(What I mean is they're likely not going to be able to answer that question with every single OC of theirs due to the shear amount of them to speak as. I mean, it could work, but...)Exactly!
(What I mean is they're likely not going to be able to answer that question with every single OC of theirs due to the shear amount of them to speak as. I mean, it could work, but...)
I can't remember. Most of the time I just wear one of those visors because they're better with headphones.When was the last time you wore sunglasses?
Don't really have one, probably isn't my type of game though.What is your opinion on Ultrakill? View attachment 473753
For me, either Terraria or Pokémon, but only temporarily.(Can't remember if I've asked this here)
<To you and to a couple of OCs of your choice> What video game would you most want to physically enter? (Note: for said OCs, if they already exist in a video game world already, they have to choose one that's not their own.)
do i have friendsHello, and welcome to my AMA!
Here you can ask me anything, aside from personal information (Age, gender, the usual).
I don't have much else to say, so feel free to ask questions.
Edit: Also, my characters are open to questions too, text colors arein the my signaturethey're here again. No way I'm fitting it in the signature anymore, and you can also find a link to my full OC list in my signature.
If you want to ask a character something but don't know much about them you can ask me for their description first! If they don't have a description yet or I can't check my documents, I'll try to explain a few things about them instead.
Foxen: #5abbbfCoal (A Charmander who is kind of a jerk sometimes): #ae3b0aIllian [Flareon]: #ff5555
Spruce [Leafeon]: #55ff55
Vella [Jolteon]: #ffff55
Reona [Vaporeon]: #8888ff
Lanu [Shiny Umbreon]: #004259
Talline [Glaceon]: #c2f8ec
Silnia [Sylveon]: #d070ea
Partine [Espeon]: #ec1cb8
Ian [Shiny Eevee]: #dfe5d1
Joltveon [Jolteon/Sylveon]: #e7b79f
Nov [Draceon (Dragon type Eeveelution)]: #aa00aa
Lune [Luneon (Normal type Eeveelution)]: #8a88a5
Ethereon [Flying type Eeveelution]: #deffb3
Star [Astreon (Twilight type Eeveelution)]: #1f5264
Milo (A mostly silent Lycanroc (Dusk Form, by the way, for anyone wondering)): #e0890f
Myrica (A kind, yet serious Shaymin): #2fc046
Mel (A cheerful, and slightly clumsy Sandshrew): #c69102
Kyan, though most people (IC and OOC) know him as Vest (A somewhat cautious Buizel who likes exploring): #156eb6
Via (A naive and occasionally rude Eevee): #d4b463
Rayne [Drizzile]: #534bf6
Amy [Plusle]: #d83b11
Divi [Minun]: #61acd1
Lucia [Zorua]: #673046
Helios [Pikachu]: #afd2c5
Sylvi [Jirachi]: #d2f400
Algar [Victini]: #e57a04
Lecsi [Mareep]: #ea9c13
Elwind (A reckless but caring Staraptor): #3b516c
Ghosty (A somewhat sarcastic but helpful ghost Keldeo)/Holly (Ghosty before they died): #1ef696
Areus [Shiny Amaura]: #aaeee2
Aurellio [Shiny Chespin]: #960947
Latin (A kind and caring, albeit clumsy at times, Latias): #f31f14
Tale (A calm, but not exactly social Latios): #99ace0
Avin (A somewhat unforgiving mage Riolu): #2255d9
Deca (A cold-hearted male Meowstic): #7d157e
