Portfolio/Multi-Topic I read the whole suggestions of the Terraria subreddit and arranged the top ideas, alongside my ideas

*Edit history
Topic 112 has been added ( first edit)
Topic 113 has been added (second edit)
Topic 114 to 128 have been added (129 was previously 114)
After 129 main topics
There are 10 other suggestions under 128
which numbers 8 and 9 have been added
And in the number 10(previously 8 ) I added the farming concept

I read the whole Terraria subreddit suggestions till May 2nd.
alongside my ideas I will write them all here.
Other people's ideas are credited with respective links to their reddit posts or Terraria forums posts.
I just specify them or give my opinion .
Disclaimer:not in any way my preamble about their ideas are superior,
It's just my point of view.
And something else to mention,
I'm no expert but I think
Like 20% of these ideas are not executable in the current Terraria engine.
Probably after extreme rework of the game, they are executable.
Or maybe they are already executable.
As I said I'm no expert in game creation.
So you might say why am I writing all this?
Because I literally enjoy listing things I like,
It doesn't matter to me if they are possible or Impossible,they happen or they never happen.
And some people told me they like reading ideas like myself.
And Redigit himself said he would read them.
And I should mention I and Terraria community don't expect Re-Logic to add these.
Since, they are a LOT, I really mean a lot
Another update with these would take around 3 years.
Re-Logic has already given us so much and we are very thankful,as no other developers are like them.Its almost unbelievable how much they care about us.
If they choose to add these, it's completely their show of unlimited beneficence towards us.
let's start
1-The Ultimate Sponge Bucket.Works like the shellphone menu, but has four sponges(water,lava,honey,shimmer) and four liquids(water,lava,honey,shimmer) to choose from .Lots of other people have already suggested this
But i didn't see anyone mentioning the sponges as well and I believe
Re-Logic themselves will add something like this in 1.4.5
2-Event boss masks. All bosses have masks
except event bosses,but the old one's army bosses have masks although they are event bosses, I suggest moving the Jack 'o lantern mask drop from headless horseman to Pumpking(but rename it to Pumpking mask)
And move horseman's blade from pumpking to headless horseman, and add Pumpking’s blade for the mele Pumpking weapon,For everscream, Santa nk1,ice queen and mourning wood just make a mask based on their head,a little Christmas tree with eyes,a Santa nk1 head,ice queen head and a smaller version of mourning wood with eyes.
Also for the Dutchman and Martin saucer use a smaller version of them on the player's head. nothing else, not a pirate or an alien mask,because they don't represent the boss itself,we already have a fish bowl hat,
a ship and an ufo aren't stranger.
3-Trophies drop 100% of the time in all difficulties,because it's the symbol of your conquest.
And it makes sense,everytime you kill a moonlord it has testicles
No I mean heart😁
4-Changing Santa nk 1 trophy and slightly queen slime trophy and pumpking trophy.
I mean a T-shirt is not a good representation of a demonic god, a broken pumpkin head would be nice.
Santa nk1 trophy looks like the Skeletron trophy.
His hat would make a good trophy.
Queen slime trophy looks like a sword instead of a feather,we could make it look more like a feather,or we could use that crystal inside her instead of a feather.
5-king slime mask doesn't have a crown
But queen slime does,people both like king slime mask, with and without a crown
I suggest adding a crown for king slime mask and add a slime mask without crown for other
6-Some background walls are not craftable in ecto mist yet.including ocean cave background walls.
add the remaining background walls for the builders.
7-Add Mjölnir,since Excalibur and Gungnir are in the game.a weapon that you throw and it comes back
8-remove mana cost for summoner weapons since summoner is already the weakest class
It would be a small help to them,it won't change much but removes a bit of frustration
9-Door padlock , a lock we can put on doors and trapdoors to keep npc and normal enemies out.
And maybe an accessory that lets you pass automatically through them like normal doors.
10-Changing seahorse terrarium name to seahorse aquarium
11-add aquariums for fishes like Terrarium for critters, that we already have(they can't be designed,they have default design like terrariums)
12-add custom aquarium and terrariums Like the ones in stardew valley, we can design them and put various critters or fishes(normal,quest,side)in them
side fishes are jellyfishes,golden carp, oyster, shrimp
13-add Another loadout but please with yellow background since green,red and blue are in the game.fourth loadout is actually Logical since there are 4 main classes in the game.
14-add boss vanity(shirt and pants)
Since we already have masks
(Boss vanity is part of the boss balancing,further down below I will explain it)
15-boss balancing and biome balancing(I will explain further down below)
16-Boss balancing: give every boss at least one from these categories below if they don't have it already.
One melee,ranger,mage and summoner weapon(for example the katana inside king slime as a melee weapon for him and the crystal inside queen slime as a mage weapon(basically if the weapons are from the boss itself it would be cooler))

One mount

One pet(light or normal)

One trophy

One relic

Boss vanity(mask,shirt,pants)

One accessory(like cthulhu shield),

One special accessory,if possible(like gravity globe and radio thing,eye bone)

One minecart

One achievement for every boss


And treasure bag(those that don't have it yet should get it as well,it brings justice in the multiplayer)

And boss food( example for some of them that Duke Fishron food needs no be green and that suspicious shiny drink looks interesting 😉

17-add boss for remaining biomes(and new biomes to come)
and events(and new events to come),(considering the boss balancing modifications above and biome balancing further below)
Let's dive deeper.These are biomes,mini biomes and events that need at least one boss(with suggested boss).
Space biome(arch wyvern)

Desert biome(Pharoah inside pyramids)

Glowing mushroom biome(titashroom)

Granite cave biome(giant amethyst crab example )

Marble cave biome(big hoplite covered in marble dust and shards)

Graveyard biome (soulst: giant demonic ghost(black ghost with red eyes))

Oasis biome (Apep (big king cobra)): should not function like EOW and destroyer more like the golem)

Hlowing moss biome (a RGB worm like eow and destroyer)

Meteorite biome (Meteorite boulder boss)

Spider nest biome(taranpider)

now the event bosses

Blood moon (dreadanulist)

Solar eclipse(mothron)

Goblin army(Hoblin like ogre but goblin like)

Frost legion(a snowman made from literal ice)

Lunar events(if possible make each pillar an official boss)

Add another boss between Mourning wood and pumpking call it Terrorcrow or frightcrow or fearcrow
Because the Frost moon has three bosses

Add a boss for a new event called lunar eclipse
Torch god could possibly be an official boss but his vanity set,mount and trophy will be tricky ones to design

