tModLoader [1.4.4] TerraGuardians - Terraria Companions Mod

...It's a good thing I've finished my ARPG playthrough before trust system arrived, huh. I tried to stack armor on them, and told to stay as far from melee as possible, but that didn't help much...

Ahem. It's a very cool mod, and it's really adds having some actual characters hanging around. And them looking at backgrounds is a nice touch.

But I have got a few things want to ask.

First, about some quest. How to access Bree's bagless skin and princess outfit? I've been doing her requests for a while, but they've all been generic.

Second, about rquirements. I can't seem to meet Glenn. Dryad also mentioned some guardian in the dungeon looking for someone, but even after a couple of blood moons spent in there I haven't met anyone new. I was bringing Fluffles with me, but I guess that wasn't related to her.

Third, about sprites. Large guardian jumping sprite feels off. I get it that they do the same pose as player, but their legs aren't 6 pixels long either. I tried to edit Blure's sprite a bit to make a less goofy pose, but I don't think I'm good enough at it. Also, it may be on my end, but Vladimir's legs were flipping upside-down when he was sitting down on a couch.

Fourth, about Blue. Her dialogue being third-person is at odds with other talking characters, and feels off. Is there any plans to change that? Also, can I do something to stop her and company from violently bullying poor Sardine? Or should I just send them home?

Also, I find it pretty cool that Michelle gets the same race as player if modded.
Well, gotta answer the wall of text. I'm glad it's very readable, though, I wont get lost when trying to answer it.

The trust system is getting some changes on next update, aswell as a reset on the trust level.

About the numbered questions...

For Bree's skin and outfits: Bree's bagless skin comes from a special request she gives you. Companions give you a special request after completting 2 requests.
Bree's damsel outfit (wasn't actually intended to be a princess outfit, even more since I kinda messed up with the hat), is buyable. You can guess who sells it.

Glenn is as random as Bree. You may even end up finding him before meeting one of his parents, beside that will still render him unrecruitable. The guardian in the dungeon is another companion, and he do have a quite small chance of appearing, and can be easy to miss him if you don't pay attention. Gladly he's quite talkative, and sadly... Well... You'll know when you find him.

As for the companions jump animation, I really tried to make them like Terrarian's jumping animation. Doing the jump animation can be a bit tricky depending on the jump style. I could try making different jump animations depending on the speed the companion is moving (not like Leopold's jump animation), but I would need some time to spend some time trying to work on that. And that frame for Blue's jumping seems quite fitting for when falling.

As for Blue's dialogue, It's because initially, the companions were intended to speak like that. It is also really annoying to create dialogues to companions that way, so I had to change the dialogues of them to a more direct speech. Zacks also contains part of that kind of third person dialogue, but as for Rococo, I wont be changing that.

As for Michelle, It's because she actually use the same sprites as the player, but she doesn't functions like one. I will still have to work on making the vanity to terrarian companions work as intended.

Don't worry, because I plan on launching a new update soon. I'm currently trying to change a thing to increase convenience.

Have fun :D
As for Michelle, It's because she actually use the same sprites as the player, but she doesn't functions like one. I will still have to work on making the vanity to terrarian companions work as intended.
Yeah, I saw that a few pages back. Although when I first saw her, she reminded me of AI companion of same race that was automatically spawned from when I was playing, I think, NTerraria, ages ago. I'm just saying, if it's planned to be fixed, I hope there'll be an option to revert the fix or something of similar nature.

Guess something got borked on my end for Bree and Glenn, then. Gotta see if it works properly on a playthrough with less insane mod list.

And, most importantly, at least for me, was Sardine's Torments question not answered accidentally or intentionally, and if it's the latter, with what intent? I mean, should I get my hopes up or not?
Well, I also made N Terraria. TerraGuardians mod is an implementation of NPPlayers on tModLoader, but I had to make a different system for them, since I can't modify the player objects without changing part of how Terraria works.

Bree's outfit is quite simple to be unlocked, and even more possible now since a number of updates ago I reduced the fish requirement for her request. I had to reduce because I wasn't being able to catch all the fish she asked for before the timer ran out. And as for Glenn, just keep playing the game and you'll bump into him.

And looks like I got a bit lost when answering the questions, and didn't answered about that one related to wolf companions and Sardine. Sending the bullies home will make Sardine stop mentioning that, but that is bad because you will have less one or more companions disponible at your world.

In the future I may end up adding a quest or interaction to make those companions stop bullying Sardine, but I will need to think of the right way to do that.

Anyways, at least the multiple participants action system isn't in yet, since the plan was of you eventually being able to withness that happening, and of course, intervene.