Azuris (A friendly but somewhat timid Manaphy): #445a59
Milan (A cocky, but caring Treecko): #30f2c5
Gilde [Gallade]: #1bcfee
Argentum (A Ledian who is collecting Looplets and Emeras): #a0a5db
Dua (A strategic Hydreigon that hates talking about his past): #2f0109
Elisia (A Vulpix who has amnesia): #cef5cc
Ili [Shiny Illumise]: #afdffc
Lunil [Absol]: #9eafcc
Chrono [Lucario]: #0834c7|#afd942 (Only used if asked, for those that can't see the normal text color)
Viridian [Vivillon]: #ebcaf2
Eri [Butterfree]: #22fcf5
Etch [Kirlia]: #4e4a75
Marcelle [Cinderace]: #cb666b
Sensos [Helioptile]: #9171be
Solus [Mienfoo]: #c1deab
Willow [Fire type Shaymin]: #f17a1b
Seret [Sandslash]: #daaf36
Coron [Armarouge]: #ead12b
Alis [Bunbori, from Pokéfarm Q]: #97fad3/#dcb8ce/#8af76b
Iltum [Weavile]: #34435b
Vesper [Shiny Roserade]: #9ce861
Ixia [Minccino]: #6cb413
Tirra [Shiny Bayleef]: #488e19
Avale [Galarian Ponyta]: #c1114d
Fiaris [Cinccino]: #3e4fd3
Seabreeze (Technically Esther?) [Mudkip]: #b58efb
Muzi [Noibat]: #a563e8
Xaley [Poochyena]: #1511b7/#80e5ee/#1511b7|#525e82 (On my phone)
Exci [Lillipup]: #c7a54d
Timber [Shawchi, from Loomian Legacy on Roblox]: #de9c15
Elys [Pachirisu]: #8bc7f9
Xio [Rotom Dex]: #aaa64f
Allion: #8beebb
Wolf: #a3d36b
Holo: #b4a5b6
Esther [only occasionally uses this text color, mostly outside of rps]: #b3c4d3
Navy: #5f1412
Fragment ([REDACTED]): #0e0203|#8a5186 (Depends on situation)
Roxas: #d29759
Raphael: #6daaca
Noah: #129e78
Marth: #b8312f|#be1a08 (I rarely use this one, but if requested I will use it again (For example to avoid confusion with two characters using the same text color))
Valley: #cceffa
Tiger: #00aa00
Nick: #007700
Snow (Spirit Tiger, basically): #ffffff
August: #eeb760
Liin: #5fa374
Vanitas: #60e5c7
Talonclaw: #58f67a
Sam: #6beafd
Olive/Arro: #a2fed3/#42f28f
Danila: #ca552d
Alternate: #157730
Rose: #23a0e2
Jacky: #b3d4e8
Ellion: #b9a602
Ariah: #eb951d
Twilight: #04505e
Falchion: #6bb4e9
Lively: #cdd0ca
Dawn: #e54a48
Crystal: #ffe18b
Pearl: #fec61c
Sibi: #f37a41
Raven: #392c77
Autumn: #c3842c
Stream: #5eccd2
Daniel: #adc9de
October: #821266
Citrus: #eca94f
Grape: #ce86a1
Ventus: #e3923b
Snowfall: #d2f8fe
Lemon (A Digi Wisp who specializes in the throwing class (F in chat for the throwing class btw)): #e0e94f
Serthe: #2c9fe3
Maxi (A mii gunner): #dd5e1d
Amulet: #0b3d6b
Michael: #9c7d2d
Michelle: #a7e39e
Riverside: #8aa1e6
Laren: #ed7a37
Astre: #f6d132
Seth: #65d0f2
Sangria (My Emerald Tale OC): #322c58
Jasmine: #5d818c
Aurora (DeltaRune OC): #cbd2f1
Cas: #4bc4b3
Lime (A Digi Wisp who specializes in the melee class): #bae660
Mach 5: #9cb7d0
Fat Boy: #9f8d7c
Astrum (My Calamity Mod summoner OC): #5b5d90
Cacao (Astrum's pacifist dragon fren summon): #7b7da6
Lucen (Cacao's "sibling"): #4e3d50
Anna: #a8c3de
Winter: #7a83a6
Brian: #db2338
Sahara: #04d754
Summer: #dfa838
Elisen: #1c3768
Elicia: #37d5a5
Ris: #e5f2ff
Bosque: #71b55e
Sayuri: #2bdcc8
Auris: #afe493
Xavier (A very experienced Pokémon trainer from Kalos): #fbe847
Ecli (A corrupted Digi Wisp): #fc8dc4
Cinderbeak (A friendly medic, and a bird): #c87e43
Soul: #0b049d
