(it's like a reese's cup and a twinkie had a child)
Peanut Butter Richies in a nutshell, people.
Peanut Butter Richies in a nutshell, people.
Queen Slime
Metalynx, Mega Metalynx, Chimaconda, Theriamp, Winotinger, Antarki
You would probably already know all the rules there is about number replacement memes, ay?
So we're gonna start off the meme here~!!
1. [3] just found [7]'s account on GoAnimate and watched one of their videos. That video was called '[3] gets grounded grounded grounded forever'. As [3] was watching, [7] walks into the room.
2. Just as [1] was walking past [6]'s doorstep, they find a USB on the ground. They pick it up, bring it home and plug it into their computer. [6] somehow manages to enter the room while [1] is looking through whatever was in the USB. What did the USB contain?
3. [5], [8] and [2] decide to be window cleaners and they're all cleaning a tall, tall building. [4] is trying to concentrate really hard while working in their office as [5] is cleaning their window while making faces. [8] is holding a pair of hedge shears right above [5] and [2] is watching this all happen from a distance, still working on their first window.
4. Everyone is playing the game truth or dare and [7] has been dared to make themselves really strong coffee, with nine teaspoons of coffee beans, without sugar or milk. [7] refuses to drink this and attempts to run away from the house. [6] tries to catch them.
5. [2] just learned how to play [8]'s least favourite song on the harmonica and decides to play it at [8]'s doorstep. Without telling the title of the song, [2] suddenly plays the song just as [8] opens the door. What's their reaction?
6. [3] finds [5]'s laptop on a bench at a park and decides to play a few games of minesweeper before leaving. A few minutes later after they're gone, [5] comes back to see that their minesweeper game record has been beaten by 0:07 seconds. They soon figure out the culprit was [3] since they're the only other person in this park that they know. How does [5] confront [3]?
7. One night, [4] and [1] were drawing and [1] suddenly runs out of refills for their mechanical pencil. It is already too late to go buy more. [1] suggests that they go steal refills from the shops.
8. [6] gets extremely tired one evening and feels like drinking some nice coffee. They already know that coffee is a horrible idea and complains to [3] and [7].
9. [5] just found out about a new soundtrack that came out from one of [1]'s favourite producers and decides to show it to them. [1] has been listening to the track for quite a while since then, blind to the fact that it's been on loop the entire time.
10. [2] just realised [8] owned a super bendy ruler. They try to see how much the ruler can bend, but unfortunately snaps it in front of an enraged [8]. A chase scene commences.
11. [7] is now living with [1] for a week and is now being talked to about doing chores. This has been going on for a good 50 minutes now.
12. The world is coming to an end and [6], [3] and [4] for some reason have the ability to think of something to help stop whatever is ending the world. But unfortinately, all the things they have that can get rid of whatever's ending the world have been destroyed somehow. What's the plan now? Or is there a 'Plan B' at all?
13.[5] suddenly realises that [2]'s an expert at minesweeper and has had experience with the game for over five years. [5] asks them to tutor them. It is currently break time for [5] and while [5]'s gone, [2] gets bored and decides to play a game of minesweeper on [5]'s laptop. They beat [5]'s record. What happens when [5] comes back?
14. It is time for dinner and [8] doesn't know exactly what to eat so they decide to eat six cans of smoked salmon. They begin to have a real bad stomach ache but [7] is right now in the toilet.
15. [1], [4] and [2] are all playing cards but [2] needs to go to the toilet. As [2] is letting out their waste, they grab out their phone and play the song 'Silent Whisper'. [1] gets extremely mad and attempts to try get [2] to pause the song. [4] is changing around the cards as all this is happening.
16. It is [3]'s birthday~ When they checked their horoscope for that day, they were unfortunate enough to have their horoscope say that their communication with other peoplenisn't going to go well. First person they talk to is [5]. While they're having their conversation, [5] says something extremely misleading and [3] takes it the wrong way.
17. [4] and [7] are playing Minecraft on a PvP server and they agree to go out into the arena without wearing anything but leggings. Once [7] is in the arena, [4] jumps down and attempts to attack [7], fully armoured.
18. [8], [2] and [5] are in a library reading books about the daily life of a window cleaner. The two main things that aren't allowed inside of the library are dogs and bicycles. Suddenly, [2] turns into a pug and [5] turns into a BMX.
19. [7] strongly believes in omens and superstitions. [3] walks inside with an umbrella and chucks their hat on the bed.