And a boss for hallow alternative called ballow(mostly blue Themed) here's a link to a specific time in terraria otherworld video this biome looks like what I have in mind of ballow (blue crystal caves)
18-ballow(hallow alternative):Redigit Himself Taught of it,it doesn't matter what will it be called
Only thing that matters is ,it should contain categories below(biome balancing)
_at least one boss
_Construction materials
biome backgrounds
_Being artificially made if cursed blocks and walls are used(if it's not a passive biome)
_some fish
_quest fish at least (1~3 depends)
_at least one fish weapon
_Chest being made of construction materials in the biome
_biome chest
_enemeies(especially slime .mimic and sometimes bats .golem ,elemental and special enemy like dr bones)
_pre and post hardmode crates
_unique drop from its enemies(like ankh charm materials)
_ unique furniture(possibly,furniture set)
_npc(depends if it's not a evil biome)
_have balance with drunk world and other seeds(if it's a evil or holy biome which ballow is a holy biome)(I also suggest adding extra large worlds )
_torches and campfires based on the theme of the biome
_ thrown water if its a evil or holy biome
_Planter boxes
19-one pyramid spawns in every world
20-being able to know how many critters you have killed from the bestiary
21-Make a guaranteed way to get all statues and paintings in one world, probably an archeologist npc(female) that works like the angler with his mechanics,if an item is available in your inventory(or portable storages),she will not give duplicates.
22-diamond stained glass(white stained glass)
23-add shimmer absorbent Sponge(that will be included in the ultra absorbent sponge recipe and that will be included in ultimate sponge bucket recipe (topic1))
24-make rain or any other weather conditions to continue while you are in paused menu or inventory(even if the game is paused in menus and inventory)
They just continue on falling the same way as long as game is paused so that means it won't change direction by the wind
25-everything in the terraria wiki furniture sets page(here) which has a red cross on it which means it's not in the game should be added (mostly benches and lanterns and bone candle )(furniture balancing)
Also add vases as a new category for every furniture set
Basically being able to craft them with clay
and the main material of the set
Obsidian and dungeon(all colors) furniture should be available to craft since you can't have other colors in one world or more of them if you want (or via shimmer they could cycle through their colors)(or somehow in ecto mist)
Making dungeon and obsidian furniture items be crafted via special crafting station since they are non renewable.(include dungeon bricks in its crate to ensure any amount of dungeon furniture).the golden pirate vase should be added as a drop for pirate invasion along with the bench
Partial sets should get a complete set as well (bar,jack'o,pine,gothic,stone)
26-placeable Life fruit and life fruit lantern
27-add something like life fruit but for mana
and possibly it's lantern
28-make a button that we can disable and enable quick stacking for a storage so nothing gets in there if it's disabled
29-add deep brown and gray paint.since we reached paint limit(31,i think) maybe we could make shadow and negative paints,coatings. and add deep brown and deep gray instead of them.
30-make cake station buff lasts until death
31-The spazmatism and retinazer trophies
Should be combined.Why? because they are considered one boss(TheTwins).They have one mask, they have one relic, they drop one bag,and it just makes it hard for trophy room builders,because there are two trophies but one relic.
32-add shimmer rocket
33-I was going ro say endless item(like quiver) for every arrow,ammo,rocket,dart,and flare types
and a special item that lets you use infinite items for other types(fallen star,coin,gel, stake, etc.)But let's you shoot with your weapon and doesn't give you the actual infinite items
Like infinite platinum coins😉
And because there are 4 coin types and 6 sand types(including the new ballow)
It needs to have a menu like shellphone to choose which one you want to shoot infinitely
I realized that would be just too many items
Even if we make it hard to obtain(post moonlord shimmer),there are mods out there for it.But for the sake of console and Mobile players it would be cool if they were added
33-endless item for all potions and flasks(endless red's potion 🤤)
And one for the exquisitely stuffed buff(like the old horn o’ plenty).
Again with the same reason as above.
Nevertheless if these types of infinite items are being added,you should get them when you don't necessarily need them anymore(post moonlord shimmer)
34-craft stake with spooky wood.
Because stakes do more damage to vampires in the new seed,we need more of them
35-add jungle mimic to normal worlds as well(because having at least one mimic is a part of the biome balancing(topic18))But change its drop in the normal world(it doesn't drop red's potion)
Note:boss,biome and furniture balancing should apply to all content already in the game and new ones to come(lunatic cultist bag)
Another example,desert doesn't have a mimic
It should get one and the hallow alternative(whatever will it be called,here for example ballow) should regard biome balancing rules ( topic 18).maybe you say a biome like granite doesn't feel like a complete biome,well you are right,but as little as it is,it's still a biome.use your creativity.
give smaller biomes smaller mimics
Not all content in a game should be the same
Some asymmetry is nice.
For example, EOL drops a light pet
King slime drops a pet
They are two completely different thing
No boss needs to drop both,it just needs to drop a pet whether it's a light pet or normal pet.This asymmetry in symmetry keeps both normal people and perfectionists happy.
39-being able to name portable storages
40-include all equipment in loadouts.
for example pet ,light pet,mounts and minecart and hooks don't change with the loadout
41-add a post moonlord shimmer item
That makes you immune to all debuffs(but cannot save you from red's potion😂).
42-potion that Increases critter spawn rate.
43-add spectre bricks with their walls(basically all the metals in the game should have bricks and and plating walls)
44-make campfires valid light source
45-some way to fight the dungeon guardian even after defeating the Skeletron.
46-add the option to choose hardmode ores at the start of the game menu or random ores as normal
47-add bonus for vortex armor since others have it.
48-add another pumpking face(just for fun)
49-add golem for every biome with their heads as decoration.
50-soaring insignia gives 7.5 movement speed but it doesn't say it in its description.
51-let trees grow in underground and cavern levels(it's not logical since there is no sunlight, but us builders need trees in deeper layers.a UV panel that let's trees grow around a long distance from it,will do.But when the trees fully grow removing the panel doesn't gradually destroy the trees(which is not logical 😁)
52-play pianos like guitar.
53-nurse should throw syringes instead of using a bow.
54-add placeable snowman like sand castle.
55-flashlight which only lights up a stream from the cursor(good for horror builds).
56-Getting the previous reforge for twice of its price.
57-things said in this video here
58-another quest fish for crimson(biome balancing suggestion)
59-Brain35-C:mechanical brain which was previously the Ocram.since a mechanical brain is in the game lore but not in the game,
This boss can fill the ocram gap and not be ocram himself.
60-literally what the post says
61-literally what the post says
62-add blizzard as an event( currently it's not considered an event(according to the wiki))
add an item which if activated causes rain,thunderstorm,sandstorm and blizzard in their respective biomes.
63-This maybe you say illuminate Coating already does this, but in night time it's far too bright,it's not natural (read the comments)
64-A mirror that acts like wormhole potion
65-reaper’s monument: upon activation removes all tombstone in the world
Testament:when in the inventory or accessory slot,prevents tombstone dropping upon death(can be toggled on or off)
Original post
66-Soul statue:put banner inside and it spawns the creature(they drop nothing )
The soul statue will be a great tool for creating games.(especially horror games with the flashlight(topic 55)
Add boss banners(but they can't be used on the soul statue,they should be different from normal banners maybe bigger, have a frame or something.for example deerclops banner has his antler (not as big as his).Original post
67- Original post I know this is an unbalance suggestion (not as unbalance as the infinite items🤣).But it looks so cool and none of these suggestion will probably be added to the game so I just wrote It because it was in the top suggestions post of Terraria subreddit
Note:if you have read until here I appreciate it.please note that I'm aware some of these suggestion are not currently possible in the game or they are so unbalanced
As I said earlier, my job is just to arrange all top suggestions of Terraria subreddit until May 2nd and put my ideas alongside them.
Things like padlock and infinite items were not my suggestion but I didn't credit the ideas to anyone because several people have suggested them.these suggestions have been gathered in the course of months in my notes.
If something popped to my head or I saw someone's suggestion i copied their link into my notes and I just wrote it's title,for example “Ultimate Sponge bucket ” and then here I'm specifying it .Unfortunately I didn't take notes of the all ideas the devs reacted to(like or comment),only some of them(horizontal rope,trap doors that open instantly on impact with the player and, etc.)because I think they take notes themselves however it would be cool If i had them here as well.
68-Masterpiece idea 😁
69-Cracked Mirror: teleports you to a random location on use Original post
70-small change Original post
71-I think the roller coaster boots remove the need for this suggestion
72-make at least one of the new fish weapons(biome and weapon balancing) a summoner. Original post
73-Logical request,Original post (maybe read the comments as well)
74-Now we reached the good part where everyone love.suggestions with ART
the best Terraria artist who is not a dev.
Russ Guss Doodles, he is a great artist and always has great suggestions,he puts great amount of work in his suggestions
He makes art for them and uses BBCodes for his posts.I could do that but there are some reasons why I didn't.it's because I'm in doubt if anyone actually reads all this
If I wanted to make a post with The quality of Russ's post ,it would take much longer time
As I'm writing this,this is day three of arranging these ideas,it would take much longer with art and BBcodes and a lot of the people still never read this far even with them
It would be useless effort.Or maybe not.
I would be VERY HAPPY if people actually read this far and discuss things or criticize things, then we can go in depth for some of these topics in the comments and have discussions.for example
hallow alternative(topic 18),I just said it's topic and said nothing about it,boss and biome balancing need so many more in depth suggestions ,we could discuss that and so many more things.First read Russ's post and then I will say my opinions
First fractal:I don't like this idea,because there should be only one final weapon if there are two then it's not final.if we want to add this we should remove the zenith. nevertheless I should say his first fractal art is so beautiful
Bottled Eternal Flame:I think this idea is great
but it should toggled on and off
Astral Chain:I don't like this idea and I like it,
Like those infinite items ideas.something I'm not sure about is how many toggled on and off items we can have.
Spellbound Saddle:this person explained perfectly
Prism Ring:it's great.
for every item of his,I discuss ,imagine I say the sentence “his art is SO BEAUTIFUL “ because it really is and I really mean it.
Bag of Winds:its great again,no criticism
Dream Diver's Helmet:great
Orion's Toolbelt:there is something like this already in the game
Celestial Workbench:great feature again
Gilded Death Certificate:above I wrote someone's idea about something similar called testament (topic 65).I think this idea is better,Toggle on and off item is easier and better to use than an accessory
Illuminating Map:I'm not sure.Cenx replied to this idea in the Twitter with"how about a no”
And I think she is kinda right,basically after moonlord if all places are shown,then not much exploration is left,you just get the things you want and quit the game.some people will still build things and stuff,that's why I said I'm not sure.
Shimmer Bullet:this needs to be added because we already have shimmer arrow
Shimmering Grenade:very nice idea
Shimmer Bomb:this needs to be added as for the balancing. We have water,lava and honey bomb, we should get this one as well
Also,his explanation is very good
Read all of his posts and comments.
Shimmer Rocket:I also wrote this idea above(topic 32).Again for the balancing It needs to be added.
Shimmer Dye:great again 😁
Chromatic Dye:nice dye
Aether Dye:very beautiful
Pearlescent Dye:beautiful again
Rainbow Quartz:very beautiful pet(if it's a light pet it would be cooler, since jellyfishes emit light)
One of those ideas that I said I haven't wrote because devs reacted to was:An item which you put the pet summon in, and your pet moves around a radius of it and you can show off your pet,for example put ogre pet like a guardian in front of your house (pets don't attack anything but just for it's looks)
This jellyfish would be so beautiful with that
Some items like this to show our Mounts would be a great addition as well.
Another idea was:An item which you put your summoner weapon in and you can show off your minions and maybe by right clicking you can add up to your number of minions(but they don't attack anything because then bosses would be a joke. imagine you put couple of these stand and then enemies would be shredded)
Currently max number of minions is 11 please make it 12,Twelve is my favorite number 👉👈
Magic Shimmer Dropper:again this needs to be added because we have the other variants
Shimmerfall Block and Wall:same reason I said for the Dropper
Inverted Block and coating:I like this idea
But please also read his explanation
Prismatic Water Fountain:as he said
“RGB gaming water!!!”,what could be better than this?
Pearlescent Perch:nice shimmer fish idea
Chromatic Potion:nice but read this comment for a little criticism this is the same link as the one I put in front of the spellbound Saddle
After reading all this we reach his shimmer transmutations suggestions,which I agree with all of it ,except diamond and amber one
Because in the real world diamonds are worth more than ambers,the link to the comment above also mentions this.
Shimmered Guide Doll:this idea is great but I think it should not kill you, because it wouldn't be fair to hardcore players and it's more menacing,it brings your health to its last drop but doesn't kill you to remind you he is stronger and if he wanted ,he could kill you.
Shimmered Clothier Doll:I wanted a way to fight dungeon guardian after defeating Skeletron(Topic 45).I think this is a cool way
But don't make it so fast because hardcore players might die for just a pet 🤣
here's a video of the Shimmered dolls in action
So the amazing Russ Guss Doodles suggestions are done
If you have read this far I really appreciate It
75-Flint's suggestion is basically balancing weapons for the pillars which is needed
Original post
76-some way to keep track of one time use items read the comments.
The original poster said maybe in the menu
but as some of the commenters said
It's more suitable if it's in the bestiary
77-nice shimmer transmutations idea(read the comments for more suggestions)
78-Maps that mark the location of the Aether and Jungle Temple.They would both be purchased from the Zoologist with the Aether map being purchased at 35% Bestiary Completion and the Jungle Temple Map being purchased after Plantera is defeated.
Original post from Russ guss Doodles
79-small change
80-the original poster and the commenters made good points
81-good shimmer transmutations
I should add something to this people said at this point by shimmering we are removing the fun of grinding, but it doesn't remove the grinding.let me explain.You get 16 hats but no shirt or pants.Did you grind for them or not?Yes you did, but at this point you aren't having fun,it's torture.for example you get 2 hats and one pants.you had your fun grinding which didn't turn into torturing and you have your set.if you like the fun of grinding
Collect 1000 universal pylons
Not all people want to be tortured.
I'm a victim of killing pumpking for 156 times
Because he didn't give me the horseman's blade. How many people would do that ?
They will just leave the game and they will not enjoy THE FUN OF GRINDING
82-lumnite rocket(weapon balancing)
83-Dash potion
84-Frog potion
85-I gave the idea for a BOC mech boss(ocram replacement).Called “Brain35-C”
(Topic 59).this guy made an art for this
concept here
86-ocean biome chest loot concept
87-accessory concept
88-nice shimmer transmutations (read comments)
89-inactive coatings (very nice idea)
90-cool concept for infinite potions and flasks(topic 33) here
91-good point (read the comments)
92-good point again
93-very nice spear
94-this was the idea for showing off pets
(topic 74 Rainbow quartz part)
I added showing off mounts myself.
and someone else said showing off minions in a post which Redigit responded to, that's why as I said before unfortunately I don't have the links to some of the ideas which devs reacted to,I was lucky to find some of them and for others I just tried to memorize them.
95-not something necessary but good point
96-I said please make max number of minions 12 (topic 74 ,one line above the magic shimmer dropper)
this is a good way of doing that
97- creative menu in journey mode like the mod(cheat sheet).from creative menu
I mean something that gives all the items for the builders of console and mobile that don't have access to builders workshop or the cheat sheet itself.
98-new event Lunar eclipse (mentioned in the biome balancing topic 17)
Basically something similar To solar eclipse but it happens at nights
99- A seeded enemy coming to normal worlds
Like the Jungle mimic (topic 35)
100-Unplayable game
101-something very good
102-good idea for a weapon (read couple of the comments Original poster said another hardmode flamethrower but maybe it could be a pre hardmode flamethrower 🤷🏻‍♂️
103-this person wants stone furniture and he is right as of the furniture Balancing (topic 25)
Partial Sets should get a complete set.
104-old ones furniture set (maybe tavern?)
105-logical point
106-two bone Lee items, tabi and black belt being shimmered into each other(not a specific topic but some of the shimmer transmutations posts,when I said read the comments ,several people suggested this)
107-nice and handy item
108-Very good suggestion (read the comments).devs need to be careful with this one,it needs to be balanced,one red's potion and any boss is shredded 🤣
109-adding this will solve like 60% of invalid housing posts
110-add lava and wind elemental to complete the four elements (water,earth,fire,wind)
111- some little weapon balancing
112-all traps being craftable
113-add Lihzahrdd crate
114-Multi purpose item/weapon
this looks very fun and useful
115-Looks logical read the replies as well
116-Bone arrows should be craftable with 100 wooden arrows and a bone.(this was someone else's idea which I don't have the link to )
117-This would bring beautiful animations
118-Toggle monoliths in the inventory: this is mainly useful if you have a monolith in your vanity and don't wanna remove it and place it in your inventory, you can just toggle it.(someone else's idea )
119-Wings say their flight time on them, so many people ask in the discord what wings are better, this would be much easier if the wings just said which is better. This goes for hooks (someone's idea)
120-Items such as Guide to Environmental Preservation can be toggled inside the Void Bag and such items (someone's idea)
121-Pre hardmode sentry for sentry only runs(Someone's idea)
122-Great explanation for accessory concepts
123-Hero sword
A sword made from broken hero sword and a talisman from the Hero's skeleton
Hero is someone who tried beating cthulhu but he failed
In each word his remains can be only found once somewhere random(new Terraria lore)
And maybe NPC's such as Dryad would mention him in there Dialogues
124-some way to ensure special and low amounts of liquids(honey and shimmer)
If you lost them in your world before getting access to their infinite sources
Maybe honey and shimmer bombs(topic 74) can be found in crates (water and lava bombs as well)
125-shimmer fishing:both normal fish and quest fish(topic 18 biome balancing)
126-dungeon and temple fishing:both normal fish and quest fish(topic 18 biome balancing)
I was in doubt if these are considered biomes or not
According to biome balancing rules (topic 18)
Only a few minor discrimination are present
For example fountain,monolith,pylons,plants and critters. which I think is good for a little asymmetry
127-Evil npc concept
NPC's that live in the evil biomes
They are allied with the enemeies in the game and enemies will not attack and damage them(except bosses)
They will also not attack the player, except if the player harms them first
They will attack other NPC's if they see them though
And they are originally cultists
One for the corruption and one for the crimson
They sell thier pylons and other items regarding their biome
128-Context of the post and the comment
129-and for the last suggestion.
I suggest coral reef in the oceans,
the oceans are so empty, maybe a sunken ship with gold coins and bars and a chest for that side of the ocean which has an ocean cave (but it's not guaranteed in every world).
So here we are at the end of the main suggestions
Thank you for reading
From now on I will be explaining the impossible or very hard ones to implement.
Please note that everything I explain is according to my knowledge which is not even slightly near a game developer knowledge
So I might be completely wrong,things i will explain are based on what i learned from the comments,which I believe are right(according to my 1:04:33 experience in C# 🤣).seriously
I am an artist not a programmer yet.but based on that 1 hour experience I really believe ,I learned why there is a limit for paints and other things.
If they are wrong please don't hesitate to correct me
The sooner you correct me,the sooner i will edit it.
1-mix paints and dyes to apply on objects and equipment.
This is the most impossible one yet
Because since there are billions of colors and each time you put a color.thats a layer in game.based on what I heard making a layer itself is hard and it risks performance and loading time and might break the previous world files
To count from 1 to 1 billion nonstop
It would take around 32 years.now imagine billions of layers for every color combination possible.even if we keep it more simple
For example you apply red on a wood block and then you apply white once that's a layer and it gives you pink ,if you apply again that's another layer and it gives you a lighter pink
If you do it again that's four layers and your red turns into complete white, and if you scrap the white it should give you a lighter pink and again pink and if you scrap again you are back to red and again you are back to your original wood block
According to this example devs need to add 4 layers and 1.7069174e+46 possible colors combinations
Which again,not executable according to my little knowledge
It's not like they can add that rainbow color spectrum you see in the websites.
Colors in terraria are pixels with different shades and transparency different combinations are just too much.
And for the dyes it's a similar situation.
Too many combinations.
This was the reason why I didn't include these as the main suggestions
2-putting items in front of paintings and beams.
Devs need to add one or two layers for this if I'm not wrong,it's not impossible but it's hard
3-music box and otherworldly music box for every music already in the game and new ones to come.
The reason why this is impossible Is because Terraria otherworld has been canceled for years.there are no more otherworldly music for the the new musics
4-I don't know if this is hard to implement or not but it's cool
5-this one Redigit himself said it wouldn't look good I don't possess the necessary knowledge to say anything about this.maybe they will,maybe they won't

