tModLoader Elements Awoken

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'Kay so... I had some feedback but during this long playthrough with multiple mods I've all but forgotten it.
However, I did just beat Azana and ...
I'm confused.
Spoilery stuff I guess? So Spoiler:
So after beating Azana, the Storyteller (who seems to moreso give you quests than tell stories, his name is a bit off) reveals that he was using you as a pawn and is some superbeing yadda yadda... and sounds very nefarious and like "muahahaha you followed my evil plan perfectly" ... and then just goes back to being Average Town NPC 328.
Is he going to be a bossfight in the future or something? Because if I'm being perfectly honest I've wanted to punch him since like... Very very early on in this playthrough.

Also Azana starts pleading with you at the end of the battle... Asking you to stop, then out of nowhere says you have an insatiable bloodlust when you defeat them.
...Uh... I feel like such a statement should only be included if like... You actually have the option to stop fighting? I tried not attacking at all at that point and just dodged and dodged and dodged until a freakin' town NPC actually managed to kill them because for some reason a couple of the NPCs in my install are overpowered. I can only assume this isn't actually an option, which is majorly disappointing because that would be something I've not seen in a mod before, branching story paths.

...And on the subject of Azana, what's the deal with Deathwarp? I get it's currently the only item that you can craft with their drops but uh...
Why is it called Deathwarp, exactly? "Ripple through time and space" is the tooltip, it says right click to activate the deathwarp...
Time and space. Death Warp. Warp. Space. Warp. You'd think it'd be obvious what you could do... Teleport into an enemy and do super big damage or something (a literal death-warp) or the super lame but at least utilitarian teleporting to your latest death, or even activating a temporary buff that teleports you away if you would take fatal damage, but it's just a spinny laser thing which doesn't even do all that much damage especially compared to its primary attack? I'm admittedly underwhelmed and a bit sad. Granted it is still a very powerful, very very nice spear. Its gimmick seems kinda silly though. Especially with the cooldown. As an endgame weapon, it could at least be a held-down constant attack or something with no cooldown, trading accuracy for radial damage, but I dunno.

EDIT: AH YES, I remember the feedback. I'm afraid it's negative.
PLEASE add a config option to disable the pre-boss effects.
The universal status effects you get after defeating certain bosses, before defeating other ones. If you're playing any decently sized modpack or whatever, it forces you to do the EA bosses ASAP after their effects activate due to being excessively over the top often. (The one that gives you extended Chilled constantly is the absolute worst and I want to lock whoever thought that was a good idea in a freezer with the only way to get out being to wait for a snail to very very slowly move onto a switch.)

But yeah, that was my single biggest gripe with the mod.
Some other gripes include certain bosses not dropping anything for some classes, despite being considered part of progression (i.e. Knockoff Galaga (I forget what it's called but it's the ship thing) dropping no melee weapons at all, if I recall correctly)

The music and some of the bosses feel quite a bit like you're trying to be Calamity, too. In that the bosses talk to you and stuff, and it even has the signature Dokuro Bells in some tracks. Azana's first form in particular made me instantly think of Calamitas, and I'm sure there were others that I felt were a tad odd. The Void Leviathan for example feels like an attempt at remaking the Devourer of Gods but somehow mildly edgier. Not saying this is a particularily bad thing but if I wanted to play Calamity I'd play Calamity. Dunno if the similarities were intentional or not, but I definitely feel the vibe of Calamityesque. Even some of the late game weapons feel 100% Calamity in their over the top projectile counts and the like.

On an entirely different note; bugs. I didn't experience many in my playthrough thankfully, however two pretty glaring things stood out.
I think it was from this mod but it may have been Spirit- There's some spear that does chain lightning between enemies? I feel like that was this mod. It was having some... Issues with Piercing Projectile Fix. It seemed to try chaining to the enemy it was coming from, leading to every strike making a single enemy take the damage multiplied by umpteen instead of chaining. I was getting over 80K DPS without any armor or accessories equipped. May be a good idea to have some logic stopping it from chaining back to the same enemy... Unless how the chain projectile works is just fundamentally incompatible with PPF... Which would be unfortunate because that mod is so nice.
Again sorry if that's not this mod I don't recall quite right. May have also been Beyond The Forgotten Ages... but I don't think it was?