20. [1] and [6] decide to move house and live there together. [6] finds out that the living room is too small for their liking and that the kitchen is extremely out-dated. [1] thinks this is completely fine. [6] calls the police and [4] walks into the house with a police outfit a few minutes later.
21. [8] and [3] are playing the Sims and while [8] has gone off to do something for a while, [3] accidentally adopts a child but straightaway tries to kill it off. When [8] comes back, they see [3] trying to drown the child. [3] is surprised to see that [8] is not a BMX anymore.
22. Everyone's off to a party and [5], [6] and [7] all meet radomly and see that they're all in tailed tuxedos of the same brand, except in different colours. How embarrassing.
23. In the party, [1] attempts to steal from [3] but [4] sees this happening and rips off their first layer of clothing, showing their police outfit underneath.
24. [5] wants a dog and goes to the pet store. Once they arrive home, the dog transforms into [2]. What's [5]'s reaction and are they mad about all the money they've wasted?
25. [8] and [7] both decide to be pilots and are currently driving a plane with many, many passengers. [7] then confesses to [8] that they got their licence from eBay and it turned out to be a scam in the end.
26. [1] for some reason enters a big freezer. After a few minutes of looking through it, they find a frozen block containing the body of [4].
27. [5] gets told to wake up in the middle of the night by [6] and gets thrown into [4]'s police car that [6] stole. Why?
28. [2] and [8] are out hiking and are about to cross a river. [8] crosses first. [2] crosses next, but has their shoe stuck on a branch and it falls into the river. Is the shoe left to float away or is it chased after?
29. Everyone is working on some sort of project and [1] is, for some reason, the leader. Later on, [1] calls [5] over but accidentally uses [3]'s name. [1] refuses to believe that they're wrong about their names.
30. It is almost [6]'s birthday and [8] wants to buy them a gift at a store. Just as [8] has finally decided on what to buy, they walk away from where they got their gift and they see [6] in the store going towards the shelf of where [8] got their gift.
31. [7] and [3] decide to go reflect on the past. [3] then talks about a memory they spent with [7] but [7] doesn't remember. They need proof in order to believe it actually happened.
32. [2] plans to go watch a talent show with [4] but they wouldn't answer [2]'s request. Later, when [2] is watching the show, [4] walks on stage.
33. [8] becomes a professional doctor and is currently driving an ambulance because they need to save someone's life. They then accidentally run over [5].
34. [1] is on a download spree and finds a plant simulator. They download it, and as they begin to play the game, they look over to their window only to see [3] and [6] actually looking after real life plants.
35. [7] is pissed off because question 35 really isn't a scenario like all the others and complains to [8]. [8] does not care and tells [7] to go make a noose.
36. [4] suddenly realises that their police car has been stolen. They call everyone over for a discussion. [6] is not at the discussion.
37. Everyone is eating pizza and [2] has already finished eating theirs. They want to change the TV channel because what's on now is extremely boring for them. So they ask [5] to grab the remote and change the channel because their hands are too oily. [5] can't change the channel because their hands are oily too.
38. [3] and [7] are playing a sports game for the first time ever on their gaming console and either one of them scores a goal. Nobody knows who scored.
39. [8] treats [1], [2] and [4] with some dinner because they want to try out a new recipe they found on the internet not too long ago. How does the food turn out?
40. [6] and [5] perform a satanic ritual dance around a campfire only for the fun of it. [7] then suddely rises from the campfire.
41. [3]'s phone is currently in the hands of [8] and they're both crossing a road. [8] for some reason accidentally drops [3]'s phone.
42. [3] and [8] come back from wherever the hell they went to and [3] asks [8] where their phone is.
43. Regardless of whether [8] knows where the phone is or not, [3] ends up calling the police with [8]'s phone. [4] to the rescue!! But since their police car has been stolen, it takes up until evening until [4] reaches them.
44. [2] still remembers how to play the harmonica and plays [5]'s least favourite song at [5]'s door.
45. [1] accidentally restarts [7]'s Animal Crossing village. [1] doesn't tell this to a soul. It is not up until the next day [7] realises that their village has been restarted.
46. [6] tells [4] that their cooking tastes like garbage and that they should go tie themselves with a dumbell and jump off a cliff along with their slow cooker.