here is his comment
6-Rename weapon rack to frame
and let us put anything on it.
If the frame can be invisible with echo paint and we can still spin the item on it and see the item It would be great addition to builders
you may say item frame already does this but
Items on item frames look so small
This addition is not impossible but hard
7-this with the echo actuators would be so cool(please read the comments there are only 6 comments
Note:from the start I said I have gathered the top suggestions of Terraria subreddit but I have also included suggestions which were not top.
But they are cool,so i added them
8-Cage for the mobs
A cage which you can trap mobs inside
According to my little knowledge of layers in Terraria,currently this is not possible.
9-Console and mobile exclusive content
So if you have been a Terraria player for some years
You probably know that some contents were removed from Terraria
Over the years,people have asked for thier return
The reason why I included it here, is because devs are aware of this request and knowing how amazing they are I'm sure if could bring them back they would
There are couple of reasons why they were removed most importantly legal issues i think
And thier low quality
Nevertheless if one day they are back reworked and new ,we will all appreciate it.
10-and lastly for my friend on Twitter who said add farming to the ideas but I said because Redigit himself talked about it which means It's one of those ideas he knows about, so I don't include it,but so far i have included so many unbalance and impossible or hard ideas to implement so why not add this possible idea as well?

Here are my concepts
  • Animals
Cows:black&white, brown&white
Goats:white and white and brown
Sheep:white and black
Pig:pink and brown
Chickens:white and brown
Turkey:Red head and blue head
Ducks:white and mallard
Gesse:white and greylag

*Ducks that are already in the game should be renamed to wild white duck
And wild mallard duck
And thier terrariums as well
  • Crops
garlic and mushroom and bell pepper and hot pepper
They have four stage of growth
And have some conditions to grow
For example they won't grow on evil biome blocks and rice only grows in the Jungle or near water
These crops can be used in the cooking recipes
  • NPC
farmer npc is needed to buy the items needed for farming (animals themselves and thier foods, seeds and mushrooms spores )
Farmer npc is an early game npc and will unlock more of his stock as you progress through the game
You can also sell your animals and goods to him
  • Items
Fence block:a block that keeps animals in the wanted area if it's two blocks or higher
If it's not, they will jump over it
It's just a block but looks cool for players who don't want to use normal blocks
This is the fence block concept

And this is three of it on top of each other

*Ducks and gesse won't fly because they are tamed birds.

Leash:an item to move animals around

Animal foods are packs
What I mean is
Cow food pack ,chicken food pack, goat food pack and ,etc.
These food packs can be crafted from the livestock food maker, a machine which is bought from the farmer
You use certain crops and flowers to make food for your animals and also the farmer sells their foods as well
There are three other machines
One for butter making
One for cheese and one for cloth
Cows and goats give butter and cheese (thier milked is gathered with bucket)
And cloth from sheep's wool (a shear is needed to gather the wool)
Milks, butter and cheese and eggs from the birds are used in cooking recipes
I'm not sure about the pig
Only ways he is useful lead to its death
Which I don't know if Terraria community likes or not.
Or even if it's allowed in PGEI 12

Again , thank you for reading.
Now I should clarify some things.
I literally fear all things I said about the impossible and hard suggestions to Terraria are complete nonsense
If they are,I'm extremely sorry.
The items of this post have been gathered in course of months and arranged in four days
on the Google docs and on a mobile phone.
As I said at the top of the post
My post includes all famous(and not famous but cool)Terraria suggestions(which devs didn't react to) on Terraria subreddit alongside with my ideas until May 2nd
As I'm writing right now it's May 6nd
I tried to include posts from these four days as well,(if there was any)
I apologize if I missed any.
I'm not a native English speaker
I will read through all this and check every link to edit mistakes(I apologize for the capitalisation mistakes I made)
But if you found any grammatical mistakes I'm sorry,I'm not a native
I learned most of my English from watching YouTube videos in English and talking online with people around the world.one of the great communities I learned English from is the great community of Terraria.
I try to leave no spelling mistakes.
But for grammar I might see them but never notice them, I'm sorry.
Another thing to mention is,I have included lots of link in this suggestion post
You had to go from this link to other or keep several tabs open
Firstly I did this to minimize the amount of text on this post and keep its volume as low as possible because I wouldn't have to put all their explanations here as well.
And secondly because there is no art on this psot, it would be boring for most people.
Going from this website to another would entertain you and seeing those beautiful arts,people made is amazing(especially Russ Guss Doodles).
One thing that I think people may criticize me for,is I kept some topics empty.
For example Hallow alternative(topic 18)
I just said my suggestion for a name and
How that biome needs to be balanced with others and how others need to be balanced with it.
But I gave no suggestions for the biome itself.
This was because I want to discuss this with other people,Two minds is better than one mind.If you have any suggestions for the topics I kept empty or any other topic,
leave a comment and I will be more than happy to discuss it with you.
And last thing that I thought people could have misunderstood is.
As I said at the very first top of the post, I wrote all this because I enjoy listing things, I like
And some other people said to me they like reading ideas.So I said to myself
Why not entertain others as well?
I'm not sure if I was successful in that matter.
Another thing to mention is,
Most of these suggestions had imperative verbs (add that,do that,fix that,etc.)
I'm not ordering developers or anyone else to do anything,
I had to write it this way so it looks like a normal suggestion post.we all know these things will probably never be added,Terraria is at its end.
Probably the last update ever is 1.4.5.
I say probably because you never know what happens.
Whatever happens,We are all thankful to Re-Logic
they have already given Terraria so much
I say this from the depths of my heart
I literally LOVE them.
Thank you for all you have done for us and
how much you cared for us.

Thank You ❤️

Done by AMIR HYBER on Twitter
Amirhyber on reddit
Amirhta🌳🤝🪓 on Terraria Forums
Last edited:
Hi @amirhta🌳🤝🪓 ,
On the forums, we generally require users to post their suggestions in the main portion of the original post, rather than just uploading a word document and leaving no details at all on the forum. Not everyone is able or willing to download a random docx file from the internet after all! You're welcome to attach it in addition to including the text in the forum thread - but please do update it here as soon as you're able to.

I understand that Unit One recommended that you make use of a word document while writing a long suggestion here: Question about the text limit. I think that there might have been a small misunderstanding; she was just recommending that you use it while writing the suggestion as the draft feature on the forums can be unreliable. You still need to copy the content out of the word document once you're done writing it before posting.
Hi @amirhta🌳🤝🪓 ,
On the forums, we generally require users to post their suggestions in the main portion of the original post, rather than just uploading a word document and leaving no details at all on the forum. Not everyone is able or willing to download a random docx file from the internet after all! You're welcome to attach it in addition to including the text in the forum thread - but please do update it here as soon as you're able to.