One really odd one is that once I defeated Azana for the first time, upon respawning them with another summoner, they will always start in their final "phase". All their text will come up on screen at once, to the last line before being defeated, and with health to match (like 1/20th of their health remaining, even when freshly summoned) which is a tad odd. That could be some weird inter-mod interaction too, but it didn't happen with any other boss from this mod, or any other mod.

Thanks for the massive post haha, boss prompts will be able to be disabled next update. Storyteller does have a bossfight planned, there might be more info on our discord ;). Post VLevi content isnt balanced very well currently due to there not being very much stuff to balance it against but im trying to make it as balanced as i can, any other balancing reports are greatly appreciated. Most of azanas attacks were planned before SCal was out at all, and way before the new SCal. Dokuro bells are cool is all i can say to the music, i dont make the music for the mod Ranipla and Genih Wat do all the musical stuff. Azana can actually be spared after a minute of not attacking her, her drop is bugged but will be fixed next update. Void leviathan idk, i havent played calamity in a while so who knows it could be like DoG but it wasnt intentional. Hopefully that covered everything in your post :)

That'd be awesome!
Though I will say one other thing, I like how the celestial has 4 different tracks for each phase, that's effort. And I will admit her (him, whatever IT is) at a pretty meh track before.

Not going to say this mod can compete against Calamity (calamity is it's own thing), But it's giving sacred tools (cough I mean, Shadows of Abaddon) a run for it's money.

If I think of anything else (mostly broken stuff if I experience it) I'll let you know here, like always.
Currently in the process of creating the retro music pack, just need to upload it so it will be up soon. It has a config to enable/disable retro tracks.
this is great is like the spirit mod of the calamity mod i say this because calamity is unbalanced with spirit and thorium this is good with calamity
this is great is like the spirit mod of the calamity mod i say this because calamity is unbalanced with spirit and thorium this is good with calamity
Calamity is known to be of higher general difficulty than other mods. This mod is meant to be balanced onside with the base game
It comes close, but still feels, a bit off at times. Some of the bosses take a long time to kill (Permafrost for example)
1.3.7 has officially been released!

- All bosses have been buffed to make it more challenging!
- Obsidious has a completely new battle! You think he was easy before? Well, now you should prepare well...
- The Eye and the Ancient Wyrm (former Ancient Dragon) have been reincarnated into one battle.
- The Dawn of the Void has been remade! It's no longer laggy, has new monsters and a completely new atmosphere.
- The new summoning item is called "Dark Pearl". It can be used during the day - waiting until the night causes the Dawn of the Void to occur. You can't use it however when 50% of the night is already over.
- Census support added!
- A new lab structure can now spawn upon world generation! They are very rare and each of them contain unique boss lore.
- Alternatively, they can be spawned with a "Mysterious Tablet".
- Darkstone and Voidstone funiture!
- Items and Armour for Superbaseball101, our newest donator!
- Added unobtainable mana and life increases!
- Music boxes! They are a part of the music addition mod.
- Dev statues! They are normal early-game, but they can be upgraded into buff stations post-Plantera!

- The Toy Slime is now a mini-boss spawning by itself! The chance of him to spawn can be increased by the Large Slimeball.
- The Storyteller has now better weapons in store
- You can disable Boss Prompts in the configs now!
- Elementals use their respective colors now
- You can choose between the new or the old soundtrack now! To have the old soundtrack playing, download the "EA Retro Music" mod! If you want the new one to play, download the normal EA Music addition! Yes. Mod and music are now seperated to save some space.
- Essence alerts are now ONLY happening when the boss is killed for the first time.
- You can no longer stack Lunar Emblems with the WoF emblems!
- Void Leviathan shakes the screen and rumbles the earth when tunnling through the ground
- A lot of bugfixes!
- Overall, more changes and additions!