47. [2] trusts [3] with their Minecraft creative plot and leaves [3] there because [2] is off to compete in a skin competition. [2] comes back to see that [3] isn't at their plot and that their plot has been destroyed.
48. [8] and [6] are on a bro-date at the park to feed ducks. [6] tells [8] they forgot the bread and the bro-date is officially ruined according to [8].
49. [5] is trying to comfort [7] because they're upset about their Animal Crossing village being restarted. Gee, I wonder how long [7] took to get that golden watering can.
50. It has been a while since [1], [4] and [2] has played their last card game and [1] only realises that [4] has cheated in that last game. [2] calls the police. [4]'s phone rings.
51. [3] is forever alone so they decide to go make a noose with [7]. But then [3] realises they're not alone anymore. So [3] and [7] get married with [6] as the priest.
52. [6] and [5] only just finished making an hour long parody movie about the life of [2]. Everyone is watching this together.
53. [1] is being taught by [3] how to look after real plants. [1] is doing surprisingly well.
54. [8] ends up in prison somehow. They've been in there for a good seven days and feel as if they need to escape. Do they manage to come up with a plan & escape without [4] spotting them?
55. [6] becomes a barista and [7] walks inside the coffee shop that [6] is working in. When [6] is making [7]'s coffee, they add in nine teaspoons of coffee beans without any milk or sugar going with it. Is [6] nice enough to make another cup with what [7] actually ordered?
56. [2], before beginning their late-night shopping, sees [8] hiding from the police after a jailbreak. [2] brings [8] along spending all the money [8] stole.
57. After plenty experience of being a leader of their squad, [1] decides they want to be president of their country. [5] is competing with [1]. [1] still thinks [5]'s name is [3].
58. [4] is currently badly injured because they got beaten up by some criminal they tried to capture. The ambulance has been called. [8] to the rescue!!
59. [6] wants to go on a brodate with [2]. [2] says that they've just been late-night shopping with [6]'s former brodate. [6] doesn't want to go anymore and binges on coffee.
60. [7] is enjoying themselves heavily doing whatever the heck they want in their house, alone. They suddenly teleport to [5]'s house who's doing a satanic ritual. [7] is pissed of by having the time of their life ruined. Again.
61. [1] is currently in a really big shopping centre buying Christmas gifts for [3]. It is really crowded and [1] is trying to make their way out so they can go home. Just so coincidentally, [1] bumps into [3] who just finished shopping for [1]'s gifts.
62. -POOF- Everyone except for poor [8] suddenly turned into small, little todlers~ It's now [4]'s 4th birthday party and [8] is the party clown. What does [8] have in store for these children today?
63. Now everyone's back to their normal age... Except for [8]. They've turned into an infant and everyone's having to look after this poor child.
64. -POOF- Everyone's back to normal, now. It's been a while since those two events so [6] walks into an alley to get to a library. They are now being confronted by these super hardcore kids, but then [7] comes along to rescue them!! What a hero!!
65. It is currently a zombie apocalypse and everyone in this meme have decided to form a group. The group is currently running out of supplies so [5] and [2] decide to go on a scavenging run together.
66. [3] looks at the Christmas gifts they plan on giving [7] and then looks to look at the gifts they plan on giving to [1]. [3] suddenly regrets marrying [7]. They also realise that [7]'s pretty much Satan himself.
67. Actually you know what, [3] and [1] are married now, happy couple, now on their blinkin honeymoon, having an extremely great time. [3] does not tell [7] anything.
[6] was also the priest of this marrige.
68. [5] hears this news about a newly married, happy couple, currently on their blinkin honeymoon, having an extremely great time. (GEE I WONDER WHO) [5] passes on this news over to [7] who has been wondering where their "significant other" has been this entire time.
69. [2] wakes up one night to find their greatest nightmare, [4], sleeping in their chimney. [2] climbs up onto their roof to go tell [4] to wake up while pouring juice and dirt mixed together into the chimney.
70. [8] and [3] are having a sleepover. The next day, when they wake up, [8] suddenly becomes a full on otaku and [3] suddenly becomes gangsta as hell.
71. [1] steals [6]'s USB again, but since [6] has so many USBs, [1] accidentally took a different one and plugged it onto their computer. [6] somehow manages to walk into the room.
72. [7] just found out [2] pronounced the word 'GIF' like 'jif'. [7] is utterly disgusted by this and has lost trust in [2].
