Mobile Deleted profile for no reason


Recently, I got onto my terraria and my main account (which carried every worthwhile thing I had) was deleted and it said that the profile was created in a newer version and couldn't be loaded. I hadn't backed it up yet, but is there any way to get it back?
Recently, I got onto my terraria and my main account (which carried every worthwhile thing I had) was deleted and it said that the profile was created in a newer version and couldn't be loaded. I hadn't backed it up yet, but is there any way to get it back?
I'm sorry to say that if you don't have a backup (described here: Mobile Backup Instructions) there's no way to recover the deleted character file.
Is there a way to stop this from happening?
I'm not sure why the "created with a newer version" error pops up if the character was not created with a newer version, but I have seen enough reports to know that it does happen. I don't know of a good way to avoid it though, it seems to be random from what I can tell.

The best you can do is to keep good and frequent backups of your characters and worlds. Hopefully when the mobile version gets updated a lot of these issues will be fixed. There's no release date yet.
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