I understand that Unit One recommended that you make use of a word document while writing a long suggestion here: Question about the text limit. I think that there might have been a small misunderstanding; she was just recommending that you use it while writing the suggestion as the draft feature on the forums can be unreliable. You still need to copy the content out of the word document once you're done writing it before posting.
I misunderstood that part
I have an exam tomorrow and I missed somethings in the post
I may not be able to fix this problem for like 24hours
What should I do now ?
The website does have a draft feature! Just press the floppy disk icon.
Yep but I think it's available only one time when you a make post or reply.
If you want to edit it , it's not available


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Topic 112 has been added
Topic 113 has been added
In the coming days I might add these three
1-Evil biome npcs concept
2-Farming and ranching full concept
3-some talks about the mobile and console exclusive content

I read the whole Terraria subreddit suggestions till May 2nd.
alongside with my ideas I will write them all here.
Other people's ideas are credited with respective links to their reddit posts or Terraria forums posts.
I just specify them or give my opinion .
Disclaimer:not in any way my preamble about their ideas are superior,
It's just my point of view.
And something else to mention,
I'm no expert but I think
Like 20% of these ideas are not executable in the current Terraria engine.
Probably after extreme rework of the game, they are executable.
Or maybe they are already executable.
As I said I'm no expert in game creation.
So you might say why am I writing all this?
Because I literally enjoy listing things I like,
It doesn't matter to me if they are possible or Impossible,they happen or they never happen.
And some people told me they like reading ideas like myself.
And Redigit himself said he would read them.
And I should mention I and Terraria community don't expect Re-Logic to add these.
Since, they are a LOT, I really mean a lot
Another update with these would take around 3 years.
Re-Logic has already given us so much and we are very thankful,as no other developers are like them.Its almost unbelievable how much they care about us.
If they choose to add these, it's completely their show of unlimited beneficence towards us.
let's start
1-The Ultimate Sponge Bucket.Works like the shellphone menu, but has four sponges(water,lava,honey,shimmer) and four liquids(water,lava,honey,shimmer) to choose from .Lots of other people have already suggested this
But i didn't see anyone mentioning the sponges as well and I believe
Re-Logic themselves will add something like this in 1.4.5
2-Event boss masks. All bosses have masks
except event bosses,but the old one's army bosses have masks although they are event bosses, I suggest moving the Jack 'o lantern mask drop from headless horseman to Pumpking(but rename it to Pumpking mask)
And move horseman's blade from pumpking to headless horseman, and add Pumpking’s blade for the mele Pumpking weapon,For everscream, Santa nk1,ice queen and mourning wood just make a mask based on their head,a little Christmas tree with eyes,a Santa nk1 head,ice queen head and a smaller version of mourning wood with eyes.
Also for the Dutchman and Martin saucer use a smaller version of them on the player's head. nothing else, not a pirate or an alien mask,because they don't represent the boss itself,we already have a fish bowl hat,
a ship and an ufo aren't stranger.
3-Trophies drop 100% of the time in all difficulties,because it's the symbol of your conquest.
And it makes sense,everytime you kill a moonlord it has testicles
No I mean heart😁
4-Changing Santa nk 1 trophy and slightly queen slime trophy and pumpking trophy.
I mean a T-shirt is not a good representation of a demonic god, a broken pumpkin head would be nice.
Santa nk1 trophy looks like the Skeletron trophy.
His hat would make a good trophy.
Queen slime trophy looks like a sword instead of a feather,we could make it look more like a feather,or we could use that crystal inside her instead of a feather.
5-king slime mask doesn't have a crown
But queen slime does,people both like king slime mask, with and without a crown
I suggest adding a crown for king slime mask and add a slime mask without crown for other
6-Some background walls are not craftable in ecto mist yet.including ocean cave background walls.
add the remaining background walls for the builders.
7-Add Mjölnir,since Excalibur and Gungnir are in the game.a weapon that you throw and it comes back
8-remove mana cost for summoner weapons since summoner is already the weakest class
It would be a small help to them,it won't change much but removes a bit of frustration
9-Door padlock , a lock we can put on doors and trapdoors to keep npc and normal enemies out.
And maybe an accessory that lets you pass automatically through them like normal doors.
10-Changing seahorse terrarium name to seahorse aquarium
11-add aquariums for fishes like Terrarium for critters, that we already have(they can't be designed,they have default design like terrariums)
12-add custom aquarium and terrariums Like the ones in stardew valley, we can design them and put various critters or fishes(normal,quest,side)in them
side fishes are jellyfishes,golden carp, oyster, shrimp
13-add Another loadout but please with yellow background since green,red and blue are in the game.fourth loadout is actually Logical since there are 4 main classes in the game.
14-add boss vanity(shirt and pants)
Since we already have masks
(Boss vanity is part of the boss balancing,further down below I will explain it)
15-boss balancing and biome balancing(I will explain further down below)
16-Boss balancing: give every boss at least one from these categories if they don't have it already. One melee,ranger,mage and summoner weapon(for example the katana inside king slime as a melee weapon for him and the crystal inside queen slime as a mage weapon(basically if the weapons are from the boss itself it would be cooler))
one mount and one pet(light or normal)
one trophy,one relic,boss vanity(mask,shirt,pants),one accessory(like cthulhu shield),one special accessory,if possible(like gravity globe and radio thing,eye bone),one minecart,and one achievement for every boss.and soundtrack
And treasure bag(those that don't have it yet should get it as well,it brings justice in the multiplayer)and boss food( example for some of them that Duke Fishron food needs no be green and that suspicious shiny drink looks interesting 😉
17-add boss for remaining biomes(and new biomes to come) and events(and new events to come),(considering the boss balancing modifications and biome balancing further below)
Let's dive deeper.These are biomes,mini biomes and events that need at least one boss(with suggested boss).Space biome(arch wyvern),desert biome(Pharoah inside pyramids)
Glowing mushroom biome(titashroom),Granite cave biome(giant amethyst crab example ), marble cave biome(big hoplite covered in marble dust and shards).
Graveyard biome (soulst: giant demonic ghost(black ghost with red eyes)).
Oasis biome (Apep (big king cobra)): should not function like EOW and destroyer).glowing moss biome (a RGB worm like eow and destroyer).Meteorite biome (Meteorite boulder boss).
Spider nest biome(taranpider).now the event bosses:Blood moon event(dreadanulist).solar eclipse(mothron),goblin army(a goblin like ogre),frost legion(a snowman made from literal ice),lunar events(if possible make each pillar an official boss),add another boss between Mourning wood and pumpking call it Terrorcrow or frightcrow or fearcrow.
Add a boss for a new event called lunar eclipse.Torach god could possibly be an official boss but his vanity set,mount and trophy will be tricky ones to design.
and a boss for hallow alternative called ballow(mostly blue Themed) here's a link to a specific time in terraria otherworld video this biome looks like what I have in mind of ballow (blue crystal caves)
18-ballow(hallow alternative):Redigit Himself Taught of it,it doesn't matter what will it be called
Only thing that matters is ,it should contain categories below(biome balancing)
_at least one boss
_Construction materials
biome backgrounds
_Being artificially made if cursed blocks and walls are used(if it's not a passive biome)
_some fish
_quest fish at least (1~3 depends)
_at least one fish weapon
_Chest being made of construction materials in the biome
_biome chest
_enemeies(especially slime .mimic and sometimes bats .golem ,elemental and special enemy like dr bones)
_pre and post hardmode crates
_unique drop from its enemies(like ankh charm materials)
_ unique furniture(possibly,furniture set)
_npc(depends if it's not a evil biome)
_have balance with drunk world and other seeds(if it's a evil or holy biome which ballow is a holy biome)(I also suggest adding extra large worlds )
_torches and campfires based on the theme of the biome
_ thrown water if its a evil or holy biome
19-one pyramid spawns in every world
20-being able to know how many critters you have killed from the bestiary
21-Make a guaranteed way to get all statues and paintings in one world, probably an archeologist npc(female) that works like the angler with his mechanics,if an item is available in your inventory(or portable storages),she will not give duplicates.
22-diamond stained glass(white stained glass)
23-add shimmer absorbent Sponge(that will be included in the ultra absorbent sponge recipe and that will be included in ultimate sponge bucket recipe (topic1))
24-make rain or any other weather conditions to continue while you are in paused menu or inventory(even if the game is paused in menus and inventory)
They just continue on falling the same way as long as game is paused so that means it won't change direction by the wind
25-everything in the terraria wiki furniture sets page(here) which has a red cross on it which means it's not in the game should be added (mostly benches and lanterns and bone candle )(furniture balancing)
Also add vases as a new category for every furniture set
Basically being able to craft them with clay
and the main material of the set
Obsidian and dungeon(all colors) furniture should be available to craft since you can't have other colors in one world or more of them if you want (or via shimmer they could cycle through their colors)(or somehow in ecto mist)
Making dungeon and obsidian furniture items be crafted via special crafting station since they are non renewable.(include dungeon bricks in its crate to ensure any amount of dungeon furniture).the golden pirate vase should be added as a drop for pirate invasion along with the bench
Partial sets should get a complete set as well (bar,jack'o,pine,gothic,stone)
26-placeable Life fruit and life fruit lantern
27-add something like life fruit but for mana
and possibly it's lantern
28-make a button that we can disable and enable quick stacking for a storage so nothing gets in there if it's disabled
29-add deep brown and gray paint.since we reached paint limit(31,i think) maybe we could make shadow and negative paints,coatings. and add deep brown and deep gray instead of them.
30-make cake station buff lasts until death
31-The spazmatism and retinazer trophies
Should be combined.Why? because they are considered one boss(TheTwins).They have one mask, they have one relic, they drop one bag,and it just makes it hard for trophy room builders,because there are two trophies but one relic.
32-add shimmer rocket
33-I was going ro say endless item(like quiver) for every arrow,ammo,rocket,dart,and flare types
and a special item that lets you use infinite items for other types(fallen star,coin,gel, stake, etc.)But let's you shoot with your weapon and doesn't give you the actual infinite items
Like infinite platinum coins😉
And because there are 4 coin types and 6 sand types(including the new ballow)
It needs to have a menu like shellphone to choose which one you want to shoot infinitely
I realized that would be just too many items
Even if we make it hard to obtain(post moonlord shimmer),there are mods out there for it.But for the sake of console and Mobile players it would be cool if they were added
33-endless item for all potions and flasks(endless red's potion 🤤)
And one for the exquisitely stuffed buff(like the old horn o’ plenty).
Again with the same reason as above.
Nevertheless if these types of infinite items are being added,you should get them when you don't necessarily need them anymore(post moonlord shimmer)
34-craft stake with spooky wood.
Because stakes do more damage to vampires in the new seed,we need more of them
35-add jungle mimic to normal worlds as well(because having at least one mimic is a part of the biome balancing(topic18))But change its drop in the normal world(it doesn't drop red's potion)
Note:boss,biome and furniture balancing should apply to all content already in the game and new ones to come(lunatic cultist bag)
Another example,desert doesn't have a mimic
It should get one and the hallow alternative(whatever will it be called,here for example ballow) should regard biome balancing rules ( topic 18).maybe you say a biome like granite doesn't feel like a complete biome,well you are right,but as little as it is,it's still a biome.use your creativity.
give smaller biomes smaller mimics
Not all content in a game should be the same
Some asymmetry is nice.
For example, EOL drops a light pet
King slime drops a pet
They are two completely different thing
No boss needs to drop both,it just needs to drop a pet whether it's a light pet or normal pet.This asymmetry in symmetry keeps both normal people and perfectionists happy.
39-being able to name portable storages
40-include all equipment in loadouts.
for example pet ,light pet,mounts and minecart and hooks don't change with the loadout
41-add a post moonlord shimmer item
That makes you immune to all debuffs(but cannot save you from red's potion😂).
42-potion that Increases critter spawn rate.
43-add spectre bricks with their walls(basically all the metals in the game should have bricks and and plating walls)
44-make campfires valid light source
45-some way to fight the dungeon guardian even after defeating the Skeletron.
46-add the option to choose hardmode ores at the start of the game menu or random ores as normal
47-add bonus for vortex armor since others have it.
48-add another pumpking face(just for fun)
49-add golem for every biome with their heads as decoration.
50-soaring insignia gives 7.5 movement speed but it doesn't say it in its description.
51-let trees grow in underground and cavern levels(it's not logical since there is no sunlight, but us builders need trees in deeper layers.a UV panel that let's trees grow around a long distance from it,will do.But when the trees fully grow removing the panel doesn't gradually destroy the trees(which is not logical 😁)
52-play pianos like guitar.
53-nurse should throw syringes instead of using a bow.
54-add placeable snowman like sand castle.
