Single Thread RP Generic Adventures of the Main Protagonists


The Destroyer
The lore of this RP will be contained within this spoiler:
"I am the greatest threat the world has ever known! I am the generic bad guy, my evil plan won't be stopped by some pathetic heroes! I will destroy and conquer all that stands opposite me! I have no mercy for anyone, only my plans are what count, nothing else matters!" Insert generic evil laugh.
"There we go, I think that's some cliche bad guy talk."

"The world this RP takes place on is like any regular world, and it was once peaceful, until I arrived. All the regular good people of the world banded together to try and stop me,
but I've managed to fight back with my army of evil minions. Now, the good guys are struggling to remain in power, but I am the strongest villain in the world,
so I can easily outsmart and defeat them and conquer the world."

"There are two main continents on the world. The one with my base has been taken over by me and is being used to support my army and my plan of conquering the world.
The other continent, as well as all the smaller islands, are controlled by the good guys. My goal is to take over their territory as well."

"It is medieval level, at least in most places, including both continents. Technology has advanced, but not to the modern era or anything close.
However, there are very, very small pockets of civilization with higher technology, but those areas are well defended and I'm trying to find a way in."

"There is quite a lot of magic in this world. Different kingdoms and species have discovered it for different uses. Magic is a major contributor to my plan for world domination."

"There are a lot of species on this world. Humans, elves, goblins, orcs, fairies, trolls, dwarves, and centaurs are just some of the main, major species.
Most kingdoms or settlements contain members of only one or a few of these types, but some are more diverse."

(Deerfolk also exist)

"Magic items and potions are not super common, but they can be found throughout the world. Some magical items are stronger and rarer than others.
They are usually used by armies, nobles, and powerful people to gain power and influence."
"Here's the map of the world so far: TurboWarp - Run Scratch projects faster."
Note to self: Esther uses D10

If you want to join, you need to create a character.
To create a character, it is recommended to use this format (You can use another format if you want):

Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters):
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered):
Backstory (Optional):
Other miscellaneous info (Optional):

If I say the character is accepted, I will put the character into this list of characters:
Name (first, last, and if you want, also the middle name): Generic main bad guy
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters): #990000
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): He is an excellent swordfighter and a master of strategy. He is also very smart and a great planner.
He knows the secrets of powerful magic and he can use it to his advantage. He also has knowledge of ancient, powerful artifacts that he used to gain power and to rule the world.
He also knows what people want and how best to manipulate them. He is strong, cunning, and ruthless when it comes to his goal of world domination.
Backstory (Optional): "My story is kind of sad. I was born into a kingdom and I was an only child. My parents were poor, but I still had a happy, peaceful life.
Then, one day, something happened that changed everything. A nearby nation invaded mine. Some of my family were killed, others were taken as war prisoners.
I tried to fight back, but I was still so young and small that I couldn't do much. I was taken to the enemy kingdom.
They were cruel and abusive but I didn't want to show weakness, so I pushed on and tried to stay strong. I was forced to fight.
They made me join their army and they trained me to be a ruthless, emotionless soldier. The cruel conditions of their kingdom changed me in more ways than one.
I learned to be selfish, cruel, sadistic, and vengeful. I would do whatever it took to get what I wanted or what was best for me. I forgot about kindness, mercy, and compassion.
The only thing that mattered to me was myself and my quest for power."

Other miscellaneous info (Optional): He's the main antagonist.
Name: Thaund Briskwood
Text Color: #A6C88E
Abilities: He himself isn't good at anything except speed and good eyesight, but he carries a Void Bag with a ton of helpful items in it:
-Telescope: self-explanatory
-Healing potions: should be self explanatory. heals most battle damage but not major injuries. again, limited supply so he's not wasting them over and over
-Basic spellbook: he tried to learn some magic to help him out in the world. he can attempt to use 'bolt,' which is small lightning damage, 'enlarge weapon,' which temporarily triples another person's weapon in size (only for about one attack with it, plus it's unwieldy), and he can even try to use 'zing,' which has the potential to bring someone who perished recently back from the dead... however it's extremely unreliable and does nothing over half the time, not to mention thaund isn't the best spellcaster.
-Pegasus Boots: he doesn't always wear them because they're awkward, but he can use them if he has to run somewhere at over twice his walking speed.
-Tiny camping set: comes with makeshift beds and fire-starting equipment.
-Tin horn: makes a loud sound.
-Rope coils: let him lower ropes down and attempt to throw ropes up high.
-Step stool: essentially makes him taller if necessary, which it probably wont be hopefully.
-Creature manual: this is useful. if he encounters a new creature, and the creature may be common knowledge (an ordinary animal or even perhaps a common otherworldly species such as a pokemon) he can try to find its entry in the book and know basic information about it. if he uses it, you can tell me if he's able to successfully find an entry, and how detailed or useful it may be.
-Bombs: Bombs with a medium explosion. He has a limited supply.
-Pike ball: a weird iron ball that orbits his body at high speed when he uses it, kinda protecting him and smacking into anything that comes close to him. if he uses it for too long, it runs out of magic and deactivates for a while.
-Basic lock-picking kit: again, just in case.
-Lantern: For lighting the way if necessary.