Meghan: #4f4e66
Luna: #4b1960
Teri: #85ed8e
Chara (but from my AU, VoidTale): #1d2803
Diamond: #fbe0f1
Koi: #f683fc
Alpha: #5356f7
April (My Minecraft OC): #20917f
Chris: #182286
Alain: #4d515f
Almond: #ccb390
Cin: #914f55
Aurin (My Thorium OC): #6b6770
Nairin (Aurin's lantern fren): #7a5773
Zero: #f5f2bb
Elian: #4a034f
Dark: #374938
Joy: #a63051
Alaine: #e1c126
Night: #8a4afa
Eclipse: #290316
Azeal: #73f2a2
Evien: #93dedf
Trinity: #6ada27
Aurica: #da5044
Vierge: #f3f7ff
Aden: #0c8f67
Sienna (A Shaymin trainer with a Togetic): #4a8274
Silvaro: #472236
Dan: #c0c5ea
Shine: #f0d306
Parallel: #831abc
Cade: #77446c
Pen: #98f4b5
Minol (My Evergate OC, a spirit whose reincarnation went wrong, resulting in him ending up on earth as a spirit): #d4eae7
Novan: #4e575d
Fall: #3a0a2c
Avo: #32aa22
Sketch: #d4b1ff
Alex: #ded0bc|#efe8de (Corrupted)
Taiki (Hello Kitty OC): #d1aa53
Asnia: #5f3675
Orbservatory (Asnia's orb companion): #431f3a/#8bf2c0/#142577
The Wanderer/Vio: #b454fe + #9efe54
Ruby: #c890ee
Frost: #1698e0
Ione: #808080|#a0a0a0 (Corrupted)
Xene: #126972
Nirel: #10a504|#3fb736 (Corrupted)
Silliec (A confident Wielder who can summon creatures): #76fee2
Tasmei: #b4e9b4|#c8efc8 (Corrupted)
Colin: #a9b1cc|#c2c8db (Corrupted)
Lya: #5fb590
Sein: #d5394b/#85f639/#6685e9
Cerise: #d90c27|#e45467 (Corrupted)
Alisa: #b97ae6
Evi: #18604d|#467f70 (Corrupted)
Vi: #2a4a3f
Jason: #263811
J (Jason but from a different universe): #3b4b28
Alene: #9b0e5f
Nathan: #4937fd|#6d5efd (Corrupted)
Lumos: #a59aff
Valerie: #5a4346
Markil: #5b78a9
Ivan: #451c24
Xylia: #4fd23a
Yani: #614278
Enno: #382f45
Fini: #5f696a
Tivo: #88acbc
Vey: #404fb3
Leiya: #b93c95
Arya: #cb43ea
Mio: #f4f2fd
Radiant: #8d48ef
Teo: #3dd7d0
Iveus: #8d9fbe
Draconius: #3c555e
Livian: #10805c
Malis: #2f4e76
Iris: #14b2ed
The Warrior/Antasy: #c0a114
Asuri: #aeb9f2
Nayi: #e15984/#6bffec/#3ab316
Quill: #799891
Hugie (smol Krill boi): #14277c
Iridia: #b6fbd6/#c1b1ea/#b6fbd6
Latte: #9a9ad0
Antael: #454a77
Noelle: #782a58
Lunus: #2e68f1
Sona (My only not wholesome smol dragon so far): #3a1c4e/#f24737/#3a1c4e
Altin: #8b283b/#290c91/#8b283b
Ria: #851e47
Tulip [Celebi]: #90fc9c
Ari [Azurill]: #74f5ea
Tara [Deerling]: #5c6289
Mirage [Dratini]: Rainbow Text
Reca [Glameow]: #6a8ba3
Ezza [Kabutops]: #4b410c
Snowy [Snivy]: #91f432
Rainy [Piplup]: #2bb2f2
Flower [Shiny Shaymin]: #88dce1
Ebony [Dark type Shaymin]: #2d0157
Scarlet [Ghost type Shaymin]: #940b01
Blizz [Ice type Shaymin]: #a9f6f6
Flakey [Fairy type Shaymin]: #cc84d0
Maho [Poison type Shaymin]: #83212d
Wave [Water type Shaymin]: #1017ae
Steen [Rock type Shaymin]: #7e7557
Celestria [Twilight type Shaymin]: #bcc1ca
Aerliza [Furret]: #a7ece3
Castori: #d9e2ee
Leaf: #6ab460
Peronell [Delcatty]: #965880
Calanthe [Tropius]: #0b6e0c
Kryptos [Musharna]: #d28dca
Cyrtan [Shiny Cottonee]: #f25f0d
Mist [Goomy]: #6d8fcb
Sofy [Comfey]: #49c38b
Indigo [Minior]: #3d3ad0
Starwing [Cosmog]: #052bb8
Talon [Corvisquire]: #1149a6
Jano [Shiny Servine]: #2a9266
Lance [Charcadet]: #3e519d
Aticia [Ceruledge]: #3d87d0
Ilara [Hisuian Lilligant]: #efd7f1
Hayle [Glaceon]: #a4dff7
Atu [Marill]: #67ed8b
Clarel [Falinks but Solo]: #8f849a
