Sentient Species

In Tecorra, there are many sentient species in society. These can range from all-powerful gods to common humans. Note that these only include species that originate from Tecorra, and not other species that came from other lands, settled down and grew. Also note that these species obviously appear in other places (in some cases), but variants were found here originally.

  • Humans: Humans are, as usual, the most common of the species. They can range wildly from hyper-intelligence to super-strength, and very few are dead set in the middle or contain both.
✓ ✓ Manakete: More commonly known as dragons, Manakete's are dragons that can change into a human form. It's as cool as it sounds and has all sorts of benefits.

  • Hybrids: This contains Neko's, Wolf-People and anything of the sort. It also contains mixes of other species, like a half-elf half human. Demi-Celests and Demi-Gods do not classify under this.
  • Vampires: Contains some modern vampire characteristics. No pale skin, no blood-lust, NO SPARKLES, no death by sunlight, nothing like that. Does contain super-strength, fangs and high strength.
  • Werewolves: Contains some modern werewolf characteristics. No full-moon/any night mandatory changes, no blood-lust, no insane attacking, still have their intelligence. Does contain high strength, high speed, transformation at will and some other things.
  • Elves: Traditional elves. Standard pointed ears, superb archery and things of the such. Just look up elves and you'll figure it out pretty quickly on your own.
  • Angels: Angels. Simple premise, complicated meaning. This does contain holy beings and beings bearing the resemblance and power of traditional angels. Both do exist, yes. I.E. An angel from heaven and an angel that has powers and features that are similar/the same to heavenly angels.
  • Demons: Take the thing from angels and switch angels with demons, holy with unholy, and heaven with hell. That's it.
  • Mutants: Take a member from any species, mutate them in some way (give them special powers or something (think the X-Men universe)) and they classify as under the Mutant species. For example, a human with angel wings and no reason to have them would be a mutant. If a Neko is born as a Mutant and has Neko offspring, the offspring would classify as a Hybrid.
  • Celestial Beings: A being that isn't a god, but still highly powerful beings. Originate from "space," or some other plane of existence that still classifies as Torra. An opening between planes originated in the sky at night, hence the name. Usually have oddly coloured natural hair.
  • Demi-Celests: Half Celestial Beings and half on another species. Have powers and features from both species they were born of. Tend to have oddly coloured natural hair.
  • Gods: A being of great power, more than Celestial Beings and Demi-Celests. Some created this world, some helped ushered it along and things in between. You know, traditional fantasy gods.
  • Demi-Gods: Take description of Demi-Celests and switch out Celests with Gods. No oddly coloured hair.
  • Katenn: The offspring of a god and a celestial being. This barely ever happens and they will have insane power with only a portion being readily available and the rest needing to be unlocked. Retains the oddly coloured natural hair feature.
  • Elementals: Beings made of a single element and only that. An example would be a fire elemental made of pure fire. Tend to live in their element as it won't end well if they don't. Created by excess energy in whatever element the elemental is made of.
((Why do I have this
it isn’t even close to a finished product))
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