Backstory: He's an 11 year old orphan.

Other miscellaneous info:
Name: Pael
Gender: Male
Age: 5000-ish.
Alignment: Neutral
Appearance (Pictures or Description): Yet another ferret person. Pael wears a tattered brown leather cloak instead of the usual robes the others seem to wear.
He has sharp, usually furrowed emerald green eyes and light grey fur. He wears various silver rings and piercings. He has short white hair that’s often spiky and unkept.
Species: Zelethian (Anthropomorphic ferret people that hail from the planet Zeleth.. which was destroyed long ago.)
Personality: On the reserved side, but he’ll warm up to you eventually if you talk to him. Has a blunt but still generally witty sense of humor and a carefree attitude.
Equipment/Weapons and Armor: He has a large wooden and silver greatbow which he conjures various arrows for.
Abilities: He seems to have been blessed by the god of nature, as he seems to be able to manipulate things like fauna and wildlife with relative ease..
Despite strong acidic and poison based attacks, he is still the weakest of the nine by far. He’s also incredibly agile and great at stealth.
Backstory: A few thousand years ago, there was a planet called Zeleth. A mechanized warlord named Fluxxation, and his massive army approached the peaceful and primitive world of Zeleth,
aiming to destroy it for its natural resources. There was no contest.. and almost the entire population was killed.. save for 9 people saved by the god of light, Oblivisci.
Mina and Pael were obviously both of the 9 who survived. After being rescued, they were blessed by some of the sympathetic gods who also wanted to see fluxxation fall.
Despite being siblings, Mina and Pael took their newfound abilities in different directions. Pael felt a strong sense of responsibility for helping his sister,
but he also felt like he didn’t belong with the rest of the group. He became a recluse, traveling to worlds to see their flora and fauna, and acting as a vanguard of nature whenever it was threatened.
He would help the 9 whenever he could, but he would usually do the work on his own. After the most recent fight against Fluxxation, Pael, along with the remaining few Sentinels,
were forced to make a quick retreat into portals hastily opened by Father Garundel to avoid death by the hands of Fluxxation.
The result? They all ended up in different places.. sometimes different universes even.. As for Pael.. it seems he wound up here.
Flaws: His love of nature usually blinds his logic. If he sees something being harmed, he’ll throw himself at whoever is doing so, even if he’s unlikely to win.
Extras: He’s Mina’s slightly younger brother.
Text color: 41A85F
His theme:
Name: Zentyx
Age: 700-ish
Species: Machine (One of Fluxxation’s)
Gender: Male
Appearance: A roughly humanoid, but still slender machine, about 6’6.
It has black plating, and its head vaguely resembles a human skull in terms of shape, with a skull-like jaw, and somewhat human-like black metal teeth.
It has one triangular glowing red oculus in the middle of its head though. It has long sharp fingers. It also has glowing red lights in-between its joints..
It seems to be substantially damaged, as lots of armor plates are damaged, or missing, it has various wires hanging out, and some of its lights are shut off, while some are flickering…
Its head in particular has taken a beating, as the machine is missing its lower jaw entirely, and it has a huge gash down the right side of its head, exposing the insides of the machine’s head.
The machine has welded some sort of deformed silver mass of machinery to it’s lower jaw, part of which goes up to somewhere just below its left eye..
This seems to be what is allowing the machine to still speak…
Weapons: Zentyx seems to have some sort of modifiable assault rifle-esque laser gun of sorts. It seems to be able to be transformed into a long range, mid range, and shotgun form.
On the undersides of Zentyx’s arms are two grooves which can project about 6 inch wide and 3 foot long plasma blades, they seem to have a 180 degree range at which they can face..
Abilities: Zentyx has small thrusters all across his body which allow for boosted movement options and short range flight, albeit some of these are damaged.
Strengths: Good with combat at any range, excellent at tracking enemies and remaining stealthy.
Cons: Heavily damaged armor, leaving lots of easily hit weak-points. No back-up, retreat is his only option. Struggles dealing with more than one enemy at once.
No means of making useful repairs to himself.
Backstory: One of a few assassination machines created by the mechanized warlord, Fluxxation, to target Hunter Pael. All the others were killed by Pael, but Zentyx managed to escape.. dumb on his part. Upon returning to Fluxxation, he was told that he would be denied repairs, and to only return once Pael was dead.
And so, Zentyx set off once again, this time, determined not to fail.
Text color: D14841
Name: Marth Viresse
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Personality: Calm, doesn’t really say much most of the time. Cold-hearted to most, with a few exceptions. He does seem to have some kind of respect for his enemies, and sort of cares for his allies. Usually willing to work together with enemies if there's a bigger threat.
Equipment: A sword.
Azure Saber.png

