Items Boss flawed bestiary entry and inconsistencies


Official Terrarian
Hi everyone!
As of 1.4 the community can legitimately divide monsters by categories, thanks to the bestiary. For example, we can say Dreadnautilus, Paladin, and Mothron are not bosses nor mini-bosses, but just rare mobs (that also have a banner, which bosses don't have).

However, there are some "mistakes" in the bestiary entries and some inconsistencies, take a look:

Boss drop inconsistency.png

  1. Is there any reason why some bosses are not ordered in their respective progression? It's annoying but ultimately not important; (Skeletron and Queen Bee are reversed, as well as Ogre and Dark Mage for example. Also, should the four pillars count as bosses? Maybe the bestiary looks at boss health bar to determine which is which?);
  2. Martian Saucer counts as a boss while sharing the same characteristics of most of the event bosses. In my opinion, it shouldn't (otherwise, all other event bosses should have counted as bosses);
  3. The Lunatic Cultists is the only boss that doesn't drop a treasure bag, while Betsy is the only event boss that drops it;
  4. All the event bosses drop a trophy but do not drop any expert mode item. That's consistent. However, the fact that Dark Mage and Ogre are the only ones with masks and an unobtainable treasure bag feels really odd.

This post is just my way to express my desire for a full collection that adds masks, treasure bags, and new expert mode items to the game, do you think they should be implemented?
I agree with most of this, but in my opinion, the dreadnautilus is most definitely a boss. also, I think all the "event bosses" should just be called bosses rather than mini-bosses, bc IMO they are more difficult that normal bosses.
I agree with most of this, but in my opinion, the dreadnautilus is most definitely a boss. also, I think all the "event bosses" should just be called bosses rather than mini-bosses, bc IMO they are more difficult that normal bosses.

To be honest, I started compiling this data assuming Dreadnautilus had a treasure bag a correspondent relic, I was a little bit shocked when I discovered it's considered just a rare creature, he even drops a banner I think.
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