Andela [Shiny Ribombee]: #c9b1c4
Laur [Inteleon]: #7592e3
Arlen [Houndour]: #106a55
Lily [Shiny Lilligant]: #f498f7
Koru [Foranian Vulpix]: #2a9aad
Tyko [Cyndaquil]: #4c6cc7
Evana [Umbreon]: #0d1f19
Ezve [Dreepy]: #3fd8e2
Aeranthes [Roserade]: #4eb367
Poly [Part-Selenic Porygon-Z]: #515769
Aylian [Hisuian Zoroark]: #bbeac8
Aricho [Shuckle] (WIP but I want to list her here ahead of time): #1c656e
Zaryl [Iron Valiant] (Also WIP but I want to list them here ahead of time): #24104a
Finno [Finneon]: #0a22d9
Elios [Lanturn]: #5c46a3
Toko [Pichu]: #e48b41
Arintos [Archen]: #b6b481
Aldemarin [Gligar]: #9373a9
Jade [Gallade]: #45f4cb
Millie [Espurr]: #b079ce
Solentra [Marshadow]: #6365a6
Zeria [Zeraora]: #11e2fb
Petri [Shiny Fennekin]: #a5d0de
Atsi [Shiny Quilava]: #c83216
Myrilla [Luxray]: #2783b5
Mythri [Ninetales]: #e7e12b
Lumex [Wispur, Loomian]: #95ede8
Frost [Snom] (Not to be confused with the other Frost): #71fac0
Petal [Shiny Ivysaur]: #cdf7c7
Renn: #5a93e3
Tyin: #62f418
Frostwind: #99ebbb
Gaian: #4f893f
Flaire: #8c331c
Hydro: #141d77
Tania: #637680
Yvonne: #9e338e
Lira (A Pokemon Trainer whose team is heavily based on my first few teams in Pokemon Sun): #3ac79a
Reylin (FireRed Trainer): #78ac89
Edali (Crystal Trainer): #8decad
Velona (Emerald Trainer): #4cce20
Lunaie (Ultra Moon Trainer): #0b726a
Kaye (Violet Trainer): #bf91e3
Azamis (Sword Trainer): #7ab26c
Elaine (Let's Go Eevee Trainer): #57bec4
Christi: #d7cd82
Yvette: #417ece
Exel: #9bd0c9
Yvena: #3e0a26
Rhean: #a3b3ba
Reeve: #2e3413
Flanelia: #03e9b5
Arith: #85d8a4
Storm: #74892f
Creamstar (Cat OC): #fefeaa
Blanche: #d8d4f4
Savannah: #1ab4a9
Jake: #db7715
Polar: #a5c7f9
Purple: #6c42f5
Nebula: #562387
Cerviel: #1c1c1c
Asher (A Nocturne Dragon who is friends with Azila): #8a3f1c
Sammy: #01cd36
Julian: #fe5a15
Irivis: #4e6930
Emillys: #628c73
Lucan: #94c8bd
Celes: #30130b
Myrition/Mystin: #a8f480/#50e45c
Anaster: #93b43f
Vinayla: #15d152
Neya: #25b401
Sinela: #43785c
Lana: #29946f
Nicole: #26cfa4
Spectran: #23c7c3
Deniza: #5ffd65
Inil (He's, uh, complicated lorewise. Switch Run Character): #5b8b7d
Elise (Inil's friend): #df4fee
Averil: #6f71be
Ardere: #3b9957
Mirror: #372446|#7317d1 (Alt text color, only used when asked to)
Beta: #7b1a20
Alastor: #182e32
Roselyn: #ffc2a2
Elyvia: #198036
Eryn: #d088be
Aly: #4e52cf
Eriem: #9cdb6e
Clockwork: #0b029d
Valia: #298847
Mayli: #ef3441
Ateas: #6c3183
Pai: #5bd47c
Maurice: #4a687a
Whitney: #eef8f6
Black: #0a165a
Syvvian: #7f0e2a
Cody: #81fe72/#1c9f75
Era (I guess Pen's partner of sorts): #4f0d4a
Jayne: #a7b1e6
Rylin (Jayne's Spirit Companion): #b0c4ed
Signa: #5e44b6
Kona: #843c9a/#181136
Six (Real Name Undecided): #d7920d
Monice: #b1d3e8
Sil: #480153
Eryka: #45b8e8
Arvhin: #52fbf5
Sielra: #d6a7b2
Jab: #037338
Ayviara: #74cf93
Colis: #68869c
Aerinya: #ea5310
Spectrum: #5adc32/#c0b2bd
Samantha (A girl who can see spirits): #d8feea
Axis: #439a9d
Fyhn: #4a6a9b
Kaya (One of my Pinkerlocke dragons on FR): #300c14
The Master: #050413
Felix: #0077b5
Jay: #8a022d
Cyo: #bbb4be
Sern: #681e4d
Star: #bcefec
Erven: #000000
Desire: #000059
Enity: #bde2c3