73. [3], [5] and [4] were just walking outside of a school, and a teacher comes running to them, and sends the three to their classroom. Once they're there, the teacher runs away and leaves the teaching to [3], [5] and [4]. Unfortunately for them, the class is very chaotic.
72. [8] is developing a cough and doesn't know anyone (other than their doctor) who can look after them until they get better. [1] walks into the room and then suggests they'd look after [8].
73. [6] for some reason wants to hate [2] so they look up how to make a 'Hate Potion'. Once they drink the beverage, [2] and [7] come into the room and the first person [6] looks at is [2], luckily. Unfortunately, there are some side-effects that have to do with the second person [6] looks at... they suddenly forget.
74. [7] plans on deleting their GoAnimate account but lowkey wants to keep it because of that '[3] gets grounded grounded grounded forever'. Then [1] walks into the room to see [7] rewatching such horrible content.
75. [3] tumbles down the stairs! Oh no! Oh deary me! Oh my goodness! Oh dear lord! Oh my! [8] and [5] are the only ones to hear this. Who makes it to [3] first?
76. [1] just found out that [4] hated them. [1] decides to go to [4]'s house to confront them.
77. [2] and [8] are neighbours sharing the same fence. The fence for some reason breaks a little and they are having trouble deciding on who should pay for the fence. They are both sent to court and [6] is the judge.
78. [7] just found a little spot in their house and thought it would be perfect for a [5] shrine.
79. It is the middle of the night and [4] is doing something really important. Then a huge turantula walks on their table. [4] telephones [2].
80. [1] and [3] decide to write poetry and [3] thinks their poems are a million times much better than [1]'s. [1] completely objects to this.
81. [6] just caught [5] drawing pop-art of [7] to add to a calendar that [5]'s making for next year.
82. [5] becomes a super famous artist and makes plenty of money out of their art.
83. [4] teaches [8] how to play the piano. [8] never knew [4] could play the piano so well.
84. [2] wants to do a comic project with [3] but neither of them have them comic-making skills.
85. You want someting a tad romantic n stuff? Go to random.org, go to that random number generator and make the minimum nuber 1 and the maximum 8. See which two numbers you get first. Now we make them do some real romantic stuffs. Like let's make them go on a cafe date or something but I dunno to be honest. I know barely anything about romance, aha. NOW GO WRITE IT~~ >
86. It's night time and [7] is high on caffeine!! Zip! Zoom! Wham! Therr thei guuuu~ Thei run. -WHOOP- Won't you look at that! [7] is struggling to sleep? Oh dear, tsk tsk tsk. [7] phones [1].
87. [8] is currently operating [6] and has found something really, really strange inside of [6]. What is it?
88. Everyone is told to design a monster in their books. [2] accidentally takes [4]'s book without knowing that they've left their own book inside of their bag. [4] doesn't know where their book is and asks everyone if they've seen it.
89. [5] is becoming super successful with their art and is now almost becoming a millionare. [1] tries to steal some (and by some, I mean a majority) of that money.
90. [7] is pissed off because there are only around ten questions left and complains to [8]. [8] does not care and tells [7] to go make a noose. For the second time.
91. [2]'s favourite goldfish died not too long ago and is now having a funeral. Everyone is invited. Nobody knew [2] had a pet goldfish.
92. [6] finds a time machine and asks [1] to go in with them. [1] is scared to go to the future and tells this all to [6].
93. [2] gets their harmonica stolen and asks [4] to investigate the situation.
94. [5] has a horrible nightmare and [7] in it. [5] tells [7] all the horrible things [7] did to [5] in their dream.
96. Less than five questions to go!! Your thoughts, [3]?
97. [8] is on their laptop watching fail videos with [1]. [1] suddenly vomits on [8]'s laptop.
98. [6] finds a cloner and "accidentally" makes two other copies of themselves. Together they make three. [2] finally gets the joke.
99. It is New Years Eve for everyone and everyone's watching the firework show. On the television because they all hate crowds and that they all hate loud noises. Oh dear.
100. Aight, so the meme's now over!! ;w; Ayy so all of you, how was the meme?? :'00 Any last words before you all go live your so-called "normal" lives?? :33
101. Also, this question is for the writer... Did this meme change the personalities of your characters? It doesn't really matter how much your OC has changed, but I did make a few things happen without knowing anything about your OC's, you get what I mean? So did I add anything to your OC's at all?? xDDD I'm just curious bro, it's nothing really, but thanks for using this meme~~ ;w;
You would probably already know all the rules there is about number replacement memes, ay?
