The Destroyer
While you are under the effect of the shimmer, after 1000 in the caverns layer, if you hold down, you tp to spawn!
Edit: Upon further testing, it appears that it is not after 1000 in the cavern layers, but after a certain amount of blocks. Where i was testing, it was after about 485 blocks
2nd Edit: after more testing, it appears to be after a certain amount of time, around 25 seconds. This makes daytime EOL even easier to cheese. I feel they may have made this feature for shimmer spawn traps.
Edit: Upon further testing, it appears that it is not after 1000 in the cavern layers, but after a certain amount of blocks. Where i was testing, it was after about 485 blocks
2nd Edit: after more testing, it appears to be after a certain amount of time, around 25 seconds. This makes daytime EOL even easier to cheese. I feel they may have made this feature for shimmer spawn traps.
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