55-flashlight which only lights up a stream from the cursor(good for horror builds).
56-Getting the previous reforge for twice of its price.
57-things said in this video here
58-another quest fish for crimson(biome balancing suggestion)
59-Brain35-C:mechanical brain which was previously the Ocram.since a mechanical brain is in the game lore but not in the game,
This boss can fill the ocram gap and not be ocram himself.
60-literally what the post says
61-literally what the post says
62-add blizzard as an event( currently it's not considered an event(according to the wiki))
add an item which if activated causes rain,thunderstorm,sandstorm and blizzard in their respective biomes.
63-This maybe you say illuminate Coating already does this, but in night time it's far too bright,it's not natural (read the comments)
64-A mirror that acts like wormhole potion
65-reaper’s monument: upon activation removes all tombstone in the world
Testament:when in the inventory or accessory slot,prevents tombstone dropping upon death(can be toggled on or off)
Original post
66-Soul statue:put banner inside and it spawns the creature(they drop nothing )
The soul statue will be a great tool for creating games.(especially horror games with the flashlight(topic 55)
Add boss banners(but they can't be used on the soul statue,they should be different from normal banners maybe bigger, have a frame or something.for example deerclops banner has his antler (not as big as his).Original post
67- Original post I know this is an unbalance suggestion (not as unbalance as the infinite items🤣).But it looks so cool and none of these suggestion will probably be added to the game so I just wrote It because it was in the top suggestions post of Terraria subreddit
Note:if you have read until here I appreciate it.please note that I'm aware some of these suggestion are not currently possible in the game or they are so unbalanced
As I said earlier, my job is just to arrange all top suggestions of Terraria subreddit until May 2nd and put my ideas alongside them.
Things like padlock and infinite items were not my suggestion but I didn't credit the ideas to anyone because several people have suggested them.these suggestions have been gathered in the course of months in my notes.
If something popped to my head or I saw someone's suggestion i copied their link into my notes and I just wrote it's title,for example “Ultimate Sponge bucket ” and then here I'm specifying it .Unfortunately I didn't take notes of the all ideas the devs reacted to(like or comment),only some of them(horizontal rope,trap doors that open instantly on impact with the player and, etc.)because I think they take notes themselves however it would be cool If i had them here as well.
68-Masterpiece idea 😁
69-Cracked Mirror: teleports you to a random location on use Original post
70-small change Original post
71-I think the roller coaster boots remove the need for this suggestion
72-make at least one of the new fish weapons(biome and weapon balancing) a summoner. Original post
73-Logical request,Original post (maybe read the comments as well)
74-Now we reached the good part where everyone love.suggestions with ART
the best Terraria artist who is not a dev.
Russ Guss Doodles, he is a great artist and always has great suggestions,he puts great amount of work in his suggestions
He makes art for them and uses BBCodes for his posts.I could do that but there are some reasons why I didn't.it's because I'm in doubt if anyone actually reads all this
If I wanted to make a post with The quality of Russ's post ,it would take much longer time
As I'm writing this,this is day three of arranging these ideas,it would take much longer with art and BBcodes and a lot of the people still never read this far even with them
It would be useless effort.Or maybe not.
I would be VERY HAPPY if people actually read this far and discuss things or criticize things, then we can go in depth for some of these topics in the comments and have discussions.for example
hallow alternative(topic 18),I just said it's topic and said nothing about it,boss and biome balancing need so many more in depth suggestions ,we could discuss that and so many more things.First read Russ's post and then I will say my opinions
First fractal:I don't like this idea,because there should be only one final weapon if there are two then it's not final.if we want to add this we should remove the zenith. nevertheless I should say his first fractal art is so beautiful
Bottled Eternal Flame:I think this idea is great
but it should toggled on and off
Astral Chain:I don't like this idea and I like it,
Like those infinite items ideas.something I'm not sure about is how many toggled on and off items we can have.
Spellbound Saddle:this person explained perfectly
Prism Ring:it's great.
for every item of his,I discuss ,imagine I say the sentence “his art is SO BEAUTIFUL “ because it really is and I really mean it.
Bag of Winds:its great again,no criticism
Dream Diver's Helmet:great
Orion's Toolbelt:there is something like this already in the game
Celestial Workbench:great feature again
Gilded Death Certificate:above I wrote someone's idea about something similar called testament (topic 65).I think this idea is better,Toggle on and off item is easier and better to use than an accessory
Illuminating Map:I'm not sure.Cenx replied to this idea in the Twitter with"how about a no”
And I think she is kinda right,basically after moonlord if all places are shown,then not much exploration is left,you just get the things you want and quit the game.some people will still build things and stuff,that's why I said I'm not sure.
Shimmer Bullet:this needs to be added because we already have shimmer arrow
Shimmering Grenade:very nice idea
Shimmer Bomb:this needs to be added as for the balancing. We have water,lava and honey bomb, we should get this one as well
Also,his explanation is very good
Read all of his posts and comments.
Shimmer Rocket:I also wrote this idea above(topic 32).Again for the balancing It needs to be added.
Shimmer Dye:great again 😁
Chromatic Dye:nice dye
Aether Dye:very beautiful
Pearlescent Dye:beautiful again
Rainbow Quartz:very beautiful pet(if it's a light pet it would be cooler, since jellyfishes emit light)
One of those ideas that I said I haven't wrote because devs reacted to was:An item which you put the pet summon in, and your pet moves around a radius of it and you can show off your pet,for example put ogre pet like a guardian in front of your house (pets don't attack anything but just for it's looks)
This jellyfish would be so beautiful with that
Some items like this to show our Mounts would be a great addition as well.
Another idea was:An item which you put your summoner weapon in and you can show off your minions and maybe by right clicking you can add up to your number of minions(but they don't attack anything because then bosses would be a joke. imagine you put couple of these stand and then enemies would be shredded)
Currently max number of minions is 11 please make it 12,Twelve is my favorite number 👉👈
Magic Shimmer Dropper:again this needs to be added because we have the other variants
Shimmerfall Block and Wall:same reason I said for the Dropper
Inverted Block and coating:I like this idea
But please also read his explanation
Prismatic Water Fountain:as he said
“RGB gaming water!!!”,what could be better than this?
Pearlescent Perch:nice shimmer fish idea
Chromatic Potion:nice but read this comment for a little criticism this is the same link as the one I put in front of the spellbound Saddle
After reading all this we reach his shimmer transmutations suggestions,which I agree with all of it ,except diamond and amber one
Because in the real world diamonds are worth more than ambers,the link to the comment above also mentions this.
Shimmered Guide Doll:this idea is great but I think it should not kill you, because it wouldn't be fair to hardcore players and it's more menacing,it brings your health to its last drop but doesn't kill you to remind you he is stronger and if he wanted ,he could kill you.
Shimmered Clothier Doll:I wanted a way to fight dungeon guardian after defeating Skeletron(Topic 45).I think this is a cool way
But don't make it so fast because hardcore players might die for just a pet 🤣
here's a video of the Shimmered dolls in action
So the amazing Russ Guss Doodles suggestions are done
If you have read this far I really appreciate It
75-Flint's suggestion is basically balancing weapons for the pillars which is needed
Original post
76-some way to keep track of one time use items read the comments.
The original poster said maybe in the menu
but as some of the commenters said
It's more suitable if it's in the bestiary
77-nice shimmer transmutations idea(read the comments for more suggestions)
78-Maps that mark the location of the Aether and Jungle Temple.They would both be purchased from the Zoologist with the Aether map being purchased at 35% Bestiary Completion and the Jungle Temple Map being purchased after Plantera is defeated.
Original post from Russ guss Doodles
79-small change
80-the original poster and the commenters made good points
81-good shimmer transmutations
I should add something to this people said at this point by shimmering we are removing the fun of grinding, but it doesn't remove the grinding.let me explain.You get 16 hats but no shirt or pants.Did you grind for them or not?Yes you did, but at this point you aren't having fun,it's torture.for example you get 2 hats and one pants.you had your fun grinding which didn't turn into torturing and you have your set.if you like the fun of grinding
Collect 1000 universal pylons
Not all people want to be tortured.
I'm a victim of killing pumpking for 156 times
Because he didn't give me the horseman's blade. How many people would do that ?
They will just leave the game and they will not enjoy THE FUN OF GRINDING
82-lumnite rocket(weapon balancing)
83-Dash potion
84-Frog potion
85-I gave the idea for a BOC mech boss(ocram replacement).Called “Brain35-C”
(Topic 59).this guy made an art for this
concept here
86-ocean biome chest loot concept
87-accessory concept
88-nice shimmer transmutations (read comments)
89-inactive coatings (very nice idea)
90-cool concept for infinite potions and flasks(topic 33) here
91-good point (read the comments)
92-good point again
93-very nice spear
94-this was the idea for showing off pets
(topic 74 Rainbow quartz part)
I added showing off mounts myself.
and someone else said showing off minions in a post which Redigit responded to, that's why as I said before unfortunately I don't have the links to some of the ideas which devs reacted to,I was lucky to find some of them and for others I just tried to memorize them.
95-not something necessary but good point
96-I said please make max number of minions 12 (topic 74 ,one line above the magic shimmer dropper)
this is a good way of doing that
97- creative menu in journey mode like the mod(cheat sheet).from creative menu
I mean something that gives all the items for the builders of console and mobile that don't have access to builders workshop or the cheat sheet itself.
98-new event Lunar eclipse (mentioned in the biome balancing topic 17)
Basically something similar To solar eclipse but it happens at nights
99- A seeded enemy coming to normal worlds
Like the Jungle mimic (topic 35)
100-Unplayable game
101-something very good
102-good idea for a weapon (read couple of the comments Original poster said another hardmode flamethrower but maybe it could be a pre hardmode flamethrower 🤷🏻‍♂️
103-this person wants stone furniture and he is right as of the furniture Balancing (topic 25)
Partial Sets should get a complete set.
104-old ones furniture set (maybe tavern?)
105-logical point
106-two bone Lee items, tabi and black belt being shimmered into each other(not a specific topic but some of the shimmer transmutations posts,when I said read the comments ,several people suggested this)
107-nice and handy item
108-Very good suggestion (read the comments).devs need to be careful with this one,it needs to be balanced,one red's potion and any boss is shredded 🤣
109-adding this will solve like 60% of invalid housing posts
110-add lava and wind elemental to complete the four elements (water,earth,fire,wind)
111- some little weapon balancing
112-all traps being craftable
113-add Lihzahrdd crate
114-and for the last suggestion.
I suggest coral reef in the oceans,
the oceans are so empty, maybe a sunken ship with gold coins and bars and a chest for that side of the ocean which has an ocean cave (but it's not guaranteed in every world).
So here we are at the end of the main suggestions
Thank you for reading
From now on I will be explaining the impossible or very hard ones to implement.
Please note that everything I explain is according to my knowledge which is not even slightly near a game developer knowledge
So I might be completely wrong,things i will explain are based on what i learned from the comments,which I believe are right(according to my 1:04:33 experience in C# 🤣).seriously
I am an artist not a programmer yet.but based on that 1 hour experience I really learned why there is a limit for paints and other things
If they are wrong don't hesitate to correct me
The sooner you correct me,the sooner i will edit it.
1-mix paints and dyes to apply on objects and equipment.
This is the most impossible one yet
Because since there are billions of colors and each time you put a color.thats a layer in game.based on what I heard making a layer itself is hard and it risks performance and loading time and might break the previous world files
To count from 1 to 1 billion nonstop
It would take around 32 years.now imagine billions of layers for every color combination possible.even if we keep it more simple
For example you apply red on a wood block and then you apply white once that's a layer and it gives you pink ,if you apply again that's another layer and it gives you a lighter pink
If you do it again that's four layers and your red turns into complete white, and if you scrap the white it should give you a lighter pink and again pink and if you scrap again you are back to red and again you are back to your original wood block
According to this example devs need to add 4 layers and 1.7069174e+46 possible colors combinations
Which again,not executable according to my little knowledge
Now for the dyes it's a similar situation.
Too many combinations.
This was the reason why I didn't include these as the main suggestions
2-putting items in front of paintings and beams.
Devs need to add one or two layers for this if I'm not wrong,it's not impossible but it's hard
3-music box and otherworldly music box for every music already in the game and new ones to come.
The reason why this is impossible Is because Terraria otherworld has been canceled for years.there are no more otherworldly music for the the new musics
4-I don't know if this is hard to implement or not but it's cool
5-this one Redigit himself said it wouldn't look good I don't possess the necessary knowledge to say anything about this.maybe they will,maybe they won't