Get it on the mod browser and have fun! Don't forget to report bugs, as always.
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Well, here's a bug. Was trying to start a server.

And another when I try to reload mods after EAMusic gets disabled:
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So, a couple of buddies and me started a server with this mod, aswell as calamity, thorium, and tremor. All the packs seem to work really well together and gives everyone a bit of what they want. However, when we tried fighting Wasteland, we got him down to around 80% before he tunneled underground, after that he just never came back up, and no other enemies were spawning either because he was still around "somewhere". And i do mean none, i could run into the dungeon with no fear of the curse skeletons spawning and killing me. Is this some odd interaction between the packs or did something get goofed in a recent patch? We were able to all log out and get him to dissappear, but next time we fought him he did the same thing. :(
Well, here's a bug. Was trying to start a server.
View attachment 215995

And another when I try to reload mods after EAMusic gets disabled:
View attachment 215997

So, a couple of buddies and me started a server with this mod, aswell as calamity, thorium, and tremor. All the packs seem to work really well together and gives everyone a bit of what they want. However, when we tried fighting Wasteland, we got him down to around 80% before he tunneled underground, after that he just never came back up, and no other enemies were spawning either because he was still around "somewhere". And i do mean none, i could run into the dungeon with no fear of the curse skeletons spawning and killing me. Is this some odd interaction between the packs or did something get goofed in a recent patch? We were able to all log out and get him to dissappear, but next time we fought him he did the same thing. :(

To Yvori: Thanks for the report! EA is currently pretty buggy in multiplayer, unfortunately.
To JaySee17: The mod is generally buggy in multiplayer and Tremor may mess with EA, as we know that EA works well with Thorium and Calamity. Try to disable Tremor and try it again, then report it back if it worked or not.
Hey, there is something wrong with the Old One's Army with this mod installed. When you activate it, the portals open nothing comes through UNLESS you are sitting immediately in front of it.
Hey, there is something wrong with the Old One's Army with this mod installed. When you activate it, the portals open nothing comes through UNLESS you are sitting immediately in front of it.
Never heard of that before, I had that bug years ago when using prefixes for enemies. What other mods are you using?
Never heard of that before, I had that bug years ago when using prefixes for enemies. What other mods are you using?
I have Calamity, Thorium, and Spirits mod but I tested them all out (uninstalled all the mods and loaded them all one at a time to see if there were problems). Once I uninstalled Elements Awoken, I stopped having this problem
Hey, there is something wrong with the Old One's Army with this mod installed. When you activate it, the portals open nothing comes through UNLESS you are sitting immediately in front of it.
Strange, I've heard of people having the same issue with Beyond The Forgotten Ages... And I've had a similar issue that happened with both mods loaded, but also had it not happen with both mods loaded. I'm starting to think this may be some obscure tModLoader issue to do with very specific world and mod setups or something, because it's a very very weird bug.
Never heard of that before, I had that bug years ago when using prefixes for enemies. What other mods are you using?

So I did another test with Yvori's suggestions and still got the same results, I started a new world on a character that I made solely for the purpose of testing this problem out (used cheat sheet for that guy)

I want to upload a video but its saying its too large
I was thinking I would just upload it to googledocs if that would help
Posting to second what The Big Sneeze said above - Elements Awoken is somehow breaking the Old One's Army event similar to what Enemy Prefixes did a couple of years ago. I removed all of my mods and then enabled and tested one by one; once I enabled this mod the event broke. Disabling just Elements Awoken and leaving every other mod I have enabled fixes the issue, so there may be a bug in your code. Are there any functions that define what NPCs are targetting? Here's the post where the author of Enemy Prefixes managed to fix the issue in their mod:

