Game Mechanics Banners increase mob drops

Jon Smitten

People have already suggested making changes to the banners so they aren't as numerous or can be combined to give stronger effects...

This suggestion is an extension of the latter option. I thought that after a certain point, it becomes apparent that you're able to kill those mobs efficiently already if you're able to obtain so many banners, so the (higher-level) banners making mobs even easier to kill is quite unneeded. Instead, after a certain level of banner, the default damage/defense bonus stops rising, and a multiplier to the loot drop rate is implemented instead.

I make this suggestion with the idea that people who have killed so many of the respective enemy already isn't going to be interested in how to defeat them more easily. Instead, what they're likely doing by killing so many is actually farming for their drops. Thus, why not help them in that regard, so the game can be less boring by making the grindy parts shorter?
I personally like the "increased range" option, though increased loot drops could be nice. Some loot is just annoying, however; more isn't necessarily better.
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