Game Mechanics A Block placement quality-of life improvement


Implemented in the 1.3 update!

You know how when you encounter a new placeable item and you have no idea how to place it? Or maybe you were one of those people who had no idea how to make a Door work when you first started the game. Maybe you just get frustrated when you have to place the same piece of furniture several times because it doesn't seem to want to land in the right spot. Whatever the case may be, this will improve your life as a Terrarian builder, interior designer, or general block-placer.

Here's the idea. Whenever you are trying to place an item, a semi-transparent image of the tile you are placing will snap onto the block grid, so you know exactly where it is going, how big it is, and what it looks like. If you are placing the item in an invalid location, the tile will turn a red hue, letting you know that you have to shift where you're placing it or try a different spot. If possible, this would also show the position of tiles such as Torches, Switches, and Gems, which appear differently depending on which sides have adjacent blocks.

Imagine how much easier everything would be, and how many fewer times you would make mistakes or look like a fool trying to place a Star in a bottle on a Table rather than on the ceiling. It's the perfect solution to several block placement hiccups, and if implemented, it would make a world of change to the convenience of building, interior designing, and general block-placing.

That is all. Feedback is appreciated.
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I've had issues with this here and there in the past. I would love to know how big the object is before placing it, because sometimes objects are way bigger or smaller than you think. And knowing if it's something that can only be placed on a table or a ceiling would be nice too.
Honestly this is such a great suggestion it makes you wonder why it wasn't ALREADY in the game, especially when other sandbox games ALREADY DO THIS.

This is one of those things I love about Starbound.
Toggleable. Toggleable is always good. Oh yes.

Tables. It's always the tables that seem to be irksome.

Also did anyone ever try to place something like a tiki torch on the end of an upward-sloping tile? Something like atop the slash character here: ===/ It can't be placed! It looks like it should, but in, it can't be placed. We'd like to at least know that the engine knows it can't be placed.
Would it be like Starbound's mechanic where you hover over a spot and the image is red or blue?
For me the worst are the 2 (or 4) block wide objects. I can never remember which block acts as the anchor. This would make it so much easier.
Although if it's easier to implement, a simple box outline showing the placement would suffice.
I would rather have it an option that is on by default, because I personally might get bothered by it at some point. I dunno, I'm weird like that. I just like being able to place them, and not having a whole outline of the thing showing up when I want to place it.

It's a good idea though. It could be really helpful for others.
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