PS4 2 Bugs that cause game crash for the guest in multiplayer


Me and a friend have noticed that the game crashes for the guest of a multiplayer session when opening a chest with a key like a golden chest for instance and when destroying any of the Moon Lords eyes. We have tried both of these things 3 times and everytime it crashed for him.
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Me and a friend have noticed that the game crashes for the guest of a multiplayer when opening a chest with a key like a golden chest for instance and when destroying any of the Moon Lords eyes. We have tried both of these things 3 times and everytime it crashed for him.
Hi there @Odin5226, thanks for sharing this info about the bugs you found.

The bug involving not being able to open the dungeon gold chests with a key without crashing is known and on the list to be worked on.

For the crash when destroying any of the Moon Lord's eyes... can you replicate it every time that it'll crash when an eye is killed? There was a recent hotfix that fixed a crash dealing with segmented enemies and other mobs (like the Stardust Dragon). Have you updated to the latest version, I think it's labeled as 1.10? Although if you can replicate that you crash when specifically killing an eye, that sounds different.

I'd recommend sending in your information directly to the developers here: Be as detailed as you can and provide step by step replication methods if you can. :)

You can also send in your own character and world info so that they can see exactly what is happening, directions are here: SEND US A COPY OF YOUR SAVE DATA
Not only gold chests but shadow chest and maybe even the biome-specific chests in the dungeon but I haven't heard or seen it happen with the biome-specific chests yet!

But I think the Host should be the only one allowed to open locked chests and give items to others if they really need them, what if some random player jumps in and go and open a chest or 2-3 and leaves with said items. (and this is also about any chests too) They would likely be lost! And then the host would have to make another world to get the chest again, and maybe more cause you only get crimson or corruption and you can't seem to choose what version you want so they might need to make it for the other version they didn't get
happy to see you also reporting the crashing when guest uses key on dchests. Its what made my y brother stop playing alltogether, we could still take most bugs even though most bugs are also gamebreaking but this killed it for him.

I reported it multiple times on forums and also sent in a form about this and got 0 feedback so atleast i now read its a known bug thats on 'the list' to be fixed.
happy to see you also reporting the crashing when guest uses key on dchests. Its what made my y brother stop playing alltogether, we could still take most bugs even though most bugs are also gamebreaking but this killed it for him.

I reported it multiple times on forums and also sent in a form about this and got 0 feedback so atleast i now read its a known bug thats on 'the list' to be fixed.
I’ve responded to you personally many times @Ipos letting you know that Pipeworks is going over every bug report that they’ve received, and is receiving and considering all the feedback posted here. They are even going so far as to set up a way for the players to send in their characters and worlds. I’m not sure what other feedback you personally want. Yes, there are still bugs that they are working on. Those that have taken the time to send in a bug report, like you, are appreciated so that Pipeworks can continue ironing out the issues.
I’ve responded to you personally many times @Ipos letting you know that Pipeworks is going over every bug report that they’ve received, and is receiving and considering all the feedback posted here. They are even going so far as to set up a way for the players to send in their characters and worlds. I’m not sure what other feedback you personally want. Yes, there are still bugs that they are working on. Those that have taken the time to send in a bug report, like you, are appreciated so that Pipeworks can continue ironing out the issues.
The feedback i want is that every gamebreaking bug ive reported is actually being fixed so i can play again. I have never gotten any confirmation that the forms ive sent in where even recieved. It was getting worse and worse, my thread about it became a mountain of bugs stacking real fast. @gtasthehunter the chest bug was the last nail on the coffin and made my y brother quit so i didnt feel like playing anymore either since i dont play games like these solo.
And about the moon lord crashing try have it autosave before the last pillar and then off autosave off!

gamebreaking bug
There still really isn't any game-breaking bugs, can't really call crashing or even getting corrupt data game-breaking, and if you don't back up saves which should be a standard practice that isn't game-breaking.

If it was anything game-breaking I wouldn't even be able to even be able reach the Moon Lord left alone to be able to fight and defeat the Moon Lord!

And Manual Saving and Exit Without Saving does need to return this would help with being able to save when we need to, or maybe they need to add 2 auto-save slots
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The feedback i want is that every gamebreaking bug ive reported is actually being fixed so i can play again. I have never gotten any confirmation that the forms ive sent in where even recieved. It was getting worse and worse, my thread about it became a mountain of bugs stacking real fast. @gtasthehunter the chest bug was the last nail on the coffin and made my y brother quit so i didnt feel like playing anymore either since i dont play games like these solo.
Hi there @Ipos, if you sent in info using their bug report form, then they received it. :) All details of bugs and feedback sent in are looked at and appreciated, and I think it would be fair to say that pausing their work to answer every single person would be counterproductive. You can rest assured that if you sent it in they have the info and are looking at it.
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