tModLoader Better Taxes



Better Taxes
Better Taxes is a quality of life mod which improves the Tax Collector in a variety of ways.

Profit from Progression
The amount of money earned from the Tax Collector increases over time as you kill more bosses, ranging from the base 50 copper per NPC to a whopping 10 silver per NPC after defeating the Moon Lord, with a 50% increase in income in Expert Mode. You can check the amount of money that is being earned at any point in time by asking the Tax Collector with his new Status button.

Raised Storage Cap
The amount of money that the Tax Collector is able to store at once is increased from 25 gold to 50 platinum to compensate for the increased money production.

If a Piggy Bank, Safe, or Defender's Forge is placed inside the Tax Collector's house, the amount of money in the Tax Collector's storage will be deposited into the Piggy Bank, Safe, or Defender's Forge in his house at midnight every day.

Emphasis on Customizability
Everything in this mod can be customized using tModLoader's built-in Mod Config GUI. See the "Config File Format" page on the wiki for detailed information on how to tune Better Taxes to your liking.

Mod Support
Better Taxes has built-in support for Calamity and Thorium's bosses. If you are a mod author, a Mod.Call() API is available for you to use to implement your own support for Better Taxes.

Better Taxes is now available for Terraria 1.4 on the Steam Workshop: Steam Workshop::Better Taxes

Extra Information
Please report any bugs you find on the GitHub issues page.
  • Updated to Terraria 1.4.4.
  • Fixed Calamity & Thorium support.
  • Fixed a fatal bug in which the mod would fail to alter tax rates and perform auto-collection on most machines.
  • Added a new "happiness boost" slider.
  • Ported the mod to 1.4.
  • Added a new "master mode boost" slider.
  • Removed the "add custom dialog" option; custom dialog is now always active.
  • Migrated support for the status button to the Dialogue Panel Rework mod.
  • Renamed some default condition names to account for recent boss name changes in certain mods. Condition names that existed prior to this update remain functional.
  • Fixed a few minor typos.
  • Slightly nerfed the Christmas tax multiplier.
  • Deprecated the "AddStatement" method in Mod.Call; it is now the same as defining a recommended value in the "AddKey" method.
  • Removed the "IsFlexible" field in the config file. When a config file is reset, the mod now presents all available custom statements as well as their recommended values in the TaxRates field, allowing for easier config modification.
  • Removed the relatively useless "/settaxes" command.
  • Removed the deprecated and undocumented three-term key system (mod.modworld.field).
  • Fixed a minor bug where the Tax Collector would always have dialog indicating that auto-collection has not been set up for a short period of time after the server starts.
  • Added new dialog and behavior that activates during the Christmas season.
  • Fixed a major bug where the Tax Collector would not properly auto-collect in certain specific multiplayer contexts.
  • Fixed a bug where Calamity boss rates would not properly update when Calamity was re-enabled after a world had already been loaded with it disabled.
  • Fixed a minor bug where the mod could occasionally throw an error when the Tax Collector's home was too close to the edge of the world.
  • Reoptimized portions of the code to be much more efficient.
  • Fixed another major bug in which Calamity mod progression would not properly update when newer versions of Calamity are used due to backwards incompatibility.
  • Fixed a handful of minor errors in the Spanish translation.
  • Added a partial Spanish translation.
  • Fixed a bug in which coin denominations were not properly translated in languages other than English.
  • Fixed a major bug in which new fields could not be added with tModLoader's Config UI due to backwards incompatibility.
  • Fixed a critical bug in which the mod would crash when an outdated version of Calamity is used.
  • Added the new "Status" button to the Tax Collector which provides information about current income, similar to the "/taxinfo" command.
  • Added a new line of dialog that appears when the Vending Machines mod is installed.
  • Added support for Calamity v1.4.2.103.
  • Removed extraneous auto-adjustment of the config file when IsFlexible was set to true.
  • Removed the "SetTaxes" and "GetTaxes" methods in Mod.Call.
  • Fixed a bug where the Tax Collector would completely abort auto-collection when the selected personal storage tile is full, regardless of whether or not other personal storage tiles exist in the same room. Now, the Tax Collector prioritizes auto-collection in the following order: Piggy Bank, Safe, Defender's Forge.
  • Fixed a bug where the Tax Collector would tell you to progress by killing bosses with custom config files that don't progress by killing bosses.
  • Fixed a bug where the Tax Collector would sometimes improperly store auto-collected money.
  • Fixed a bug where parentheses were unusuable in the config file if not nested.
  • Added the Invasion list to the config file.
  • Deprecated the "SetTaxes" and "GetTaxes" methods in Mod.Call.
  • Fixed a bug where the line of text displaying the amount of stored money in the Tax Collector's menu would periodically flash if was open while the amount was updated.
  • Fixed a bug where AddList was unusable.
  • Fixed a bug where the last parameter of AddKey could be omitted, causing a crash.
  • Fixed a major bug where the game would attempt to check the Tax Collector's house for a personal storage tile even while the Tax Collector is dead.
  • Updated the mod's description in the Mod Browser.
  • Adjusted ExpertModeBoost's tooltip in the Mod Config GUI to be less verbose.
  • Migrated the config file to tModLoader v0.11's ModConfig system.
  • Increased the money cap from 10 platinum to 50 platinum.
  • Added shorthands for most conditions within the Base, Calamity, and Thorium lists in the config file.
  • Added the ability for the Tax Collector to auto-deposit his earnings into a personal storage item.
  • Added the "/settaxes" command for use on the server console.
  • Added the "EnableAutoCollect" and "ExpertModeBoost" fields to the config file.
  • Added the "GetPaycheck" and "GetTaxes" methods to Mod.Call.
  • Added support for Hamstar's Mod Helpers.
  • Removed the "Save" method from Mod.Call.
  • Fixed a major bug where pressing the first button of any NPC's chat window could reset the player's taxes.
  • Introduced the delegate system for custom mod support.
  • Added support for Mod.Call.
  • Added support for parentheses in the config file.
  • Added more conditions to the Thorium list in the config file.
  • Added the "IsFlexible" field to the config file.
  • Added stricter rules for configs to be accepted by the mod.
  • Added the ability for "/taxinfo" to be used by the server console.
  • Fixed a bug where the Tax Collector would collect rent while he is dead.
  • Fixed a major bug where killing a boss would require a reload of the entire mod to change the amount of income.
  • Fixed a major bug where the mod would not register the existence of Calamity or Thorium.
  • Fixed a major bug where the mod would throw an error if Calamity or Thorium was not enabled.
  • Added the "/taxinfo" command.
  • Added the Thorium list to the config file.
  • Rewrote some of the custom dialog.
  • Added support for Thorium's Ragnarok boss.
  • Added partial config regeneration for malformed config files.
  • Improved the config file to be more flexible, and introduced the Base and Calamity lists to this system.
  • Added the "AddCustomDialog" field to the config file.
  • Added config file.
  • Added icon.
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(Testing done on Dedicated Server)
Hm, when paired with Angler Quest Announcement*, each day, the "Tax Money" lines get repeated between each line of AQA's daily fish announcement.
Additionally, I'm not sure what happened, but it said we had 18g(ish) but when I opened dialogue with the Tax Collector, after a few seconds it suddenly changed to 13g and stayed at that since then. It would also be nice if the "Tax Money" popup was only one line, formatted like:
"Tax: 1 Platinum, 4 Gold, 20 Silver, 50 Copper", as currently, the popup basically takes up half of the chatbox, which can be annoying in a server if people are talking, then suddenly need to scroll to see the message their friend left 3 seconds ago.