here is his comment
6-Rename weapon rack to frame
and let us put anything on it.
If the frame can be invisible with echo paint and we can still spin the item on it and see the item It would be great addition to builders
you may say item frame already does this but
Items on item frames look so small
This addition is not impossible but hard
7-this with the echo actuators would be so cool(please read the comments there are only 6 comments
Note:from the start I said I have gathered the top suggestions of Terraria subreddit but I have included suggestions which are not top.
But they are cool,so i added them
8-and lastly for my friend on Twitter who said add farming to the ideas but I said because Redigit himself talked about it which means It's one of those ideas he knows about, so I don't include it,but so far i have included so many unbalance and impossible or hard ideas to implement so why not add this idea as well?
Again, thank you for reading.
Now I should clarify some things.
I literally fear all things I said about the impossible and hard suggestions to Terraria are complete bull:red:
If they are,I'm extremely sorry.
The items of this post have been gathered in course of months and arranged in four days
on the Google docs on a mobile phone.
As I said at the top of the post
My post includes all famous(and not famous but cool)Terraria suggestions(which devs didn't react to)on Terraria subreddit alongside with my ideas until May 2nd
As I'm writing right now it's May 6nd
I tried to include posts from these four days as well,(if there was any).
I apologize if I missed any.
I'm not a native English speaker
I will read through all this and check every link to edit mistakes.(I apologize for the capitalisation mistakes I made)
But if you found any grammatical mistakes I'm sorry,I'm not a English student
I learned English from watching YouTube videos in English and talking online with people around the world.one of the great communities I learned English from is the great community of Terraria.I was never in an English school.
I try to leave no spelling mistakes
But for grammar I might see them but never notice them
I'm sorry
Another thing to mention is,I have included lots of link in this suggestion post
You had to go from this link to other or keep several tabs open
Firstly I did this to minimize the amount of text on this file and keep its volume as low as possible
As I'm writing this I'm not even sure if I can upload this file onto Terraria forums
And secondly because there is no art on this file,it would be boring for most people.
Going from this website to another would entertain you and seeing those beautiful arts,people made is amazing(especially Russ Guss Doodles).
And I'm sorry if I put a lot of things in the same line,it was because I was not sure what was the limit of Terraria forums or how big of a file I can upload to it
I was trying to minimize the volume.
One thing that I think people may criticize me for,is I kept some topics empty.
For example Hallow alternative(topic 18)
I just said my suggestion for a name and
How that biome needs to be balanced with others and how others need to be balanced.
But I gave no suggestions for the biome itself.
This was because I want to discuss this with other people,Two minds is better than one mind.If you have any suggestions for the topics I kept empty(like the farming idea)or any other topic,
leave a comment and I will be more than happy to discuss it with you.
And last thing that I thought people could have misunderstood is,
As I said at the very first top, I wrote all this because I enjoy listing things, I like
And some other people said to me they like reading ideas.So I said to myself
Why not entertain others as well?
I'm not sure if I was successful in that matter.
Another thing to mention is,
Most of these suggestions had imperative verbs (Add that,do that,fix that,etc.)
I'm not ordering developers or anyone else to do anything,
I had to write it this way so it looks like a normal suggestion post.we all know these things will probably never be added,Terraria is at its end.
Probably the last update ever is 1.4.5
I say probably because you never know what happens.
Whatever happens,We are all thankful to Re-Logic
they have already given Terraria so much
I say this from the depths of my heart
I literally LOVE them.
Thank you for all you have done for us and
how much you cared about us.

Thank You ❤️

Done by AMIR HYBER on Twitter
Amirhyber on reddit
Amirhta🌳🤝🪓 on Terraria Forums
Yoo nice congrats on finally editing it
*Edit history
Topic 112 has been added first ( firsy edit)
Topic 113 has been added (second edit)
Topic 114 to 127 have been added (128 was previously 114)
After 128 main topics
There are 10 other suggestions
which numbers 8 and 9 have been added
And in the number 10(previously 8 ) I added the farming concept (third edit)

I read the whole Terraria subreddit suggestions till May 2nd.
alongside with my ideas I will write them all here.
Other people's ideas are credited with respective links to their reddit posts or Terraria forums posts.
I just specify them or give my opinion .
Disclaimer:not in any way my preamble about their ideas are superior,
It's just my point of view.
And something else to mention,
I'm no expert but I think
Like 20% of these ideas are not executable in the current Terraria engine.
Probably after extreme rework of the game, they are executable.
Or maybe they are already executable.
As I said I'm no expert in game creation.
So you might say why am I writing all this?
Because I literally enjoy listing things I like,
It doesn't matter to me if they are possible or Impossible,they happen or they never happen.
And some people told me they like reading ideas like myself.
And Redigit himself said he would read them.
And I should mention I and Terraria community don't expect Re-Logic to add these.
Since, they are a LOT, I really mean a lot
Another update with these would take around 3 years.
Re-Logic has already given us so much and we are very thankful,as no other developers are like them.Its almost unbelievable how much they care about us.
If they choose to add these, it's completely their show of unlimited beneficence towards us.
let's start
1-The Ultimate Sponge Bucket.Works like the shellphone menu, but has four sponges(water,lava,honey,shimmer) and four liquids(water,lava,honey,shimmer) to choose from .Lots of other people have already suggested this
But i didn't see anyone mentioning the sponges as well and I believe
Re-Logic themselves will add something like this in 1.4.5
2-Event boss masks. All bosses have masks
except event bosses,but the old one's army bosses have masks although they are event bosses, I suggest moving the Jack 'o lantern mask drop from headless horseman to Pumpking(but rename it to Pumpking mask)
And move horseman's blade from pumpking to headless horseman, and add Pumpking’s blade for the mele Pumpking weapon,For everscream, Santa nk1,ice queen and mourning wood just make a mask based on their head,a little Christmas tree with eyes,a Santa nk1 head,ice queen head and a smaller version of mourning wood with eyes.
Also for the Dutchman and Martin saucer use a smaller version of them on the player's head. nothing else, not a pirate or an alien mask,because they don't represent the boss itself,we already have a fish bowl hat,
a ship and an ufo aren't stranger.
3-Trophies drop 100% of the time in all difficulties,because it's the symbol of your conquest.
And it makes sense,everytime you kill a moonlord it has testicles
No I mean heart😁
4-Changing Santa nk 1 trophy and slightly queen slime trophy and pumpking trophy.
I mean a T-shirt is not a good representation of a demonic god, a broken pumpkin head would be nice.
Santa nk1 trophy looks like the Skeletron trophy.
His hat would make a good trophy.
Queen slime trophy looks like a sword instead of a feather,we could make it look more like a feather,or we could use that crystal inside her instead of a feather.
5-king slime mask doesn't have a crown
But queen slime does,people both like king slime mask, with and without a crown
I suggest adding a crown for king slime mask and add a slime mask without crown for other
6-Some background walls are not craftable in ecto mist yet.including ocean cave background walls.
add the remaining background walls for the builders.
7-Add Mjölnir,since Excalibur and Gungnir are in the game.a weapon that you throw and it comes back
8-remove mana cost for summoner weapons since summoner is already the weakest class
It would be a small help to them,it won't change much but removes a bit of frustration
9-Door padlock , a lock we can put on doors and trapdoors to keep npc and normal enemies out.
And maybe an accessory that lets you pass automatically through them like normal doors.
10-Changing seahorse terrarium name to seahorse aquarium
11-add aquariums for fishes like Terrarium for critters, that we already have(they can't be designed,they have default design like terrariums)
12-add custom aquarium and terrariums Like the ones in stardew valley, we can design them and put various critters or fishes(normal,quest,side)in them
side fishes are jellyfishes,golden carp, oyster, shrimp
13-add Another loadout but please with yellow background since green,red and blue are in the game.fourth loadout is actually Logical since there are 4 main classes in the game.
14-add boss vanity(shirt and pants)
Since we already have masks
(Boss vanity is part of the boss balancing,further down below I will explain it)
15-boss balancing and biome balancing(I will explain further down below)
16-Boss balancing: give every boss at least one from these categories below if they don't have it already.
One melee,ranger,mage and summoner weapon(for example the katana inside king slime as a melee weapon for him and the crystal inside queen slime as a mage weapon(basically if the weapons are from the boss itself it would be cooler))

One mount

One pet(light or normal)

One trophy

One relic

Boss vanity(mask,shirt,pants)

One accessory(like cthulhu shield),

One special accessory,if possible(like gravity globe and radio thing,eye bone)

One minecart

One achievement for every boss


And treasure bag(those that don't have it yet should get it as well,it brings justice in the multiplayer)

And boss food( example for some of them that Duke Fishron food needs no be green and that suspicious shiny drink looks interesting 😉

17-add boss for remaining biomes(and new biomes to come)
and events(and new events to come),(considering the boss balancing modifications above and biome balancing further below)
Let's dive deeper.These are biomes,mini biomes and events that need at least one boss(with suggested boss).
Space biome(arch wyvern)