Abilities: Shadow magic, teleportation.
-Sound Waves: These are used to stun people, and build up Shadow Energy around them until there’s enough to take control of them. Marth can only keep it going for at most a minute if it’s the only thing he’s using, and the average time limit is closer to 40 seconds. If he’s specifically comboing it with Drain (by stunning someone then Draining all their energy), the expected time limit should be 20-30 seconds after which he’d pass out. (Any time periods mentioned are for IC time.)
-Bolt: Summons a small cloud next to Marth, which then charges for a while before launching a very fast energy ray at the nearest target. That ray hurts quite badly if it hits, and causes Shadow Energy to gradually build up in the target for a few minutes, with its effect getting more noticeable over time as a result. (This one will almost never be used here because reasons that Esther can't properly explain)
Quality – Drain: Can be used to take energy away from something (usually a person, but works on things like energy constructs as well), which can then be used to attack later. It does have a noticeable energy cost though. (He can only use it for one IC minute at MOST, and if that limit is reached he'd pass out pretty much right away.)
Strengths: Good reaction time, pretty much impossible to stress out. Incredibly skilled with his sword.
Weaknesses: Can be a bit overconfident. And kinda stubborn as well, sometimes. Seems to have a slight weakness to light magic and fairy-type moves.
He isn’t a very powerful mage, though he sure makes up for it in variety.
Text Color: #be1a08
Name: Roxas Goldenrose
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Personality: Usually, incredibly introverted and a bit of a coward at times, though he does have a more confident side that he mostly shows during important battles.
He hates being alone, and whenever he is, he'll usually (reluctantly, in some cases) put his trust into whoever he's the most familiar with in the group or area, even if that person is normally an enemy.
Equipment: Nothing that he can consistently use yet, but he does have something: the Aether Blades.
Once I draw more designs it'll be able to use those different designs depending on which Roxas is looking to use, but currently this is the only form it can take:
He can't summon them very well yet. Most of the time when he tries, it just fails.
Abilities: Wind Magic, Light magic, and limited danger-sensing (can only sense someone that is behind him).
Quality – Analysis Mode: Lets Roxas focus on the general situation much better, as it also suppresses his introvertedness and some of his emotions. Indicated by his eyes changing to a very pale silver color. It does take a bit for Roxas to actually activate this, and he's vulnerable while doing so as a result. He also can't use this if he's unable to focus basically at all.
Wing Appearance: Butterfly wings that look roughly like this:

Though the red bits are a gold color and the blue-grey part is a lighter color.
Effect Trail: [TBA]
Strengths: He’s extremely agile, good luck in advance with hitting him if he's not in the mood for getting hit.
Oddly good with 2-handed weapons for some reason.
Weaknesses: Isn't exactly confident at all most of the time.
If he’s using his Quality and something hurts him a lot (in terms of actual pain, so if something doesn’t deal much damage but still feels really painful it still counts), it’s forced to deactivate and he has to re-activate it manually.
Text Color: #d29759/#90a8db when his Quality is active
Name: Jeff
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters): #59ACD5
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): He has 2 cool swords. They can join to become a staff,
and he can detach one of the handles from the staff to make it into an extra long sword.
Backstory (Optional): He's just a generic security guard who has 2 cool swords.
Other miscellaneous info (Optional):
Name: Spy Bird
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters): #9999EE
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): super fast; +18 on defense rolls, but he's not very strong offensively.
Backstory (Optional): A spy bird.
Other miscellaneous info (Optional):
Name: Birdius III
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters): #8888EE
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): bird
Backstory (Optional): bird
Other miscellaneous info (Optional): bird
Species: bird
Name: Generic Protagonist
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): TBD
Backstory (Optional): TBD
Species: Human
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters): Endigo
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): His sword, the terra blade, can harness temporary energy from the mechs, but he needs to have those souls on hand to use it.
(His Terra Blade is weaker than a normal Terra Blade, because otherwise it would be too overpowered)
Backstory (Optional): After getting done with cleansing his world, his dryad sent him here because she didn't want to deal with him anymore.
He is a dimwitted boy but with a good sense of knowledge when it comes to the world around him.
Other miscellaneous info (Optional): His vanity is hallowed armor.
Species: Terrarian (human)
Name: Sonic Needlemouse
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters): #4444ff
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): fast
Backstory (Optional): n/a
Other miscellaneous info (Optional): n/a
(He had 2 bananas on his shoulder when this picture was taken)
Name: Deca
Level: 100
Age (Optional): 17
Gender: Male
Species: Meowstic
Appearance (Optional):

Personality: Usually cold-hearted, but sometimes shows that he does still care about others. Tends to be sarcastic quite often, and prefers keeping certain things about himself secret.
Held Item: Clear Amulet
Other Equipment: N/A until further notice
Ability: Keen Eye
Other Abilities: Teleportation
Moves: Psychic, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, and Reflect.
Strengths: Is a decent problem-solver, and knows how to combine his attacks creatively.
Weaknesses: He’s really cold-hearted most of the time, and distant too. He’s also pretty frail.
Nature (Optional): Calm
-IVs (Optional)-
HP: 1
Attack: 17
Defense: 27
Special Attack: 28
Special Defense: 1
Speed: 21
Characteristic (Optional): Often lost in thought
Hidden Power Type (Optional): Electric
Tera Type (Optional): ??? (No, not the ??? type, please shut up before speaking)
Other: For some reason I feel a few Epica songs fit him, but I'm not choosing any as themes just yet to see if that ends up sticking or not.?
Text Color: #7d157e
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters): Silo
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): Can use force of his movement for energy, so he always have something called spin rod, he spins to harnes the energy from the movement

