Design The Dungeon

space suit is not four words,
I do not leave, meaning I do

Floor 702 is floor 703 is deadly because if you go there you will be infected with every disease in the world
Spellbreaker (Skyrim shield that blocks magic)

Floor 705's contents are randomly selected from every previous floor, including every possible combination and mix of their contents.
Who said we used the infinity gauntlet?

I snap it all out of exsistence

707 contains Nintendo Direct spoilers that you cannot avoid
I pre-spoiled myself with Tv Tropes.
Floor 708 is filled with pure C2N14 at very low temperatures, so literally the body heat, or touching it will make it explode.
it explodes for literaly no reason befor I even get there

Floor 709 forces you to beat enter the gungeon while using the complicated controlls of nethack and while you are blindfolded while playing as the robot
I eat a bunch of Green Peppers to nullify the gravity effect, then I pass on through.

Floor 711 has the ultimate hero party inside. They immediately assume that you're a boss monster, and they rush you in an attempt to get all your hard-earned EXP and Gold.
Become the ultimate boss monster and Thanos snap them as Dracula's true form in SotN while powered by the chaos amulets that you got from Bowser and idek where I was going with this.

Uhhh... floor 712 has a lot of gold but you die if you touch it.
Uhh... fire up Mod the Gungeon, give myself every gun, a bunch of blanks, a heck-ton of spice, and a whole lotta duct tape. See who endures bullet hell then.

Floor 715 is Stone Cyclone Galaxy from Super Mario Galaxy 2. You know, where it's super fasterererer?
(Oh damn, I got ninja'd)

"GOTTA GO FAST!!!!" *Dashes through the obstacles with a Speed 9001 effect*

Floor 716 has a falling ceiling.

Floor 718 is completely covered with invisible switches that cause the ceiling to send out spikes.
Im a bandana dee, just spear copter over it all

Floor 719 is filled with bandana dees, meta knights, king dededes, and kirbys. Also, firewall to prevent hacking and modding that you cant hack through
Just go past

Floor 720 requires you to fight Conjonctivius, The Giant and The Hand of The King from Dead cells all at once and they can't do friendly fire against each other.
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