cold too.
The counter will come back when I manage to make the system work, and probably wont last 15 seconds forever when It returns.
That's actually bizarre, but I have an idea of what may be happening there.
Also, I'm not sure if debugging during morning set is healthy, hahaha.

Edit:. Oh yeah, just telling, but there is a bug on the current version of the mod, related to companions targetting monsters.
Due to changes on how the combat and targeting works, I forgot to add extra flags to several AIs, so... Companions will sometimes
remain stationary while targetting a monster far away, being unable to follow you or do anything else, until you either pull them, or
the monster gets in enough range for them to attack.

The bug Itself I've already fixed on the indev version, but until It doesn't comes, you can fix It by forcing pull the companion to your position
by using an order.
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It's time for another hotfix release.
Fixed a bug where two messages telling that Blue appeared nearby, written in different ways, would pop up.
There is no more something in and on the campfire.​
The mod now counts as zombies:
Halloween and Christmas themed zombies, Frozen Zombies, Spore Zombies, Blood Zombie, Raincoat Zombie, The Groom, The Bride and Doctor Bones.​
Fixed a bug where the companion would be locked in place, when It notices a monster nearby, but isn't in enough range to begin attacking It.
When using NExperience mod, companions will no longer gain Defense bonus from game modes while having no defense at all on themselves.
Water walk effects will now be negated when you or you companion gets knocked out.
Your companions will now correctly gain aggro reduction when knocked out.
The 6th accessory slot will now be shown correctly where It should be.
Fixed a bug where comfort would get an extra boost due to old comfort script intervention.
Due to that, the maximum number of town npcs that can contribute to comfort increase has been increase, aswell as the multiplier for having them too.​
Terrarian companions now sleeps in beds.
Bree got Blood Moon messages.
Why didn't she had?​
Changed the "Classic Mode" option to "No Ether Item".
It will still prevent the mod of giving you Ether Hearts and Ether Fruits, but will no longer block the maximum number of companions you can have.​
Don't you guys have auto control?​
Changed the Friendship Levels required to call assist guardians.
1 Assist = 2 -> 2
2 Assist = 5 -> 6​
3 Assist = 8 -> 12​
4 Assist = 10 -> 18​
5 Assist = 14 -> 25​
Companions will treat bosses as creatures that doesn't need to get closer for them to attack.
Reverted Vladimir's npc spawn requirement, now he can spawn again at any wall on the Underground Jungle, and also did some changes to It's AI.
After accepting his request, he will now follow the player. Also teleporting when the player is away.​
That will only happen until you feed him all the fish he wants.​
He will no longer talk while hugging, at least until the hug timer has run out and he's ready to be recruited.​
It will still need testing to see if the changes will be alright in the game. One thing that will surelly be obvious, is that the companions will
rise friendship slower with the new update, due to the comfort system fix, but to counter that issue, I made some tweaks to make It increase comfort level faster
if the companion is surrounded by other companions/town npcs.

The increase of assist companion friendship rank requirement is to add more challenge to the game, If you aren't speed running the game, those changes may be alright. I kind of think that the changes to the comfort system may cause troubles to this, but you guys can help me test that.

By the way, the mod is on NexusMods, of course using the Mod Browser is a lot better to update It, but give your support to the mod by Endorsing It.
Link: NexusMods -

And Malisha is nearly done for launch, I just need to make her recruitment npc. I just need to find the right way of making you feel embarrassed during her recruitment.

Enjoy your gameplay. :3
I'll fix those message issues.
And oops, I'll investigate that headwear issue. Damn, looks like I'm developing dominoes, heh.
Behold, a new update!
Readjusted Mabel's chest sprite.
Fixed a stray pixel problem on Blue.
Terrarian companions will no longer remove their headgear when stopped.
This issue surged because the standing animation is the same as the sleep animation, and sleep animation normally removes headgear from TerraGuardians.​
More comfort boost.
Fixed Leopold's dash running animation not working for the arms.
Town guardians will now hurry to revive downed allies nearby.
Companions will now comment when your character is their room mate.
Changed the requirement as to which is necessary for Brutus to show up.
Instead of increasing minimally the chances of him showing up by defeating challenges in the world, now you need to have at least 5 town npcs in the world, and wait for him to show up.​
It doesn't really makes sense offering a bodyguard job to someone who can overcome dangers, beside due to how lazy he is... Okay, his spawn chance is still boosted by number of bosses killed.​
Fixed an aiming problem companions were having in combat.
Due to that, they will now only try attacking when they have their aim set on their target.​
Malisha arrives.
Brutus recruit npc will now only try leaving the world at night.
Nerfed Blue's chest.
Long time no new companion, right? Well, gladly this update breaks that. I want to present to you Malisha.

Panther Guardian.png
Malisha: "*So many test subjects around, I think that will be good for my researches.*"

She's Leopold's apprentice, beside he really regrets having her as studdent. She likes to practice magic and test her researches on anyone, and she doesn't care about who's her test subject, or if the effects of her research will be harmful for their test subject. She decides to visit your world after a rumor about It has reached her ears. Domino seems to have interest in some of the things she creates during her researches, maybe in the future, some of them will show up on his store.

Well'p, that's all for her introduction. I'm sorry for not saying much about the update, but since last week, I've been kind of stressed out. Gladly, seeing the mod running well before launching the update, made me feel a bit better.

Now, the next challenge I'll have to face in the mod, is to make their Idle AI more interesting, but I'll try doing that when I get better.

Enjoy the update. :)
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The new TerraGuardian looks cool
Well, nobody complained yet, beside I partially feel bad about the nerf.

And now, for the also expected thing that happens after an update comes, hotfixes!
Companions can no longer try dropping of platforms when holding up control.
That could cause a bug where the companion would try falling, and getting back into the platform repeatedly.​
Outfits are no longer a Skin selector with a different name.
You no longer need to rush trying to talk to Blue on the next 5 seconds since she asks what you were thinking.
Companions will no longer hurry their dialogue when speaking to your character.
Skins and Outfits selected will now correctly be saved with the companion.
Sadly, due to crash issues, the new skin for Sardine didn't arrived on this update. Probably on the next one It will come.
Be sure to help him with his King Slime issue if you want to try It on the next update.

Enjoy :D
The Starbound NPCs have a quite advanced path finding system (and I say quite because they behave a bit dumb sometimes).
Path finding is one of the things in the list of todo, but I don't really have the experience with that, so that will be another
experiement I'll have to play with the mod. Also, I can't simply make a path finding system that gets the trajectory until the targetted
location, because that would not only cause the game to stutter, but also make huge use of memory, which isn't good either.

Yep, another challenge for me.
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