Backstory (Optional): A feline who found out how to transfer energy from movement to energy of his physical power
Other miscellaneous info (Optional): He always wears light clothing to gain as much energy in as much time as possible, without losing too much of said energy
Species: Feline
Nickname: BASS (like the word BASE, as in the rumble of music, not.. the fish.)
Appearance: A roughly 7 foot tall grey angular metal robot with lights in the gaps and joints of said armor. The lights go from a purple-ish pink to cyan on a fixed loop, and with amazing transition. This robot is pretty humanoid shaped, and is built relatively like a muscular man. It's head is sort of elongated though, and has no facial features besides a small glowing oculus that also does the color changing. It's body is equipped with a few.. speakers? It has these speakers(?) on the backs of its legs, its palms. and along the back of its arms. It wears a pair of dress shoes, tight black leather slacks, and a black leather jacket. It keeps that open on the front. On the back, it has the name Xal in neon, also color changing cursive with a slanted heart around it. FINALLY, this robot somehow wears a pair of silver framed aviators with pink-ish lenses.. but due to the shape of it's head, its oculus is directly between the lenses. Nobody knows why he still wears them.
Alignment: Evil.. probably. Seems pretty careless.
Abilites: Experimental model built with soundwave producing technology.. and a bult in stereo. Besides the physical strength and fortitude of being a robot, this machine fires condensed shockwaves that can be used as propulsion, close ranged weapons, and powerful AoE attacks.
Strengths: Crowd control, oddly likeable, good music taste.
Weaknesses: Not super impressive damage or combat prowess in 1 on 1 situations.
Backstory: A custom built machine by Xal.. a powerful machine from another universe. BASS was originally only SLIGHTLY tolerable, but he quickly lost any chance of remaining anywhere near Xal when he found out about Synthwave, electronic, and rock music. She cast him through a portal as quick as possible when she had finally reached her tipping point.. and now he's here!
Theme: He plays whatever he feels like.. this character is my excuse to dump songs I think are cool.
Text color: This! (9365B8)
Name: Shadow Needlemouse
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters): #44ff44
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): fast, and also Chaos Control.
Backstory (Optional): n/a
Other miscellaneous info (Optional):
He wears rings on his wrists called Inhibitor Rings. When he wears them, his chaos control is inhibited.
Also, the inhibitor rings have Maria Robotnik's brain in them, and Maria has a text color of #ff44ff.
She can talk through the Inhibitor Rings, and she can use Order Control, which is the opposite of Chaos Control.
Species: Needlemouse
Appearance: He looks like Shadow the Hedgehog.
Theme: Like most of my characters, he doesn't have a theme.
Name: Altin
Nickname (Optional): Allie (He hates being called this and never tells anyone about it)
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Species: Human
(I drew him without it, but he usually wears a red wizard hat that hides his face under shadow)
[Notes for now:
-A bit of a show-off, and not afraid to admit it
-Generally polite when speaking
-Not the type to immediately believe something someone says about someone else, at least not until hearing both sides out
--Often does show caution when first interacting with someone he was told is a bad person. As in, he’d be careful at the start of the interaction, but loosen up pretty easily.
-Can get quite harsh when it comes to his staff. In other words, don’t touch that thing-]
Equipment: A staff.

Abilities: [TBA]
[Notes until finished:
-Dark Magic, most likely
-Charel taught him how to use a weaker version of Holy (White Mage’s special in Mario Sports Mix)
Strengths: Quite agile, [TBA]
Weaknesses: Has a tendency to push himself far past his limit to help others.
Known Backstory (Optional):
Other: Inspired by Black Mage and Ninja from Mario Sports Mix. Heavily.
Enjoys playing dodgeball with his friends when they have the time for it.
Text Color: #8b283b/#290c91/#8b283b (Bolded is the one I will use whenever I’m too lazy to set up the gradient)
Name: Komi Kreleef
Age: average-aged adult
Gender: male
General description: a fisherman who seems to always have bad luck
Personality: grumpy
Text color: #BEEFED
Name: Fear-Dar
Gender: male
Species: robot
Appearance: A penguin mech with fingers and solar panels.
Personality: Cold and calculating, he often speaks his thoughts aloud.
Level of Lygophobia (Fear of the dark): He is physically dependent on light (he's solar powered), and therefore is very scared of the dark.
Equipment/Methods of combating the dark: He can detect fear, and if anyone is currently scared from any reason other than lygophobia,
he can use that fear to generate light to charge up his solar panels with.
Personal assessment of combat ability (Optional): Very bad at direct combat, but he can make all sorts of illusions and 3d printed objects to scare people with.
Strengths/Weaknesses (Feel free to group together or list separately):
He can 3d print almost anything that can't make light, even live animals. And he can also detect people's fear; he's very good at scaring people. He's also surprisingly lightweight.
Weaknesses: He's solar powered, and he can only see if there's light. He's also not very strong.
Hex Color/Text identification: ALL CAPS.
Backstory (optional): He was built by Doctor Flurry as a remote controlled robot, but he gained sentience and stole the Fear-Dar after Dr. Flurry was defeated by LarryBoy.
The younger brother of Conan Ironwound, he was also banished to Earth.
He has 3 pairs of wings that can fold into his back, his eyes can glow with UV radiation, and he has a really big sword.
He can manipulate gravity to some extent, and he mostly uses this power with his sword to make it easier to swing.
Text color: Default text color, with bold, italics, underline, and strike-through.
Conan Ironwound (#808080)

