How to get started on your texture pack

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The Elfcopter is NPC_347, and the dimensions are 84 by 480. The sprite has 8 frames meaning that one frame is 84 x 60. All animated textures in Terraria have their frames stacked on top of each other. The first frame is at the top and the last one is at the bottom. I hope this helped.
flying duchtman demsions and frames?

Ship: NPC_491, 590x534, No Frames
Cannon: NPC_492, 48x492, 9 Frames, 48x48 Each. It is worth noting that these are not frames of animation, but rather are directions the cannons can point.

This information is not that hard to find. I recommend that in the future you try extracting some of these files yourself. It's super easy! If you don't know where a specific image is, check the wiki. They have a list of every major category outlined in the opening post and what ID it's at. Good luck!
sorry I don’t know how to convert .xnb to .png one last one I want to ask toy tank
It’s easy. Just install this, then drag and drop the files you want to convert onto the .exe file.

Thanks for updating this thread, this will definitely help with texture pack development. Now that 1.4 is out, now's a better time than ever to start creating texture packs!
is it possible to change the flame texture? I wanna Change the color of the flamethrower flame texture changing the projectiles texture did nothing
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is it possible to change the flame texture? I wanna Change the color of the flamethrower flame texture changing the projectiles texture did nothing
Yeah it’s possible. I don’t remember exactly where it is though. If I were to take a guess, it’s in dust.xnb
Thanks. One last question is the toy tank mounts Id something like Mount_46? The wiki doesn’t seem to help also where is the texture for the Dutchman’s sails and paddles? cuz I change the Dutchman’s texture the paddles are still there.
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Thanks. One last question is the toy tank mounts Id something like Mount_46? The wiki doesn’t seem to help also where is the texture for the Dutchman’s sails and paddles? cuz I change the Dutchman’s texture the paddles are still there.
They are probably in either projectiles or extra. I'm not too sure.
So i been working on my own personal pack and i cant change torso armor, im sure im naming it right, i been doing the same as every other texture so far but it wont accept torso textures. anyone know why?
So i been working on my own personal pack and i cant change torso armor, im sure im naming it right, i been doing the same as every other texture so far but it wont accept torso textures. anyone know why?
Make sure that it’s in the right folder and the image dimensions are exactly the same as default. The armor files changed significantly in 1.4.
Make sure that it’s in the right folder and the image dimensions are exactly the same as default. The armor files changed significantly in 1.4.
I have been converting the xnb files to png and editing the png then putting it in the texture packs folder, is it possible that the dimentions change when converted to png? if so how would i get around that?
I have been converting the xnb files to png and editing the png then putting it in the texture packs folder, is it possible that the dimentions change when converted to png? if so how would i get around that?
That is unlikely. Armor sheets for the torso and arms changed very significantly in 1.4 and are found in their own folder. Make sure you have that right.
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