So we're gonna start off the meme here~!!
1. [3] just found [7]'s account on GoAnimate and watched one of their videos. That video was called '[3] gets grounded grounded grounded forever'. As [3] was watching, [7] walks into the room.
2. Just as [1] was walking past [6]'s doorstep, they find a USB on the ground. They pick it up, bring it home and plug it into their computer. [6] somehow manages to enter the room while [1] is looking through whatever was in the USB. What did the USB contain?
3. [5], [8] and [2] decide to be window cleaners and they're all cleaning a tall, tall building. [4] is trying to concentrate really hard while working in their office as [5] is cleaning their window while making faces. [8] is holding a pair of hedge shears right above [5] and [2] is watching this all happen from a distance, still working on their first window.
4. Everyone is playing the game truth or dare and [7] has been dared to make themselves really strong coffee, with nine teaspoons of coffee beans, without sugar or milk. [7] refuses to drink this and attempts to run away from the house. [6] tries to catch them.
5. [2] just learned how to play [8]'s least favourite song on the harmonica and decides to play it at [8]'s doorstep. Without telling the title of the song, [2] suddenly plays the song just as [8] opens the door. What's their reaction?
6. [3] finds [5]'s laptop on a bench at a park and decides to play a few games of minesweeper before leaving. A few minutes later after they're gone, [5] comes back to see that their minesweeper game record has been beaten by 0:07 seconds. They soon figure out the culprit was [3] since they're the only other person in this park that they know. How does [5] confront [3]?
7. One night, [4] and [1] were drawing and [1] suddenly runs out of refills for their mechanical pencil. It is already too late to go buy more. [1] suggests that they go steal refills from the shops.
8. [6] gets extremely tired one evening and feels like drinking some nice coffee. They already know that coffee is a horrible idea and complains to [3] and [7].
9. [5] just found out about a new soundtrack that came out from one of [1]'s favourite producers and decides to show it to them. [1] has been listening to the track for quite a while since then, blind to the fact that it's been on loop the entire time.
10. [2] just realised [8] owned a super bendy ruler. They try to see how much the ruler can bend, but unfortunately snaps it in front of an enraged [8]. A chase scene commences.
11. [7] is now living with [1] for a week and is now being talked to about doing chores. This has been going on for a good 50 minutes now.
12. The world is coming to an end and [6], [3] and [4] for some reason have the ability to think of something to help stop whatever is ending the world. But unfortinately, all the things they have that can get rid of whatever's ending the world have been destroyed somehow. What's the plan now? Or is there a 'Plan B' at all?
13.[5] suddenly realises that [2]'s an expert at minesweeper and has had experience with the game for over five years. [5] asks them to tutor them. It is currently break time for [5] and while [5]'s gone, [2] gets bored and decides to play a game of minesweeper on [5]'s laptop. They beat [5]'s record. What happens when [5] comes back?
14. It is time for dinner and [8] doesn't know exactly what to eat so they decide to eat six cans of smoked salmon. They begin to have a real bad stomach ache but [7] is right now in the toilet.
15. [1], [4] and [2] are all playing cards but [2] needs to go to the toilet. As [2] is letting out their waste, they grab out their phone and play the song 'Silent Whisper'. [1] gets extremely mad and attempts to try get [2] to pause the song. [4] is changing around the cards as all this is happening.
16. It is [3]'s birthday~ When they checked their horoscope for that day, they were unfortunate enough to have their horoscope say that their communication with other peoplenisn't going to go well. First person they talk to is [5]. While they're having their conversation, [5] says something extremely misleading and [3] takes it the wrong way.
17. [4] and [7] are playing Minecraft on a PvP server and they agree to go out into the arena without wearing anything but leggings. Once [7] is in the arena, [4] jumps down and attempts to attack [7], fully armoured.
18. [8], [2] and [5] are in a library reading books about the daily life of a window cleaner. The two main things that aren't allowed inside of the library are dogs and bicycles. Suddenly, [2] turns into a pug and [5] turns into a BMX.
19. [7] strongly believes in omens and superstitions. [3] walks inside with an umbrella and chucks their hat on the bed.
20. [1] and [6] decide to move house and live there together. [6] finds out that the living room is too small for their liking and that the kitchen is extremely out-dated. [1] thinks this is completely fine. [6] calls the police and [4] walks into the house with a police outfit a few minutes later.