He used to be an angel, and he was nice, but he disobeyed just enough that he had to be banished.
But since he was so polite and cool, he wasn't banished as far as demons are banished. He was banished... to Earth.
But on Earth, whenever he encountered an angel, he would be mistook for one of the other demons,
and whenever he encountered a demon he was mistook for an angel.
So he tried to think of somewhere else to go... peoples' minds? No, that would be rude. The internet? Now that's an idea...

He looks like a knight wearing grey armor, #808080 to be precise.
And he has a flaming sword, but the fire is Earthfire.
He also has wings made of Earthfire.
And he also has some fire powers; he especially likes to make fire tornadoes. But not just any fire tornadoes, Earthfire tornadoes.
Holy fire is fire from heaven, hellfire is fire from hell, but Earthfire is the pinnacle of the awesomeness of Earth's fire.
So Earthfire is made of the coolest kinds of Earth fire. It can even be invisible!
Name: Alice
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters): #eeeeee
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): Healing magic
Backstory (Optional): She's the sister of Generic Protagonist.
Other miscellaneous info (Optional):
Name: Blue Dwarf
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters): #0000fe
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): Fire magic
Backstory (Optional):
Other miscellaneous info (Optional):
Name: John Legendary Blade of Destruction
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters): #198400
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): Way stronger and more durable than a normal mouse.
Backstory (Optional):
Other miscellaneous info (Optional):
Name: Liekki
Appearance: 5'07", dressed in all charcoal grey robes that hide the body. The head is instead a floating yellow flame.
Text Color: fff4a1
Abilities: Liekki can create up to 5 flames over it's head in an arc. Each flame can be one of 3 colors, and each possesses a different effect. Purple conjures amethyst smoke to ensnare, Azure calls forth knights of haze and embers, and Cyan amplifies Liekki's admittedly poor physical ability. The more flames dedicated to a color, the more potent the effect, but more tiring. (This exhaustion takes into account both amount and variety. So 5 Purple is easier than 2 Purple and 3 Azure.)
Species: Saretin

Name: Penjaga
Appearance: 7'07", a construct made of several cubes of ancient obsidian. The head of the construct is glass, and a yellow flame burns within.
Stoke the Flames: Penjaga coaxes Liekki's head flame, restoring them.
Carry the Torch: Penjaga bears the burden of Liekki's drawback, but at an increased pace.
Everbright: Penjaga's flame flares up, in an attempt to blind.
Other miscellaneous info: Penjaga's flame is a piece of Liekki's soul. Neither can die while the other is alive.
Name: Varian of Vicissim
Text Color (It's also bolded and uses Times New Roman
When timed correctly, any attack will be parried an become 5% more powerful, however there is a mere 250 millisecond opportunity to accomplish this, and it takes on a average 5 seconds to repeat this ability. This ability can only be used with an item to channel it through, ranging from a literal teaspoon to a futuristic gun. Upon use of the ability, the item being used as a vessel for the ability will cause the wielder to drop any proper offensive or defensive position, taking about 5 seconds to recover(I don't think this is too overpowered, as a speedy or delayed attack can easily counter it, and the requirement of having a physical vessel means that disarming is a very good counter.)
Hailing from an island of the frigid lands, Varian grew up learning the ways of his island. (More info on that below.) Wishing to do the will of the gods, he became an expert swordsman and crossbow wielder. One day, at the age of 15, Varian was walking around his island when he stumbled upon an altar of sorts. After examining it, he noticed a slit at the top that was seemingly sword-shaped. He took out his longsword and placed it into the slit, causing his sword to become hallowed. A scar appeared on the left side of his face, slightly reminiscent of a blade. Removing his blade from the altar, there were now small golden particles occasionally appearing around the sword, providing a faint golden light, and a ruby had been encrusted into the brand-new golden hilt, the weapon now being named Unomvänd. Since then, guided by a mysterious voice, Varian ventured to the mainland on his own with minimal supplies, living off the land and his own skill.
About Vicissim: Vicissim is an island with a frigid climate, very similar to Scandinavia both culturally and climately (that's a word now.) They have gods very similar to those of Norse mythology.
More info: Varian currently wears light leather armor, with plates of metal in general places. (Chest, arms, legs, etc.) He wears a hood on his head and has red hair. (basically just the hair from my profile picture) His weapons include a heavy crossbow and Unomvänd, his sword. (Yes the ability is the same as the sword, despite not needing the sword to use the ability, it's weird.) Also, he's blind.
Species: Human
Name: Emerl
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters): Default text color, but ALL CAPS.
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): All of the abilities from Sonic Battle except for ???, the Ult. abilities, and the Combos.
Backstory (Optional):
Other miscellaneous info (Optional):
Name: Lime Kelp
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters):
When he's not possessing a Lime Kelp, he speaks in bold, italics, underline, and strikethrough.

Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): Teleporting, mind control, telekinesis, laser eyes, possessing a Lime Kelp
Backstory (Optional):
Other miscellaneous info (Optional):
Name: Jonathan Ironwound
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters): 7030a0
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): He can summon hellfire, and he can also summon a sword made of hellfire.
Backstory (Optional): Unlike his brothers Conan and Benjamin, he was a jerk, so when he rebelled and was banished from Heaven, he went all the way down.
Other miscellaneous info (Optional):
Name: Solian
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Personality: Usually just goes along with the situation, has a wacky sense of humor outside of battles.
During battles or other actually serious things, he tends to be very focused, not letting his guard down often and generally preferring to keep as many enemies in view as possible.
Equipment: Well, ingame he’s had The Flute equipped probably since last year, and he probably will keep it for a long time, so, that’s what he gets here.
Razorleaf Slash: Solian swings his sword, launching a bunch of sharp leaves a short distance forward.
[I plan on adding a second ability later but I’m currently stuck so I’m leaving this note here until I decide what that ability should be.]
[I'll also be adding an ability later that will be available regardless of which element is in use, but I'll let you know when that's ready.]
Strengths: Hard to distract in battle.
Weaknesses: Very weak in long-range combat, and honestly his defense is Not Great to put it gently. To put it bluntly, it’s barely a thing in the first place.
Known Backstory (Optional): It’s a long story and I don’t want to talk about it.
Text Color: #e0c85f
Name: Riolu
Nickname(s) (optional):
Gender: Male
Age (optional): 49
Appearance: He's a Lucario, so he looks kinda like this:

Abilities: He can temporarily become intangible, shoot chargeable projectiles that are kinda like Hadokens, and he can fly short distances. He can slightly increase the range and power of his physical attacks using Aura, and the lower his health gets, the stronger his Aura gets.
Strengths: He's strong, and it's very hard to surprise him.
Weaknesses: He's old.
Personality (optional):
Backstory (optional): He's one of the monks who guards the Smash Ball.
Text color: #1111aa
Theme (optional):
Name: Ninja Bird
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters): #454585
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): super fast; +18 on offense rolls, but he's not very strong defensively.
Backstory (Optional): A ninja bird.
Other miscellaneous info (Optional):
Name: I'm not telling you his name because that's The Flash spoilers, so just call him Reverse-Flash.
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters): #ffff88
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): He's fast because he has the Reverse Speed Force.
Backstory (Optional): n/a
Other miscellaneous info (Optional): n/a
Name: Maria Robotnik
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters): #ff88ff
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): She can run fast, and she has Order Control.
Backstory (Optional): n/a
Other miscellaneous info (Optional):
She wears rings on her wrists and ankles called Inhibitor Rings. When she wears them, her order control is inhibited.
Also, the inhibitor rings have Light the Hedgehog's brain in them, and Light has a text color of #88ff88.
He can talk through the Inhibitor Rings, and he can use Chaos Control, which is the opposite of Order Control.
Species: Human
Name: The tension and heavy mood of a serious or tragic plot
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters): #AA0000, bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, and ALL CAPS
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered):
The powers of an average-aged adult male fisherman
Backstory (Optional): He's just a regular old fisherman from Firstown.
Other miscellaneous info (Optional):
Name: Roxas
Text Color (Please make it easily distinguishable from other characters): #C18648
Abilities (Please don't make it too overpowered): He dual wields Keyblades, he can fly, he has telekinesis, he can summon shields of light, he can shoot blue spheres of light, he can turn his keyblades into a sword of light, and he can summon pillars of light that fire in all directions.
Backstory (Optional): He's literally just Roxas from Kingdom Hearts.
Other miscellaneous info (Optional):

When talking out of character, it is highly recommended that you put it in parentheses, and when talking in-character, use the character's text color.
To avoid confusion, it's recommended to use asterisks before and after actions, or put it in italics, but if you don't want to do that, you don't have to.
Also, when your character is talking, putting it in quotes is recommended. "Hi, I'm the generic main bad guy!"

Birdius, Generic Protagonist, Alice, and Blue Dwarf were going through the forest, when Birdius glimpsed Spy Bird. Everyone split up to go look for him;
Birdius went to search near Firstown,
Generic went north, where he was stung by a Memory Vine,
Blue Dwarf went to Firstown and hid in a secret cave underneath the lake,
and Alice went south, gaining a reputation as a wandering healer.
Pael went to the orphanage in Firstown, but then Zentyx used Roxas as a meat buckler as he shot Pael in the shoulder. Zentyx fled, and Roxas went to the orphanage. When Roxas got to the orphanage, Spy Bird also got there, and Pael, Spy Bird, and Roxas had a conversation. Then Pael tried to shoot Spy Bird, so Spy Bird flew off to spy on Zentyx.