Asides from these oddities, mod's working like a charm! Thank you for this, the Tax Collector has always felt exceptionally underwhelming, especially with his 10g cap.

*Edit: The triple-showing of the "Tax Money" announcement actually occurs at night too, meaning it likely doesn't involve Angler Quest Announcement.
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(Testing done on Dedicated Server)
Hm, when paired with Angler Quest Announcement*, each day, the "Tax Money" lines get repeated between each line of AQA's daily fish announcement.
Additionally, I'm not sure what happened, but it said we had 18g(ish) but when I opened dialogue with the Tax Collector, after a few seconds it suddenly changed to 13g and stayed at that since then. It would also be nice if the "Tax Money" popup was only one line, formatted like:
"Tax: 1 Platinum, 4 Gold, 20 Silver, 50 Copper", as currently, the popup basically takes up half of the chatbox, which can be annoying in a server if people are talking, then suddenly need to scroll to see the message their friend left 3 seconds ago.

Asides from these oddities, mod's working like a charm! Thank you for this, the Tax Collector has always felt exceptionally underwhelming, especially with his 10g cap.

*Edit: The triple-showing of the "Tax Money" announcement actually occurs at night too, meaning it likely doesn't involve Angler Quest Announcement.
Hi! This mod has always been fairly finicky because of the way taxes work in this game. While this mod doesn't have anything within itself that lets it speak in chat (if this is the case, another mod, perhaps this announcement mod you speak of, is likely interfering), any issues you face with the popup window are simply artifacts of Terraria's built-in system to handle taxes, and are unfixable. The only thing this mod does is perform its own calculations to find a better tax value, and then overrides the player's storage for taxes to the new value. The display is untouched.
It's odd how you lost five gold out of nowhere, but I'm unable to reproduce this bug on my own end (at least, quarter-past-midnight me can't), and as far as I'm aware, the saving mechanism for taxes is pretty rock-solid. If it ever occurs again, let me know, and I'll do a more thorough investigation.

