Mobile Failure save the world


Your Terraria Device
Galaxy J2 Prime
Mobile OS
"Marshmallow" / 6.0.1
A bug is happening, when I go to the menu, the game returns in 1 second, if that "saving world data" thing and it just doesn't save, just the character that saves, and also multiplies the items, from the intensity that I I used are in the inventory, but the chests I put the items in are gone because the world didn't save them. (Note: I used "Google Translate")
just the character that saves, and also multiplies the items, from the intensity that I I used are in the invento
Wanna say the reason it duplicated was because the world didn’t save before, and your character saved with the items so yeah
Anyways what I heard some people say what they did was just stay in the menu for a moment(probably somewhere around 30seconds-1minute, but I dunno) so that might help
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