I guess I answered all questions.
Well, I also made N Terraria.

Yeah, I remembered that, and that's why at first I thought that was a feature.

Bree's outfit is quite simple to be unlocked, and even more possible now since a number of updates ago I reduced the fish requirement for her request. I had to reduce because I wasn't being able to catch all the fish she asked for before the timer ran out. And as for Glenn, just keep playing the game and you'll bump into him.

Well, I did quite a few requests for Bree, so after them and some travel together, by ML our friendsip level was about or over 15 (although I don't remember requests being about fishing, mostly finding gel and killing King Slime, EoW and corruption enemies, even deep in HM), and made it through most of pre-HM and entirety of HM after meeting her and haven't met Glenn, so it's probably something breaking in a weird and spectacular way on my end.

Anyways, at least the multiple participants action system isn't in yet, since the plan was of you eventually being able to withness that happening, and of course, intervene.

Sounds great.

I guess I answered all questions.

Yup, thanks, that's all of them. For now, eh-he-he-he-he! Although, there's a couple of issues I almost forgot about.

There seems to be an issue with modded bullet-changing guns, and especially shotguns - they shoot a single musket bullet when used by companions.

And Michelle doesn't equip angel halo =<

Edit: Oh, almost forgot. Do companions have any use for personal savings?
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modded bullet-changing ammo has their own method to launch projectiles. They wont affect companions because the way they use items is also different, and independs of the player character. Would be necessary to add compatibility to such weapon, but there is not yet any kind of other mod compatibility system for companions.

Angel halo isn't equipped on Michelle, because It's considered an accessory. I would need to implement a system to make terrarian companions be able to wear any accessory equipment.

The companions personal savings has no use yet. In the future I'll try adding some.
It seems like guardian housing flags positions and valid housing detection cursor are affected by UI scale - I guess they are anchored to top left corner, and both flag and area one has to click on to set the housing are shifted down and to the right.

Edit: Oh, and cursors that point to guardians too. They're still off a bit on 4K resolution even with 100% UI scale, though.
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UI scale issue happens on lower resolutions too, except on lowest ones where UI scaling stops working at all.
I've changed the resolution to 1024x768 for this example. Only guardians and cheatsheet mod enabled.
1a - 100% UI scale.
1b - 111% UI scale.
1c - 128% UI scale, maximum for 1024x768 resolution.
1d - seems like area of valid housing is shifted too, clicking within original house produces "Not a valid house" message.


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The companions personal savings has no use yet. In the future I'll try adding some.
Having 4 walking piggy banks is pretty useful as it is.

Anyways on topic, I had the idea of being able to “remotely shop” using companions. At a certain level of friendship (maybe 12 for example) you could unlock another tab in the companion commands menu that would allow you to select items to buy, give the companion the money, and let them go grab whatever it is for you. (Maybe not literally, but they could teleport there and act like they were interacting with said NPC). I know that’s a lot of coding and pretty complicated, but that’s why it’s just an idea.

About my music, I’m encountering an unholy amount of issues. I’m not giving up, but I’m pretty damn confused. It’s probably gonna be a pretty long time before anything actually gets done. I’m so sorry, I should’ve worked out all the kinks BEFORE asking if you could use music for your mod. I’m really exploiting your kindness. I promise it’ll be worth it in the end!
Having 4 walking piggy banks is pretty useful as it is.

Anyways on topic, I had the idea of being able to “remotely shop” using companions. At a certain level of friendship (maybe 12 for example) you could unlock another tab in the companion commands menu that would allow you to select items to buy, give the companion the money, and let them go grab whatever it is for you. (Maybe not literally, but they could teleport there and act like they were interacting with said NPC). I know that’s a lot of coding and pretty complicated, but that’s why it’s just an idea.

About my music, I’m encountering an unholy amount of issues. I’m not giving up, but I’m pretty damn confused. It’s probably gonna be a pretty long time before anything actually gets done. I’m so sorry, I should’ve worked out all the kinks BEFORE asking if you could use music for your mod. I’m really exploiting your kindness. I promise it’ll be worth it in the end!
The idea of a asking companions to buy something for you is actually good. I think tModLoader has something to find out what a npc has for sale. I will have to try checking out how I'll do that.

As for the music, no worry. Even I have my hands quite tied right now, and am struggling to finish the mod update. When the music is ready, it is. Beside I don't remember anymore for what the music was.
The idea of a asking companions to buy something for you is actually good. I think tModLoader has something to find out what a npc has for sale. I will have to try checking out how I'll do that.

