PC Engineering a hoik bypass


I've been using hoiks and I love them, except for one little detail.

Well, let's suppose I have a horizontal hoik. But occasionally I might want to cross the track, vertically, without boarding the hoik, say to get to the other side of a cave.

Is there a way to setup a crossing like this, that won't interrupt hoik traffic (ie without requiring a hoik rider to dismount, cross, and then mount again)?
Hello TheFish,
after saving the Mechanic you could use active stone blocks, inactive stone blocks or actuators, wire and pressure plates, levers or switches to modify your hoik setup by activating and inactivating some of the blocks.
Without the Mechanic active and inactive stone blocks and pressure plates could be used in the area of a trap. But without seeing the wires it could be a bit of tricky and the possibilities are very limited.
In Hardmode after saving the Steampunker teleporters could be used.
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