This is awesome. Considering any support for Thorium's Ragnorok boss?
Apologies for the (very) late response. I don't have much experience with Thorium, but if I have time, I'll look into it. Do you have any recommendations for how much money Thorium's bosses should give?
Wait, this mod doesn't add the "Tax Money" popup each day and night that tells you how much tax you've earned? Well... Shoot. Now I need to find out what mod is doing that. I've never had it before so I assumed it was this one but it must be some arcane feature added recently to another mod or something... None of the other new mods I'm trying should have done it, to my knowledge... Hm...
Wait, this mod doesn't add the "Tax Money" popup each day and night that tells you how much tax you've earned? Well... Shoot. Now I need to find out what mod is doing that. I've never had it before so I assumed it was this one but it must be some arcane feature added recently to another mod or something... None of the other new mods I'm trying should have done it, to my knowledge... Hm...
Yeah, that isn't a feature in this mod. You could try disabling Better Taxes, testing to see if that popup comes up, and then enabling the mod again once you're done to see if another mod has found Better Taxes and created this popup, although that seems unlikely.
Yeah, that isn't a feature in this mod. You could try disabling Better Taxes, testing to see if that popup comes up, and then enabling the mod again once you're done to see if another mod has found Better Taxes and created this popup, although that seems unlikely.
Sorry again. This is the only mod I have which alters taxes in any way, so I had made an assumption. I'll try to figure out what the cause is. I doubt it's a mod interaction with something else detecting Better Taxes, but I suppose that's possible. Sorry again.
For some reason, the taxes reset every in-game hour and erase all progress for me.
I'm not sure I understand the issue. Do you mean that the amount of money the Tax Collector has stored is set to zero every minute? If so, I'm unable to replicate that. Can you post the other mods you have installed as well as the output of running "/taxinfo" in chat? Thanks.
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Other mods are Calamity, LuiAFK, Cheat sheet, boss checklist, boss healthbars, WMITF, recipe browser, wing slot, magic storage, calamity music, omniswing, maxstackplus, gnome wordsmith, and veinminer. And my tax output is 11 silver 50 copper per 01:00.
Other mods are Calamity, LuiAFK, Cheat sheet, boss checklist, boss healthbars, WMITF, recipe browser, wing slot, magic storage, calamity music, omniswing, maxstackplus, gnome wordsmith, and veinminer. And my tax output is 11 silver 50 copper per 01:00.
Although I couldn't reproduce this specific issue even after downloading all the mods you mentioned, I've just released Better Taxes 2.0.1, which did involve a rewrite of significant portions of the code and also fixed a few bugs which could have been contributing to this issue. If you're running tModLoader v0.11.1, you should give Better Taxes 2.0.1 a swing and see if the issue persists.
Hello Atenfyr. On Tmodloader 64 bit 0.11.3 and only Better Taxes 2.10 installed, I receive this error. Is this an issue of mine or is it the platform issue. And if it is a platform issue, any chance of adding support for it?


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Hello Atenfyr. On Tmodloader 64 bit 0.11.3 and only Better Taxes 2.10 installed, I receive this error. Is this an issue of mine or is it the platform issue. And if it is a platform issue, any chance of adding support for it?
Do you have any mods other than Better Taxes installed?
Just loaded it up on Tml 32 bit 0.11.3 with no issues. It definitely seems to be a sort of Tml 64 error.
Yeah, I figured, but after installing tModLoader 64-bit myself to see if I could replicate the issue, I had no problems. If completely re-installing tModLoader 64-bit doesn't solve the issue, I'd mention the issue to them.
Just curious, how does the auto-deposit work in Multiplayer, since the depositing locations are clientside. Is money automatically inserted into EVERY player's bank/safe/dforge? Also what happens if one or more players have a full piggy bank with no room for money?
Just curious, how does the auto-deposit work in Multiplayer, since the depositing locations are clientside. Is money automatically inserted into EVERY player's bank/safe/dforge? Also what happens if one or more players have a full piggy bank with no room for money?
Each player's Tax Collector money is stored independently by the respective client and is never synced to the server (just like in vanilla Terraria), so at midnight every single player's money will be auto-deposited into their own piggy bank. To give an example, let's say Player A has 5 gold stored by the Tax Collector and Player B has 10 gold stored by the Tax Collector. If Player A collects their money, Player A will have 0 gold stored while Player B will still have 10 gold stored.
If the relevant personal storage tile is full, the intended behavior is to not deposit the money and instead keep it in the Tax Collector's storage; however, there are a few minor bugs related to this process that will be fixed in the next update.
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