Corrupt a Wish

Granted, but as the universe itself ends, you sit there, blinded by complete darkness, unable to hear anything because it has nothing to travel through, a mundane eternity with nothing but your thoughts.
Also I wish school had 170 days instead of 180
Granted but a bigger whale eats you.

I wish for an Eevee IRL that's immune to all diseases and will live for 20 years.
Granted, but it's aggressive towards you.

I wish I didn't have to deal with everything I have to deal with.
Granted. Everything you have to deal with is gone, but now you have to deal with...
I wish for a pan-ca-ke.
Granted but... wait who's wish am I granting?
I wish for an eevee IRL that is immune to all diseases, is not aggressive towards anyone, is very cute, and will live 20 years.
Granted, but it's so elusive and rare that nobody ever sees it or knows it exists.

I wish for all the previous wishes to be uncorrupted.
Granted. All Eevees are wearing Charizard costumes. It's cute, actually.
I wish for the my previous wish but it never runs away and won't die for 20 years at least.
Granted. Your computer IS a potato now.
I wish for the perfect eevee, combining all the traits from before and making it so that no disasters, natural or otherwise, happen within a 100 mile radius. Also it's cuter.
Granted. All the red is gone.
I wish you would'nt post on threads other than LPS as often so I would'nt need to show ignored content.
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