21. [8] and [3] are playing the Sims and while [8] has gone off to do something for a while, [3] accidentally adopts a child but straightaway tries to kill it off. When [8] comes back, they see [3] trying to drown the child. [3] is surprised to see that [8] is not a BMX anymore.
22. Everyone's off to a party and [5], [6] and [7] all meet radomly and see that they're all in tailed tuxedos of the same brand, except in different colours. How embarrassing.
23. In the party, [1] attempts to steal from [3] but [4] sees this happening and rips off their first layer of clothing, showing their police outfit underneath.
24. [5] wants a dog and goes to the pet store. Once they arrive home, the dog transforms into [2]. What's [5]'s reaction and are they mad about all the money they've wasted?
25. [8] and [7] both decide to be pilots and are currently driving a plane with many, many passengers. [7] then confesses to [8] that they got their licence from eBay and it turned out to be a scam in the end.
26. [1] for some reason enters a big freezer. After a few minutes of looking through it, they find a frozen block containing the body of [4].
27. [5] gets told to wake up in the middle of the night by [6] and gets thrown into [4]'s police car that [6] stole. Why?
28. [2] and [8] are out hiking and are about to cross a river. [8] crosses first. [2] crosses next, but has their shoe stuck on a branch and it falls into the river. Is the shoe left to float away or is it chased after?
29. Everyone is working on some sort of project and [1] is, for some reason, the leader. Later on, [1] calls [5] over but accidentally uses [3]'s name. [1] refuses to believe that they're wrong about their names.
30. It is almost [6]'s birthday and [8] wants to buy them a gift at a store. Just as [8] has finally decided on what to buy, they walk away from where they got their gift and they see [6] in the store going towards the shelf of where [8] got their gift.
31. [7] and [3] decide to go reflect on the past. [3] then talks about a memory they spent with [7] but [7] doesn't remember. They need proof in order to believe it actually happened.
32. [2] plans to go watch a talent show with [4] but they wouldn't answer [2]'s request. Later, when [2] is watching the show, [4] walks on stage.
33. [8] becomes a professional doctor and is currently driving an ambulance because they need to save someone's life. They then accidentally run over [5].
34. [1] is on a download spree and finds a plant simulator. They download it, and as they begin to play the game, they look over to their window only to see [3] and [6] actually looking after real life plants.
35. [7] is pissed off because question 35 really isn't a scenario like all the others and complains to [8]. [8] does not care and tells [7] to go make a noose.
36. [4] suddenly realises that their police car has been stolen. They call everyone over for a discussion. [6] is not at the discussion.
37. Everyone is eating pizza and [2] has already finished eating theirs. They want to change the TV channel because what's on now is extremely boring for them. So they ask [5] to grab the remote and change the channel because their hands are too oily. [5] can't change the channel because their hands are oily too.
38. [3] and [7] are playing a sports game for the first time ever on their gaming console and either one of them scores a goal. Nobody knows who scored.
39. [8] treats [1], [2] and [4] with some dinner because they want to try out a new recipe they found on the internet not too long ago. How does the food turn out?
40. [6] and [5] perform a satanic ritual dance around a campfire only for the fun of it. [7] then suddely rises from the campfire.
41. [3]'s phone is currently in the hands of [8] and they're both crossing a road. [8] for some reason accidentally drops [3]'s phone.
42. [3] and [8] come back from wherever the hell they went to and [3] asks [8] where their phone is.
43. Regardless of whether [8] knows where the phone is or not, [3] ends up calling the police with [8]'s phone. [4] to the rescue!! But since their police car has been stolen, it takes up until evening until [4] reaches them.
44. [2] still remembers how to play the harmonica and plays [5]'s least favourite song at [5]'s door.
45. [1] accidentally restarts [7]'s Animal Crossing village. [1] doesn't tell this to a soul. It is not up until the next day [7] realises that their village has been restarted.
46. [6] tells [4] that their cooking tastes like garbage and that they should go tie themselves with a dumbell and jump off a cliff along with their slow cooker.
47. [2] trusts [3] with their Minecraft creative plot and leaves [3] there because [2] is off to compete in a skin competition. [2] comes back to see that [3] isn't at their plot and that their plot has been destroyed.
48. [8] and [6] are on a bro-date at the park to feed ducks. [6] tells [8] they forgot the bread and the bro-date is officially ruined according to [8].