Desert biome(Pharoah inside pyramids)

Glowing mushroom biome(titashroom)

Granite cave biome(giant amethyst crab example )

Marble cave biome(big hoplite covered in marble dust and shards)

Graveyard biome (soulst: giant demonic ghost(black ghost with red eyes))

Oasis biome (Apep (big king cobra)): should not function like EOW and destroyer more like the golem)

Hlowing moss biome (a RGB worm like eow and destroyer)

Meteorite biome (Meteorite boulder boss)

Spider nest biome(taranpider)

now the event bosses

Blood moon (dreadanulist)

Solar eclipse(mothron)

Goblin army(Hoblin like ogre but goblin like)

Frost legion(a snowman made from literal ice)

Lunar events(if possible make each pillar an official boss)

Add another boss between Mourning wood and pumpking call it Terrorcrow or frightcrow or fearcrow

Add a boss for a new event called lunar eclipse
Torch god could possibly be an official boss but his vanity set,mount and trophy will be tricky ones to design

And a boss for hallow alternative called ballow(mostly blue Themed) here's a link to a specific time in terraria otherworld video this biome looks like what I have in mind of ballow (blue crystal caves)
18-ballow(hallow alternative):Redigit Himself Taught of it,it doesn't matter what will it be called
Only thing that matters is ,it should contain categories below(biome balancing)
_at least one boss
_Construction materials
biome backgrounds
_Being artificially made if cursed blocks and walls are used(if it's not a passive biome)
_some fish
_quest fish at least (1~3 depends)
_at least one fish weapon
_Chest being made of construction materials in the biome
_biome chest
_enemeies(especially slime .mimic and sometimes bats .golem ,elemental and special enemy like dr bones)
_pre and post hardmode crates
_unique drop from its enemies(like ankh charm materials)
_ unique furniture(possibly,furniture set)
_npc(depends if it's not a evil biome)
_have balance with drunk world and other seeds(if it's a evil or holy biome which ballow is a holy biome)(I also suggest adding extra large worlds )
_torches and campfires based on the theme of the biome
_ thrown water if its a evil or holy biome
19-one pyramid spawns in every world
20-being able to know how many critters you have killed from the bestiary
21-Make a guaranteed way to get all statues and paintings in one world, probably an archeologist npc(female) that works like the angler with his mechanics,if an item is available in your inventory(or portable storages),she will not give duplicates.
22-diamond stained glass(white stained glass)
23-add shimmer absorbent Sponge(that will be included in the ultra absorbent sponge recipe and that will be included in ultimate sponge bucket recipe (topic1))
24-make rain or any other weather conditions to continue while you are in paused menu or inventory(even if the game is paused in menus and inventory)
They just continue on falling the same way as long as game is paused so that means it won't change direction by the wind
25-everything in the terraria wiki furniture sets page(here) which has a red cross on it which means it's not in the game should be added (mostly benches and lanterns and bone candle )(furniture balancing)
Also add vases as a new category for every furniture set
Basically being able to craft them with clay
and the main material of the set
Obsidian and dungeon(all colors) furniture should be available to craft since you can't have other colors in one world or more of them if you want (or via shimmer they could cycle through their colors)(or somehow in ecto mist)
Making dungeon and obsidian furniture items be crafted via special crafting station since they are non renewable.(include dungeon bricks in its crate to ensure any amount of dungeon furniture).the golden pirate vase should be added as a drop for pirate invasion along with the bench
Partial sets should get a complete set as well (bar,jack'o,pine,gothic,stone)
26-placeable Life fruit and life fruit lantern
27-add something like life fruit but for mana
and possibly it's lantern
28-make a button that we can disable and enable quick stacking for a storage so nothing gets in there if it's disabled
29-add deep brown and gray paint.since we reached paint limit(31,i think) maybe we could make shadow and negative paints,coatings. and add deep brown and deep gray instead of them.
30-make cake station buff lasts until death
31-The spazmatism and retinazer trophies
Should be combined.Why? because they are considered one boss(TheTwins).They have one mask, they have one relic, they drop one bag,and it just makes it hard for trophy room builders,because there are two trophies but one relic.
32-add shimmer rocket
33-I was going ro say endless item(like quiver) for every arrow,ammo,rocket,dart,and flare types
and a special item that lets you use infinite items for other types(fallen star,coin,gel, stake, etc.)But let's you shoot with your weapon and doesn't give you the actual infinite items
Like infinite platinum coins😉
And because there are 4 coin types and 6 sand types(including the new ballow)
It needs to have a menu like shellphone to choose which one you want to shoot infinitely
I realized that would be just too many items
Even if we make it hard to obtain(post moonlord shimmer),there are mods out there for it.But for the sake of console and Mobile players it would be cool if they were added
33-endless item for all potions and flasks(endless red's potion 🤤)
And one for the exquisitely stuffed buff(like the old horn o’ plenty).
Again with the same reason as above.
Nevertheless if these types of infinite items are being added,you should get them when you don't necessarily need them anymore(post moonlord shimmer)
34-craft stake with spooky wood.
Because stakes do more damage to vampires in the new seed,we need more of them
35-add jungle mimic to normal worlds as well(because having at least one mimic is a part of the biome balancing(topic18))But change its drop in the normal world(it doesn't drop red's potion)
Note:boss,biome and furniture balancing should apply to all content already in the game and new ones to come(lunatic cultist bag)
Another example,desert doesn't have a mimic
It should get one and the hallow alternative(whatever will it be called,here for example ballow) should regard biome balancing rules ( topic 18).maybe you say a biome like granite doesn't feel like a complete biome,well you are right,but as little as it is,it's still a biome.use your creativity.
give smaller biomes smaller mimics
Not all content in a game should be the same
Some asymmetry is nice.
For example, EOL drops a light pet
King slime drops a pet
They are two completely different thing
No boss needs to drop both,it just needs to drop a pet whether it's a light pet or normal pet.This asymmetry in symmetry keeps both normal people and perfectionists happy.
39-being able to name portable storages
40-include all equipment in loadouts.
for example pet ,light pet,mounts and minecart and hooks don't change with the loadout
41-add a post moonlord shimmer item
That makes you immune to all debuffs(but cannot save you from red's potion😂).
42-potion that Increases critter spawn rate.
43-add spectre bricks with their walls(basically all the metals in the game should have bricks and and plating walls)
44-make campfires valid light source
45-some way to fight the dungeon guardian even after defeating the Skeletron.
46-add the option to choose hardmode ores at the start of the game menu or random ores as normal
47-add bonus for vortex armor since others have it.
48-add another pumpking face(just for fun)
49-add golem for every biome with their heads as decoration.
50-soaring insignia gives 7.5 movement speed but it doesn't say it in its description.
51-let trees grow in underground and cavern levels(it's not logical since there is no sunlight, but us builders need trees in deeper layers.a UV panel that let's trees grow around a long distance from it,will do.But when the trees fully grow removing the panel doesn't gradually destroy the trees(which is not logical 😁)
52-play pianos like guitar.
53-nurse should throw syringes instead of using a bow.
54-add placeable snowman like sand castle.
55-flashlight which only lights up a stream from the cursor(good for horror builds).
56-Getting the previous reforge for twice of its price.
57-things said in this video here
58-another quest fish for crimson(biome balancing suggestion)
59-Brain35-C:mechanical brain which was previously the Ocram.since a mechanical brain is in the game lore but not in the game,
This boss can fill the ocram gap and not be ocram himself.
60-literally what the post says
61-literally what the post says
62-add blizzard as an event( currently it's not considered an event(according to the wiki))
add an item which if activated causes rain,thunderstorm,sandstorm and blizzard in their respective biomes.
63-This maybe you say illuminate Coating already does this, but in night time it's far too bright,it's not natural (read the comments)
64-A mirror that acts like wormhole potion
65-reaper’s monument: upon activation removes all tombstone in the world
Testament:when in the inventory or accessory slot,prevents tombstone dropping upon death(can be toggled on or off)
Original post
66-Soul statue:put banner inside and it spawns the creature(they drop nothing )
The soul statue will be a great tool for creating games.(especially horror games with the flashlight(topic 55)
Add boss banners(but they can't be used on the soul statue,they should be different from normal banners maybe bigger, have a frame or something.for example deerclops banner has his antler (not as big as his).Original post
67- Original post I know this is an unbalance suggestion (not as unbalance as the infinite items🤣).But it looks so cool and none of these suggestion will probably be added to the game so I just wrote It because it was in the top suggestions post of Terraria subreddit
Note:if you have read until here I appreciate it.please note that I'm aware some of these suggestion are not currently possible in the game or they are so unbalanced
As I said earlier, my job is just to arrange all top suggestions of Terraria subreddit until May 2nd and put my ideas alongside them.
Things like padlock and infinite items were not my suggestion but I didn't credit the ideas to anyone because several people have suggested them.these suggestions have been gathered in the course of months in my notes.
If something popped to my head or I saw someone's suggestion i copied their link into my notes and I just wrote it's title,for example “Ultimate Sponge bucket ” and then here I'm specifying it .Unfortunately I didn't take notes of the all ideas the devs reacted to(like or comment),only some of them(horizontal rope,trap doors that open instantly on impact with the player and, etc.)because I think they take notes themselves however it would be cool If i had them here as well.
68-Masterpiece idea 😁
69-Cracked Mirror: teleports you to a random location on use Original post
70-small change Original post
71-I think the roller coaster boots remove the need for this suggestion
72-make at least one of the new fish weapons(biome and weapon balancing) a summoner. Original post
73-Logical request,Original post (maybe read the comments as well)
74-Now we reached the good part where everyone love.suggestions with ART
the best Terraria artist who is not a dev.
Russ Guss Doodles, he is a great artist and always has great suggestions,he puts great amount of work in his suggestions
He makes art for them and uses BBCodes for his posts.I could do that but there are some reasons why I didn't.it's because I'm in doubt if anyone actually reads all this
If I wanted to make a post with The quality of Russ's post ,it would take much longer time
As I'm writing this,this is day three of arranging these ideas,it would take much longer with art and BBcodes and a lot of the people still never read this far even with them
It would be useless effort.Or maybe not.
I would be VERY HAPPY if people actually read this far and discuss things or criticize things, then we can go in depth for some of these topics in the comments and have discussions.for example
hallow alternative(topic 18),I just said it's topic and said nothing about it,boss and biome balancing need so many more in depth suggestions ,we could discuss that and so many more things.First read Russ's post and then I will say my opinions
First fractal:I don't like this idea,because there should be only one final weapon if there are two then it's not final.if we want to add this we should remove the zenith. nevertheless I should say his first fractal art is so beautiful
Bottled Eternal Flame:I think this idea is great
but it should toggled on and off
Astral Chain:I don't like this idea and I like it,
Like those infinite items ideas.something I'm not sure about is how many toggled on and off items we can have.
Spellbound Saddle:this person explained perfectly
Prism Ring:it's great.
for every item of his,I discuss ,imagine I say the sentence “his art is SO BEAUTIFUL “ because it really is and I really mean it.
Bag of Winds:its great again,no criticism
Dream Diver's Helmet:great
Orion's Toolbelt:there is something like this already in the game
Celestial Workbench:great feature again
Gilded Death Certificate:above I wrote someone's idea about something similar called testament (topic 65).I think this idea is better,Toggle on and off item is easier and better to use than an accessory
Illuminating Map:I'm not sure.Cenx replied to this idea in the Twitter with"how about a no”
