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You remember when I spoke about 'in a hour'? I've (not) lied, but was fast.

@Esther @Ocram Execution @Ganransu @Elivyr

You find yourselves in a gray and dull interior of a truck. There was the same memory - a man with a balacava shouting at you before tazing you to unconsciousness. Around you are other unlucky people, although their faces looked blank in darkness. The only light that came from outside shone from the smog-clouded sun refracted by orange plexi-glass that was used for domes. You couldn't see a driver, you could only hear him talk with a televisualiser, patented in 2032 (Sorta like a smartphone, but with a holographic display).
- "We got some people in catch. Driving to Tesla Shifted Facility, number twelve,forty-five."
- <After 600 metres turn left, then right, then left again.>
- "Got it."
Another person, probably a child, broke the silence by looking around. "W-where mommy?"

(Note - I'm using NPCs as for now, either as method of passing time, or some drama in future.)
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