As for the music, no worry. Even I have my hands quite tied right now, and am struggling to finish the mod update. When the music is ready, it is. Beside I don't remember anymore for what the music was.
Thanks for considering the idea. :)

I think my goal was to design some short and not super intense songs for the few combat based companion encounters we have currently. (An example being encountering Zacks during a blood moon.) I haven’t been playing much of anything on TML recently, so I’ve really forgot most of the encounters. I know Zacks and the Pig cloud are hostile (forget its name), but I forget any others. I could also always add music for encountering fluffles. That’s another experience in and of itself.

Any others you would like music for?
Thanks for considering the idea. :)

I think my goal was to design some short and not super intense songs for the few combat based companion encounters we have currently. (An example being encountering Zacks during a blood moon.) I haven’t been playing much of anything on TML recently, so I’ve really forgot most of the encounters. I know Zacks and the Pig cloud are hostile (forget its name), but I forget any others. I could also always add music for encountering fluffles. That’s another experience in and of itself.

Any others you would like music for?
The emotional pig companion has 4 names, but you can simply call them "Wrath".
It would be really interesting having a music for when the player is being chased by Fluffles, would certainly increase the drama.
Hey guys! How's it going? A new TerraGuardians update is out now!
Fixed a bug where if a dangerous tile is under the tile the companion is stepping, the companion will try avoiding it like as if was stepping on the tile.
Increased the pitfall distance checking from 4 times to 6.
Fixed Miguel's arms being drawn in the incorrect order when facing the background.
Companions ages are now universal.
-> No more character bound ages for your companions.
Companions will no longer try sending their fallen leaders to heaven.
Damage companions receives from tiles like Spikes will now have their damage discounted by Defense and Defense Rate.
Bree should no longer mention someone you don't have in your world yet.
Increased trust acquired when companion isn't in the team.
-> Trust increase is higher for companions that are furious towards you.
Reduced the penalty on trust for having the companion be knocked out cold.
The mod will now tell when the trust level of a companion following you drops or increases to a new level.
Fixed an issue where the follow trust message were showing twice, when checking the trust possibilities.
Remember the request trust requirement? No more exists.
Added a trust level requirement for the companion to visit your world.
Companions that can't die will no longer enter KO state several times.
Changed a few things about Wrath's mini boss fight.
-> Wrath shall no longer leave your character flattened.
-> Fixed a bug where he says his defeat message whenever he's hit by an attack;
-> Hits inflicted on Wrath will be 1/4 effective.
-> -> By that I mean, the game will get the damage inflicted on him, reduced by defense, and the result will be 25% of it.
-> Wrath will be less tolerant to ranged attacks.
-> Wrath will try retaliating several melee attacks.
Changed a few things about the Zombie Guardian boss fight.
-> All attacks inflicted on him will be 1/4 effective.
-> -> Just like on Wrath.
-> Teleporting far away from it will no longer make it pull you through the entire map.
-> His rear attack now happens faster on normal worlds.
-> His sword attack is also faster.
-> Blood Vomit attack is also faster.
Companions will now be less rigid about positioning when following you on your travels.
-> That also fixes an issue with "Follow Ahead" AI.
Fluffles will no longer drown or be affected by fireblocks.
Companions following you will no longer jump facing the wall like complete morons, when they face one during the travels.
-> They will also be pulled towards you.
Fixed a crash that happened when a projectile that spawns more projectiles caused the game to crash. Ex:. Beenades.
Homeless companions will leave the world, and return when they have a house for them.
Attempted to make the mod clean up memory overtime.
Companions will now comment when players gets something cool.
When a companion is talking about someone meeting them, they will instead comment in first person, instead of in third person.
-> Didn't got it? Instead of saying "Someone has met x, I hope they're nice.", the companion will instead say "I have met x, they're nice.".
Companions will now mention about:
-> Completting a number of angler quests.
-> Killing Moon Lord for the first time.
-> Starting Hardmode.
Removed the moments where the mod fires "Call" to all mods, looking for companion entries.
-> Now you need to add the custom companion infos on PostSetupContent().
Fixed a bug where Miguel could spawn regardless of his spawn requirement.
Fluffles will no longer despawn when her recruit npc bumps on someone she already met.
You will get Liebre on your team if you enter a world with your characters during 2021's October.
-> Liebre will be counted as a Starter companion, so you can also call and ask him to move in without any other requirement.
Fixed a bug where companions npcs weren't aging based on global mod time.
Controlling a companion will make a number of the controlled companion status to increase based on your character status.
The dialogue "I want to talk to you." has now be changed to "Let's talk about other things.".
-> That dialogue is now also present all the time.
The dialogue "Talk about other things" has been changed to "Let's review some things".
Added a Quests system.
-> The quest system will better let you track the current quests in the game world.
-> Quests will also show you the story progress of the quest, based on what you did during that quest, in case you want to read it in the future.
-> Zacks Meatbag Outfit has been implemented as that quest. Due to that, you need to redo that quest line to unlock the outfit, if you did it at least once.
-> The unused button that once was destined to Guardian Spells, has changed function to instead open the Quest Interface.
-> -> It was also relocated to be right next to the guardian selection interface button.
Fixed a issue where Zacks counted as a Medium sized companion.
Button list on the interface under the inventory will no longer be resetted when a companion is active.
The trust ranks will now have spaces between their words.
Bree gained a Witch outfit.
-> You can get it from Goodie Bags.
-> Outside of the Halloween event, her outfit can be acquired from other ways.
Alex gained a Cyborg outfit.
-> You can get it from Goodie Bags.
-> Outside of the Halloween event, his outfit can be acquired from other ways.
Wrath gained a Devil outfit.
-> You can get it from Goodie Bags.
-> Outside of the Halloween event, his outfit can be acquired from other ways.
There is a weird anomaly happening in the game during the halloween.