Then a helicopter attacked Town Hall; someone on Inigo Montoya had turned traitor and stolen it.
Pael and Roxas tried to stop it, but it killed Birdius III. Then Marth arrived to help, and the helicopter flew away.
The mayor came over and congratulated the protagonists for stopping the helicopter, and then Generic Protagonist came over and started talking nonstop.
Then Blue Dwarf faked Generic Protagonist's death so he could interrogate him about the protagonists,
but Generic had been stung by a Memory Vine, so Blue Dwarf had to burn down a forest to the north of Firstown in order to get Generic's memories back.

Then a messenger from Inigo Montoya arrived to tell the mayor about the traitor, and everyone received an invitation to a party at Town Hall.
Endigo, Pael, Spy Bird, and Thaund went to the party, but Sonic attacked everyone during the party.
Endigo and Pael shot holes in Sonic hands, and then Sonic escaped. He went south to Volcanotown, where he was healed by Alice Protagonist.
Spy Bird also went to Volcanotown, and Alice suggested that he could become a double agent.

Then Inigo Montoya was hit by an ICBM. Some of the people managed to evacuate, and they went to Firstown.
Meanwhile, SAU-019 started coming towards the Evil Capitol, and Jeff the Security Guard was sent to investigate.
SAU-019 doesn't have a job, so Jeff brought him to the throne room so Generic Main Bad Guy could interview him.
Also meanwhile, Deca was yeeted through a portal, and the mayor told everyone that Inigo Montoya got blown up.

Back in the Evil Capitol, Jeff tricked Shadow into thinking Sonic was his brother, and Shadow used Chaos Control to give the mayor a nightmare.
Then Zentyx and SAU-019 both died.
When the Chaos Nightmare ended, the mayor sent messengers to find the protagonists.
The messengers rounded up the protagonists (And Mr. Kreleef), and brought them to the mayor.
The mayor told them about his dream, and then he brought them to a secret bunker.

Then Shadow arrived at the bunker and fought the protagonists.
After a while of fighting, Shadow took off his inhibitor rings. When Thaund put them back on Shadow, they teleported Shadow away and froze him in time.
The next morning...
Altin arrived, and then a bunch of messengers rounded up the protagonists and brought them to Town Hall.
The mayor of Volcanotown was there, and he immediately dropped to his knees and begged the protagonists to come to Volcanotown and defeat Charlock (From MagiQuest).
There was a lot of discussion about whether or not the protagonists would be able to beat Charlock, and then K'thcali'osh appeared.

After that, everyone started walking to the south, towards Volcanotown. As they went through the forest, K'thcali'osh heard 3D printing.
Blue Dwarf had sent Fear-Dar to attack the protagonists, but the protagonists easily killed him.
As the protagonists arrived at Volcanotown, Charlock set 4 buildings on fire and then went back to his lair.

Meanwhile, Benjamin Ironwound dragged Kreleef to Volcanotown, as the Volcanotown mayor gave everyone Portal Runes.
Benjamin convinced the mayor to help fight Charlock, but then Conan came over and told Benjamin that he was needed for a diplomatic emergency.
As the Ironwound brothers flew away, Kreleef broke the leg of a mouse with a stale piece of bread. The mouse ran away, and swore he would get his revenge.
Then the protagonists fought Charlock, who lagged a bunch, causing him to be defeated super easily.

Then Shadow stopped being frozen in time, and Maria told him about Order Control, along with telling him about his backstory,
since Shadow forgot everything he knew when he went through the Mobius Portal.
Once everyone got back to the town, the mayor started running from house to house, telling everyone in Volcanotown that there was going to be a party.

Meanwhile, a bunch of mice started a cult meeting in the underground rat fortress.
At the beginning of the meeting, John Legendary Blade of Destruction took four chunks of stale bread, put them in a furnace,
and started forging the Legendary Blade of Destruction.
That's most of what happened so far. There are some recent events that haven't been recorded yet though,
and to find out about those events you might have to backread a few pages.
Last edited:
I’ll submit a character once you’ve fleshed this out a bit more and are fine with taking character submissions.

I’m interested though.. sounds like it has the potential to become another Freeform RP, at least somewhat…

I have the perfect surprise ferret to help me later…
And make sure to use asterisks before and after actions. *Puts asterisks before and after an action*
(This rule in particular throws me off, as it to me at times ruins the flow of what I'm typing which is why I only do it if I'm in a hurry and don't have time to actually write well.)
(This rule in particular throws me off, as it to me at times ruins the flow of what I'm typing which is why I only do it if I'm in a hurry and don't have time to actually write well.)
(ye i don't like rules that mess with someone's existing RP style
i prefer to write actions in italics
wait, *do asterisks BBCode to italics?*
if not, this rule will probably need to be changed for me to join)

(edit: they do not)
(ye i don't like rules that mess with someone's existing RP style
i prefer to write actions in italics
wait, *do asterisks BBCode to italics?*
if not, this rule will probably need to be changed for me to join)

