Member-Run Contest [Giveaway]Games, Games and Games. Also Games. Whoops, nearly forgot about Games.

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Humble Bundle is literally the best for getting that one game you want then 3 other games you'll never even think of playing.
I don't have anything specific I want, just gimme anything to add to my collection/inventory v(= ͡° ᴥ ͡°=)v
They look at things for face value, which would be shooting and violence. I get zero chance of reasoning with them or explanation.
They look at things for face value, which would be shooting and violence. I get zero chance of reasoning with them or explanation.
I feel ya. My parents aren't so strict with language and violence, but they wouldn't let me get Persona Q because it came with a set of collectible tarot cards and had sexual themes. It's not like I'm gonna use the cards to tell the future, they're just collectible geez >.>
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Good thing I noticed this before it closed!

I would love to stream, or do a youtube series of sanctuary rpg. It looks epic! Other than that the starwars games look cool :p

Thanks so much for the opportunity of free stuff!
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