49. [5] is trying to comfort [7] because they're upset about their Animal Crossing village being restarted. Gee, I wonder how long [7] took to get that golden watering can.
50. It has been a while since [1], [4] and [2] has played their last card game and [1] only realises that [4] has cheated in that last game. [2] calls the police. [4]'s phone rings.
51. [3] is forever alone so they decide to go make a noose with [7]. But then [3] realises they're not alone anymore. So [3] and [7] get married with [6] as the priest.
52. [6] and [5] only just finished making an hour long parody movie about the life of [2]. Everyone is watching this together.
53. [1] is being taught by [3] how to look after real plants. [1] is doing surprisingly well.
54. [8] ends up in prison somehow. They've been in there for a good seven days and feel as if they need to escape. Do they manage to come up with a plan & escape without [4] spotting them?
55. [6] becomes a barista and [7] walks inside the coffee shop that [6] is working in. When [6] is making [7]'s coffee, they add in nine teaspoons of coffee beans without any milk or sugar going with it. Is [6] nice enough to make another cup with what [7] actually ordered?
56. [2], before beginning their late-night shopping, sees [8] hiding from the police after a jailbreak. [2] brings [8] along spending all the money [8] stole.
57. After plenty experience of being a leader of their squad, [1] decides they want to be president of their country. [5] is competing with [1]. [1] still thinks [5]'s name is [3].
58. [4] is currently badly injured because they got beaten up by some criminal they tried to capture. The ambulance has been called. [8] to the rescue!!
59. [6] wants to go on a brodate with [2]. [2] says that they've just been late-night shopping with [6]'s former brodate. [6] doesn't want to go anymore and binges on coffee.
60. [7] is enjoying themselves heavily doing whatever the heck they want in their house, alone. They suddenly teleport to [5]'s house who's doing a satanic ritual. [7] is pissed of by having the time of their life ruined. Again.
61. [1] is currently in a really big shopping centre buying Christmas gifts for [3]. It is really crowded and [1] is trying to make their way out so they can go home. Just so coincidentally, [1] bumps into [3] who just finished shopping for [1]'s gifts.
62. -POOF- Everyone except for poor [8] suddenly turned into small, little todlers~ It's now [4]'s 4th birthday party and [8] is the party clown. What does [8] have in store for these children today?
63. Now everyone's back to their normal age... Except for [8]. They've turned into an infant and everyone's having to look after this poor child.
64. -POOF- Everyone's back to normal, now. It's been a while since those two events so [6] walks into an alley to get to a library. They are now being confronted by these super hardcore kids, but then [7] comes along to rescue them!! What a hero!!
65. It is currently a zombie apocalypse and everyone in this meme have decided to form a group. The group is currently running out of supplies so [5] and [2] decide to go on a scavenging run together.
66. [3] looks at the Christmas gifts they plan on giving [7] and then looks to look at the gifts they plan on giving to [1]. [3] suddenly regrets marrying [7]. They also realise that [7]'s pretty much Satan himself.
67. Actually you know what, [3] and [1] are married now, happy couple, now on their blinkin honeymoon, having an extremely great time. [3] does not tell [7] anything.
[6] was also the priest of this marrige.
68. [5] hears this news about a newly married, happy couple, currently on their blinkin honeymoon, having an extremely great time. (GEE I WONDER WHO) [5] passes on this news over to [7] who has been wondering where their "significant other" has been this entire time.
69. [2] wakes up one night to find their greatest nightmare, [4], sleeping in their chimney. [2] climbs up onto their roof to go tell [4] to wake up while pouring juice and dirt mixed together into the chimney.
70. [8] and [3] are having a sleepover. The next day, when they wake up, [8] suddenly becomes a full on otaku and [3] suddenly becomes gangsta as hell.
71. [1] steals [6]'s USB again, but since [6] has so many USBs, [1] accidentally took a different one and plugged it onto their computer. [6] somehow manages to walk into the room.
72. [7] just found out [2] pronounced the word 'GIF' like 'jif'. [7] is utterly disgusted by this and has lost trust in [2].
73. [3], [5] and [4] were just walking outside of a school, and a teacher comes running to them, and sends the three to their classroom. Once they're there, the teacher runs away and leaves the teaching to [3], [5] and [4]. Unfortunately for them, the class is very chaotic.
72. [8] is developing a cough and doesn't know anyone (other than their doctor) who can look after them until they get better. [1] walks into the room and then suggests they'd look after [8].