First of all, let me introduce our newest TerraGuardian. I want you guys to meet:

Bunny Reaper Guardian Skeleton.png
Liebre: "*There is a huge amount of lost souls on your world, I can help take them to their resting place.*"

The Reaper companion can store in it's plasma body the soul of fallen foes, and also hold the soul of fallen allies until they respawn, if they respawn.
Upon delivering the souls stored in himself to their destination, he will benefit every ally in the world with useful buffs. I only hope people don't fear him too much, since he's such a nice guy.

Do notice that as of now, he doesn't have a recruitment quest, but he will be given as a free companion if you enter the game during October of 2021.
All you need to do is enter a world with any character during the time period, and he'll be added to your companion list.

Quest System

The mod also got a quest system to officialize the quests in the mod. Quests and interesting events will be logged there, and you can track the next objective, and the story so far of the quest you are doing, or you've completed. Currently, only the Meat Bag outfit quest line is disponible, and more will be coming in the future.

I also took some liberty to update some texts of the quest line, and possibly make the quest more interesting. I hope you guys like the result.

New Skins for Halloween

Our contributor Smokey did 3 skins for you to celebrate halloween with your companions. The skins are:
Bree(Halloween Edition).png
Bree's Witch Outfit with Make up: You can toggle between the outfit and make up.
Alex Model 3000- Turquoise Shark Skin: Totally made with love, and he nearly died for it.
Pig Guardian Anger(Halloween Edition).png
Wrath's Devil Form: Doesn't means that now he'll rule the underworld.

All those outfits are acquireable from Goodie Bags. Outside of halloween event, they can be acquired by other methods. None of them will require you to nearly beat Terraria to unlock, but you'll need to have the companion following you to find the outfit item.

Trust System Tweaks

Due to issues related to the trust system, the companions trust system were tweaked to be less impositive and annoying. Also, anyone who has a trust level under 30, will have their companion trust level rose to that level upon loading a save file with that update.

I hope you guys manage to take care of your companions to avoid them leaving you again. And pay attention to their trust levels.

I hope you guys have fun, and enjoy your holidays. Here where I live, Halloween is nearly extinct, but I really like the idea of the holiday (beside can't see it working where I live).

See ya on next update.
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I launched a hotfix for this update. Mod buffs and invalid buffs shall no longer cause your fun to cease.
Mod buffs will no longer be saved by companions.
The mod will now check if the buff id is valid, before trying to draw it on the interface.
Enjoy your gameplay.
Cinnamon and Rococo become smaller as they was before,i tried option with scaling,but that didn't help much(and also make Cinnamon even more smaller)

P.S. Grim reaper looks avesome,spesialy his 'drawing' mechanics
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Cinnamon and Rococo become smaller as they was before,i tried option with scaling,but that didn't help much(and also make Cinnamon even more smaller)

P.S. Grim reaper looks avesome,spesialy his 'drawing' mechanics
That's because I unified their age, so their age and life time is the same for all character.

And yeah, the Grim Reaper is really cool.
for the life of me, i cannot figure out how to give life crystals to my companion. It tells me to give them permission to use them but i can't find the button for it.

scratch that question.

also, this is most likely a "me" thing, but is there an option to disable the trust system? And how do you get multiple companions?

Is it possible to bring back the ability to make our custom players be companions like NTerraria?

sorry for the questions bombardment :D
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