Ok, I think I fixed it. Hotfix update published. I was wrong about the OoA bug being connected to the spawning bug, which threw me off the trail hard. A recent update (either tModloader V0.9.1 or the most recent official terraria update) seems to have changed something regarding how NPC targets are defined, which meant that an NPC without a target caused all sorts of problems. I've fixed it by allowing the target to be null when there is no target, and simply cutting the AI code before it gets to anything that requires a target. As a result, targetless NPCs (most notably nighttime creatures retreating during the day) will no longer do things like firing projectiles.

I know he mentions an older version of TML, but at least the idea should get you in the right direction for dealing with this bug.
Time for another update, eh?
- A new miniboss called the Cosmic Observer! It drops a material to make some good early-hardmode weapons.
- The Large Slimeball makes the Toy Slime spawn more frequently now.
- The Stellarium stuff got remade!
- Fire treads now has fire particles for the boots.
- Some reworks and resprites to vanilla boss weapons!
- Bosses that shoot lasers now charge them instead of throwing them into your face instantly
- Infernace and Aqueous are not hurting the player anymore when they are transparent
- Obsidious, The Celestial and the Scourge Fighter all have proper treasure bags and better drops now!
- Oinite now has a dev statue!
- Some minor additions and changes, like a new weapon crafted with discordant bars and a combined element made out of all elements, which is used for the Elemental set.
- Bug fixes

Also, the music mod got a little update too.
- Multiplayer bugs fixed
- Obsidious' theme now plays correctly
is there gonna be a wiki for this?

Posting to second what The Big Sneeze said above - Elements Awoken is somehow breaking the Old One's Army event similar to what Enemy Prefixes did a couple of years ago. I removed all of my mods and then enabled and tested one by one; once I enabled this mod the event broke. Disabling just Elements Awoken and leaving every other mod I have enabled fixes the issue, so there may be a bug in your code. Are there any functions that define what NPCs are targetting? Here's the post where the author of Enemy Prefixes managed to fix the issue in their mod:

Ok, I think I fixed it. Hotfix update published. I was wrong about the OoA bug being connected to the spawning bug, which threw me off the trail hard. A recent update (either tModloader V0.9.1 or the most recent official terraria update) seems to have changed something regarding how NPC targets are defined, which meant that an NPC without a target caused all sorts of problems. I've fixed it by allowing the target to be null when there is no target, and simply cutting the AI code before it gets to anything that requires a target. As a result, targetless NPCs (most notably nighttime creatures retreating during the day) will no longer do things like firing projectiles.

I know he mentions an older version of TML, but at least the idea should get you in the right direction for dealing with this bug.

thanks for that, hopefully it helps somehow
Posting to second what The Big Sneeze said above - Elements Awoken is somehow breaking the Old One's Army event similar to what Enemy Prefixes did a couple of years ago. I removed all of my mods and then enabled and tested one by one; once I enabled this mod the event broke. Disabling just Elements Awoken and leaving every other mod I have enabled fixes the issue, so there may be a bug in your code. Are there any functions that define what NPCs are targetting? Here's the post where the author of Enemy Prefixes managed to fix the issue in their mod:

Ok, I think I fixed it. Hotfix update published. I was wrong about the OoA bug being connected to the spawning bug, which threw me off the trail hard. A recent update (either tModloader V0.9.1 or the most recent official terraria update) seems to have changed something regarding how NPC targets are defined, which meant that an NPC without a target caused all sorts of problems. I've fixed it by allowing the target to be null when there is no target, and simply cutting the AI code before it gets to anything that requires a target. As a result, targetless NPCs (most notably nighttime creatures retreating during the day) will no longer do things like firing projectiles.

I know he mentions an older version of TML, but at least the idea should get you in the right direction for dealing with this bug.
Fixed it with ease! it will be all good next update (i hope )
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