73. [6] for some reason wants to hate [2] so they look up how to make a 'Hate Potion'. Once they drink the beverage, [2] and [7] come into the room and the first person [6] looks at is [2], luckily. Unfortunately, there are some side-effects that have to do with the second person [6] looks at... they suddenly forget.
74. [7] plans on deleting their GoAnimate account but lowkey wants to keep it because of that '[3] gets grounded grounded grounded forever'. Then [1] walks into the room to see [7] rewatching such horrible content.
75. [3] tumbles down the stairs! Oh no! Oh deary me! Oh my goodness! Oh dear lord! Oh my! [8] and [5] are the only ones to hear this. Who makes it to [3] first?
76. [1] just found out that [4] hated them. [1] decides to go to [4]'s house to confront them.
77. [2] and [8] are neighbours sharing the same fence. The fence for some reason breaks a little and they are having trouble deciding on who should pay for the fence. They are both sent to court and [6] is the judge.
78. [7] just found a little spot in their house and thought it would be perfect for a [5] shrine.
79. It is the middle of the night and [4] is doing something really important. Then a huge turantula walks on their table. [4] telephones [2].
80. [1] and [3] decide to write poetry and [3] thinks their poems are a million times much better than [1]'s. [1] completely objects to this.
81. [6] just caught [5] drawing pop-art of [7] to add to a calendar that [5]'s making for next year.
82. [5] becomes a super famous artist and makes plenty of money out of their art.
83. [4] teaches [8] how to play the piano. [8] never knew [4] could play the piano so well.
84. [2] wants to do a comic project with [3] but neither of them have them comic-making skills.
85. You want someting a tad romantic n stuff? Go to random.org, go to that random number generator and make the minimum nuber 1 and the maximum 8. See which two numbers you get first. Now we make them do some real romantic stuffs. Like let's make them go on a cafe date or something but I dunno to be honest. I know barely anything about romance, aha. NOW GO WRITE IT~~ >

86. It's night time and [7] is high on caffeine!! Zip! Zoom! Wham! Therr thei guuuu~ Thei run. -WHOOP- Won't you look at that! [7] is struggling to sleep? Oh dear, tsk tsk tsk. [7] phones [1].
87. [8] is currently operating [6] and has found something really, really strange inside of [6]. What is it?
88. Everyone is told to design a monster in their books. [2] accidentally takes [4]'s book without knowing that they've left their own book inside of their bag. [4] doesn't know where their book is and asks everyone if they've seen it.
89. [5] is becoming super successful with their art and is now almost becoming a millionare. [1] tries to steal some (and by some, I mean a majority) of that money.
90. [7] is pissed off because there are only around ten questions left and complains to [8]. [8] does not care and tells [7] to go make a noose. For the second time.
91. [2]'s favourite goldfish died not too long ago and is now having a funeral. Everyone is invited. Nobody knew [2] had a pet goldfish.
92. [6] finds a time machine and asks [1] to go in with them. [1] is scared to go to the future and tells this all to [6].
93. [2] gets their harmonica stolen and asks [4] to investigate the situation.
94. [5] has a horrible nightmare and [7] in it. [5] tells [7] all the horrible things [7] did to [5] in their dream.
96. Less than five questions to go!! Your thoughts, [3]?
97. [8] is on their laptop watching fail videos with [1]. [1] suddenly vomits on [8]'s laptop.
98. [6] finds a cloner and "accidentally" makes two other copies of themselves. Together they make three. [2] finally gets the joke.
99. It is New Years Eve for everyone and everyone's watching the firework show. On the television because they all hate crowds and that they all hate loud noises. Oh dear.
100. Aight, so the meme's now over!! ;w; Ayy so all of you, how was the meme?? :'00 Any last words before you all go live your so-called "normal" lives?? :33
101. Also, this question is for the writer... Did this meme change the personalities of your characters? It doesn't really matter how much your OC has changed, but I did make a few things happen without knowing anything about your OC's, you get what I mean? So did I add anything to your OC's at all?? xDDD I'm just curious bro, it's nothing really, but thanks for using this meme~~ ;w;
oops I'm sorry
plantszaza 🌳
Living Tree
anything that doesn't fit in other sections go here. They wear a ribbon, they were lazily made in like ten minutes, whatever. Also, anything that happens to them in the story may be put here if you wish, or anywhere else it works.)
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