Fill In the Blank!


Storm Divers are the most _______ creatures in Terraria.
Storm Divers are puny, dumb, and that's the complete oppoiste of what they are, infact that is the description for Spazmatisms. :dryadnaughty:

Journey's end will come out ______ but before that we must all ______.
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Journey's end will come out in 2020 but before that we must all teach Storm Divers that Spazmatism isnt a speices and that it is very intelligent.

Spazmatism is a GO, which is a very intelligent species superior to the puny _ Storm Divers.
Spazmatism is a GO, which is a very intelligent species superior to the puny spaghetti-like Storm Divers.

Sometimes, a hand hurts me because I __.
Sometimes, a hand hurts me because I get slapped for being mean.

Of all the bars in Terraria ______ is my least favourite.
Of all the bars in Terraria, crimtane is my least favourite.

Sometimes, I decide to chainsaw you because _________.
The Jungle is the worst biome as it's full of dangerous mobs and some weird bouncing blue bugs.

_____ is very useless because _____
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd my characters have an awareness issue
Fonaris "Hey!"

Oh god no, Fonaris showed up, time to ______________ him.
Now I'm gonna eat a big burger, triggering a laser to shoot, hitting glass and reflecting somehow, throw a cake at a omelet and eat pizza and bubblegum and other randomness you!!

WHY ___________________________________________________________________________ THIS?
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