Astra (Mute Summoner Braixen): #eadc87
Emili: #1256fd
Rai: #eadd51
Dana: #ae0173
Alaso: #aec3b9
Vina: #726fbb
Enil: #d4bea8
Avan: #07dc07
Rini: #b3e5fc
Phyllon: #12e098
Acia: #422001
Ocen: #c58a9a
Cil (Precious Bean): #12489f
Alunia: #470317
Jai: #bb9a39
Obscura: #1a040e
Kiren: #750f1f
Oradi (cat): #639168
Asellus: #16961b
Braven: #441f71
Lyric: #a12c78
Maito: #653bc8
Eavan: #915ec2
Aran: #e2f0b8
Asynia: #a04647
Atlas: #2b3857
Encha: #c0a84b
Ilume: #f4bc02
Nocti: #3a4c7c
Daive: #aef9d8
Tip: #0f5377
Javea: #4a2f00
Linnea: #f86c93
Ephan: #57378b
Xeos: #9064bc
Neutral: #087892
Mana: #9b62f5
Fen: #227207
Rica: #9cacf7
Aladi: #5dd20f
Galact: #7b0f9b
Mally (WIP, but I'm just getting him here ahead of time): #bb2962
Echo (Heavy WIP...): #04d6cd
Zin: #602e51
Erina: #f57904/#98e9ee/#f57904
Tempris: #fdf2fa
Cel: #545e95
Sere: #d8d72b
Liam: #eae788
Zack: [COLOR TBA, just adding here in advance]
Percy: #c6e5ff
Platinum: #9cfced
Charel: #f78cc3
Rythimi: #679faf
Moon: #2e6782
Vivian: #783f4c
Sun: #d1987d
Sora: #7d28dd
Natalie: #131014
Lacey (WIP character): Dark rainbow textTracy [Used in Pokémon Lab on Flight Rising] [Electric Type Shaymin]: #e9d62b
Felius [Used in The Search for the Elements on Flight Rising]: #771419
Evanis [Used in Explorers of Valor on Flight Rising] [Dragonair]: #150e17
Eivee [Used in the Magistream Roleplay on, well, MagiStream]: #59015e i have friends
Possibly is not a no-:(
you were meant to say yes :(
im sad now
im going to reconsider my life choices
How long did it take you to type that gradientOr in general, really. I don't really have much time for answering things normally.
Not very long at all, I use this website to get the BBCode for gradients.How long did it take you to type that gradient
Holy moly I spend like 15 minutes typing gradient text before learning of this.Not very long at all, I use this website to get the BBCode for gradients.
I use a different one for Mirage and Lacey because the above one doesn't have the needed options: Rainbow Text GeneratorBBCode & HTML Text Colorizer
BBcode and HTML text effect generator. Create rainbow text effects and more for your blog or
You can ignore this text because I'm just putting it here for my own convenience: Mirage uses half saturation and 70% lightness, while Lacey uses 20% lightness and full saturation.
(It does, if you're talking about things like what Altin uses (red, blue, same red)! You just have to go to this drop-down menu and choose "Middle gradient":Holy moly I spend like 15 minutes typing gradient text before learning of this.
(Edit: it doesn't have the text that goes back and forth like the gradients I use so oh View attachment 475842 )
I've looked at them before, but I've never really played the game and don't plan to.Have you played Pokemon Infinite Fusion or just looked at Pokemon fusions?
None of them, really.Which of you Pokemon OCs would want to try Infinite Fusion style fusion the most and what species would they want to fuse with? (or who would they want to fuse with if they want to fuse with another OC) If there's too many Pokemon OCs to think about, just go with the first one who pops into mind.