(edit: they do not)
(I just don't have any formatting aside from text color for actions if I'm not in a hurry.)
(There's also the absolute requirement of always using text color, which on my phone is sometimes simply not possible as the color picker sometimes breaks and won't let me hit enter to apply the text color, with tapping the button being out of the question as it usually overlaps with the post button which results in posting an unfinished post. And I'm not fast enough (or good enough at memorizing my text colors) to just manually type out the BBCode.)
(I just don't have any formatting aside from text color for actions if I'm not in a hurry.)
(There's also the absolute requirement of always using text color, which on my phone is sometimes simply not possible as the color picker sometimes breaks and won't let me hit enter to apply the text color, with tapping the button being out of the question as it usually overlaps with the post button which results in posting an unfinished post. And I'm not fast enough (or good enough at memorizing my text colors) to just manually type out the BBCode.)
(ough i feel that
it's a pain in the backside to do any sort of non-default BBCode without a keyboard on my Xbox, the on-screen keyboard overlaps all the options other than like bold, italic and underline so i have to manually type the BBCode for everything if i'm missing my keyboard)
(ough i feel that
it's a pain in the backside to do any sort of non-default BBCode without a keyboard on my Xbox, the on-screen keyboard overlaps all the options other than like bold, italic and underline so i have to manually type the BBCode for everything if i'm missing my keyboard)
(Yeah... it's why I prefer my laptop where the picker doesn't break at least once a day.)
(My laptop is also just better because it's where I have basically all of my descriptions, and because it lets me write longer posts nicely in a document with everything already colored in, because I have an extension for LibreOffice that converts selected text to BBCode. Believe me, my documents would be a mess without that extension.)
(Yeah... it's why I prefer my laptop where the picker doesn't break at least once a day.)
(My laptop is also just better because it's where I have basically all of my descriptions, and because it lets me write longer posts nicely in a document with everything already colored in, because I have an extension for LibreOffice that converts selected text to BBCode. Believe me, my documents would be a mess without that extension.)
(ehh pretty much all my main lore docos are on paper, purely due to lack of computer stability
i gotta feckin factory reset my laptop every couple months because low-cost laptops are that bad

but yeah i'm planning on writing longer posts, an example is my recent post in Winds of Destruction

i'm considering another attempt at writing a novel, i got about 40 pages in last time before the plot died)
(ehh pretty much all my main lore docos are on paper, purely due to lack of computer stability
i gotta feckin factory reset my laptop every couple months because low-cost laptops are that bad

but yeah i'm planning on writing longer posts, an example is my recent post in Winds of Destruction

i'm considering another attempt at writing a novel, i got about 40 pages in last time before the plot died)
(Oof, I know the pain of needing to reinstall frequently, my old laptop went through like 4+ windows 10s before I got this one, and somewhere along the way my screenshots for a project (that I plan to restart at some point in a different way) went poof)
(But as an example, this screenshot here, from Tivo's description? It takes three screenshots to show the mobile version.
(Oof, I know the pain of needing to reinstall frequently, my old laptop went through like 4+ windows 10s before I got this one, and somewhere along the way my screenshots for a project (that I plan to restart at some point in a different way) went poof)
(But as an example, this screenshot here, from Tivo's description? It takes three screenshots to show the mobile version.
View attachment 437254)
(crikey, wowzers
hey, if you wanna continue this convo feel free to DM, i don't wanna clog this thread with random stuff)
(I've said the things I needed to say about that topic, so dw)
(Another thing that's making it hard for me is that I feel like I'm being limited with what characters I could use. It feels like I'll only be able to really use protagonists, which I don't have many developed ones of right now, let alone ones I'm able to trust myself with using right lately.)
(There's also the fact the template is very small, and me not being sure if I can just use my own template (because if not, then along with needing to CHOOSE a character, I'd also need to make a description, two if they didn't have one in my document yet (one normal, one for here)), as well as being unsure if things like Pokémon are allowed...)
(I've said the things I needed to say about that topic, so dw)
(Another thing that's making it hard for me is that I feel like I'm being limited with what characters I could use. It feels like I'll only be able to really use protagonists, which I don't have many developed ones of right now, let alone ones I'm able to trust myself with using right lately.)
(There's also the fact the template is very small, and me not being sure if I can just use my own template (because if not, then along with needing to CHOOSE a character, I'd also need to make a description, two if they didn't have one in my document yet (one normal, one for here)), as well as being unsure if things like Pokémon are allowed...)
(i will definitely remember to clarify those kinds of things in future RPs 0-0 )
(also i'll brb, Alan Becker's new episode just went live for premiere)
(It also seems like backstory is required, which limits me even more because *Checks notes* I have roughly a very small amount of characters whose backstories are actually in the list of "things I should write sooner or later". and one of the ones in that list is definitely too powerful for here)
@Esther @IgnisCervus
Ok, ok! I'll edit the rules.
(Sorry if I seem harsh, I've had RPing in my life for a very long time and it kinda shows at times...)
(It also seems like backstory is required, which limits me even more because *Checks notes* I have roughly a very small amount of characters whose backstories are actually in the list of "things I should write sooner or later". and one of the ones in that list is definitely too powerful for here)

(Sorry if I seem harsh, I've had RPing in my life for a very long time and it kinda shows at times...)
Ok, I'll set backstory to optional.
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