And I think she is kinda right,basically after moonlord if all places are shown,then not much exploration is left,you just get the things you want and quit the game.some people will still build things and stuff,that's why I said I'm not sure.
Shimmer Bullet:this needs to be added because we already have shimmer arrow
Shimmering Grenade:very nice idea
Shimmer Bomb:this needs to be added as for the balancing. We have water,lava and honey bomb, we should get this one as well
Also,his explanation is very good
Read all of his posts and comments.
Shimmer Rocket:I also wrote this idea above(topic 32).Again for the balancing It needs to be added.
Shimmer Dye:great again 😁
Chromatic Dye:nice dye
Aether Dye:very beautiful
Pearlescent Dye:beautiful again
Rainbow Quartz:very beautiful pet(if it's a light pet it would be cooler, since jellyfishes emit light)
One of those ideas that I said I haven't wrote because devs reacted to was:An item which you put the pet summon in, and your pet moves around a radius of it and you can show off your pet,for example put ogre pet like a guardian in front of your house (pets don't attack anything but just for it's looks)
This jellyfish would be so beautiful with that
Some items like this to show our Mounts would be a great addition as well.
Another idea was:An item which you put your summoner weapon in and you can show off your minions and maybe by right clicking you can add up to your number of minions(but they don't attack anything because then bosses would be a joke. imagine you put couple of these stand and then enemies would be shredded)
Currently max number of minions is 11 please make it 12,Twelve is my favorite number 👉👈
Magic Shimmer Dropper:again this needs to be added because we have the other variants
Shimmerfall Block and Wall:same reason I said for the Dropper
Inverted Block and coating:I like this idea
But please also read his explanation
Prismatic Water Fountain:as he said
“RGB gaming water!!!”,what could be better than this?
Pearlescent Perch:nice shimmer fish idea
Chromatic Potion:nice but read this comment for a little criticism this is the same link as the one I put in front of the spellbound Saddle
After reading all this we reach his shimmer transmutations suggestions,which I agree with all of it ,except diamond and amber one
Because in the real world diamonds are worth more than ambers,the link to the comment above also mentions this.
Shimmered Guide Doll:this idea is great but I think it should not kill you, because it wouldn't be fair to hardcore players and it's more menacing,it brings your health to its last drop but doesn't kill you to remind you he is stronger and if he wanted ,he could kill you.
Shimmered Clothier Doll:I wanted a way to fight dungeon guardian after defeating Skeletron(Topic 45).I think this is a cool way
But don't make it so fast because hardcore players might die for just a pet 🤣
here's a video of the Shimmered dolls in action
So the amazing Russ Guss Doodles suggestions are done
If you have read this far I really appreciate It
75-Flint's suggestion is basically balancing weapons for the pillars which is needed
Original post
76-some way to keep track of one time use items read the comments.
The original poster said maybe in the menu
but as some of the commenters said
It's more suitable if it's in the bestiary
77-nice shimmer transmutations idea(read the comments for more suggestions)
78-Maps that mark the location of the Aether and Jungle Temple.They would both be purchased from the Zoologist with the Aether map being purchased at 35% Bestiary Completion and the Jungle Temple Map being purchased after Plantera is defeated.
Original post from Russ guss Doodles
79-small change
80-the original poster and the commenters made good points
81-good shimmer transmutations
I should add something to this people said at this point by shimmering we are removing the fun of grinding, but it doesn't remove the grinding.let me explain.You get 16 hats but no shirt or pants.Did you grind for them or not?Yes you did, but at this point you aren't having fun,it's torture.for example you get 2 hats and one pants.you had your fun grinding which didn't turn into torturing and you have your set.if you like the fun of grinding
Collect 1000 universal pylons
Not all people want to be tortured.
I'm a victim of killing pumpking for 156 times
Because he didn't give me the horseman's blade. How many people would do that ?
They will just leave the game and they will not enjoy THE FUN OF GRINDING
82-lumnite rocket(weapon balancing)
83-Dash potion
84-Frog potion
85-I gave the idea for a BOC mech boss(ocram replacement).Called “Brain35-C”
(Topic 59).this guy made an art for this
concept here
86-ocean biome chest loot concept
87-accessory concept
88-nice shimmer transmutations (read comments)
89-inactive coatings (very nice idea)
90-cool concept for infinite potions and flasks(topic 33) here
91-good point (read the comments)
92-good point again
93-very nice spear
94-this was the idea for showing off pets
(topic 74 Rainbow quartz part)
I added showing off mounts myself.
and someone else said showing off minions in a post which Redigit responded to, that's why as I said before unfortunately I don't have the links to some of the ideas which devs reacted to,I was lucky to find some of them and for others I just tried to memorize them.
95-not something necessary but good point
96-I said please make max number of minions 12 (topic 74 ,one line above the magic shimmer dropper)
this is a good way of doing that
97- creative menu in journey mode like the mod(cheat sheet).from creative menu
I mean something that gives all the items for the builders of console and mobile that don't have access to builders workshop or the cheat sheet itself.
98-new event Lunar eclipse (mentioned in the biome balancing topic 17)
Basically something similar To solar eclipse but it happens at nights
99- A seeded enemy coming to normal worlds
Like the Jungle mimic (topic 35)
100-Unplayable game
101-something very good
102-good idea for a weapon (read couple of the comments Original poster said another hardmode flamethrower but maybe it could be a pre hardmode flamethrower 🤷🏻‍♂️
103-this person wants stone furniture and he is right as of the furniture Balancing (topic 25)
Partial Sets should get a complete set.
104-old ones furniture set (maybe tavern?)
105-logical point
106-two bone Lee items, tabi and black belt being shimmered into each other(not a specific topic but some of the shimmer transmutations posts,when I said read the comments ,several people suggested this)
107-nice and handy item
108-Very good suggestion (read the comments).devs need to be careful with this one,it needs to be balanced,one red's potion and any boss is shredded 🤣
109-adding this will solve like 60% of invalid housing posts
110-add lava and wind elemental to complete the four elements (water,earth,fire,wind)
111- some little weapon balancing
112-all traps being craftable
113-add Lihzahrdd crate
114-Multi purpose item/weapon
this looks very fun and useful
115-Looks logical read the replies as well
116-Bone arrows should be craftable with 100 wooden arrows and a bone.(this was someone else's idea which I don't have the link to )
117-This would bring beautiful animations
118-Toggle monoliths in the inventory: this is mainly useful if you have a monolith in your vanity and don't wanna remove it and place it in your inventory, you can just toggle it.(someone else's idea )
119-Wings say their flight time on them, so many people ask in the discord what wings are better, this would be much easier if the wings just said which is better. This goes for hooks (someone's idea)
120-Items such as Guide to Environmental Preservation can be toggled inside the Void Bag and such items (someone's idea)
121-Pre hardmode sentry for sentry only runs(Someone's idea)
122-Great explanation for accessory concepts
123-Hero sword
A sword made from broken hero sword and a talisman from the Hero's skeleton
Hero is someone who tried beating cthulhu but he failed
In each word his remains can be only found once somewhere random(new Terraria lore)
And maybe NPC's such as Dryad would mention him in there Dialogues
124-some way to ensure special and low amounts of liquids(honey and shimmer)
If you lost them in your world before getting access to their infinite sources
Maybe honey and shimmer bombs(topic 74) can be found in crates (water and lava bombs as well)
125-shimmer fishing:both normal fish and quest fish(topic 18 biome balancing)
126-dungeon and temple fishing:both normal fish and quest fish(topic 18 biome balancing)
I was in doubt if these are considered biomes or not
According to biome balancing rules (topic 18)
Only a few minor discrimination are present
For example fountain,monolith,pylons,plants and critters. which I think is good for a little asymmetry
127-Evil npc concept
NPC's that live in the evil biomes
They are allied with the enemeies in the game and enemies will not attack and damage them(except bosses)
They will also not attack the player, except if the player harms them first
They will attack other NPC's if they see them though
And they are originally cultists
One for the corruption and one for the crimson
They sell thier pylons and other items regarding their biome
128-and for the last suggestion.
I suggest coral reef in the oceans,
the oceans are so empty, maybe a sunken ship with gold coins and bars and a chest for that side of the ocean which has an ocean cave (but it's not guaranteed in every world).
So here we are at the end of the main suggestions
Thank you for reading
From now on I will be explaining the impossible or very hard ones to implement.
Please note that everything I explain is according to my knowledge which is not even slightly near a game developer knowledge
So I might be completely wrong,things i will explain are based on what i learned from the comments,which I believe are right(according to my 1:04:33 experience in C# 🤣).seriously
I am an artist not a programmer yet.but based on that 1 hour experience I really believe ,I learned why there is a limit for paints and other things.
If they are wrong please don't hesitate to correct me
The sooner you correct me,the sooner i will edit it.
1-mix paints and dyes to apply on objects and equipment.
This is the most impossible one yet
Because since there are billions of colors and each time you put a color.thats a layer in game.based on what I heard making a layer itself is hard and it risks performance and loading time and might break the previous world files
To count from 1 to 1 billion nonstop
It would take around 32 years.now imagine billions of layers for every color combination possible.even if we keep it more simple
For example you apply red on a wood block and then you apply white once that's a layer and it gives you pink ,if you apply again that's another layer and it gives you a lighter pink
If you do it again that's four layers and your red turns into complete white, and if you scrap the white it should give you a lighter pink and again pink and if you scrap again you are back to red and again you are back to your original wood block
According to this example devs need to add 4 layers and 1.7069174e+46 possible colors combinations
Which again,not executable according to my little knowledge
It's not like they can add that rainbow color spectrum you see in the websites.
Colors in terraria are pixels with different shades and transparency different combinations are just too much.
And for the dyes it's a similar situation.
Too many combinations.
This was the reason why I didn't include these as the main suggestions
2-putting items in front of paintings and beams.
Devs need to add one or two layers for this if I'm not wrong,it's not impossible but it's hard
3-music box and otherworldly music box for every music already in the game and new ones to come.
The reason why this is impossible Is because Terraria otherworld has been canceled for years.there are no more otherworldly music for the the new musics
4-I don't know if this is hard to implement or not but it's cool
5-this one Redigit himself said it wouldn't look good I don't possess the necessary knowledge to say anything about this.maybe they will,maybe they won't

here is his comment
6-Rename weapon rack to frame
and let us put anything on it.
If the frame can be invisible with echo paint and we can still spin the item on it and see the item It would be great addition to builders
you may say item frame already does this but
Items on item frames look so small
This addition is not impossible but hard
7-this with the echo actuators would be so cool(please read the comments there are only 6 comments
Note:from the start I said I have gathered the top suggestions of Terraria subreddit but I have also included suggestions which were not top.
But they are cool,so i added them
8-Cage for the mobs
A cage which you can trap mobs inside
According to my little knowledge of layers in Terraria,currently this is not possible.
9-Console and mobile exclusive content
So if you have been a Terraria player for some years
You probably know that some contents were removed from Terraria
Over the years,people have asked for thier return
The reason why I included it here, is because devs are aware of this request and knowing how amazing they are I'm sure if could bring them back they would
There are couple of reasons why they were removed most importantly legal issues i think
And thier low quality
Nevertheless if one day they are back reworked and new ,we will all appreciate it.
10-and lastly for my friend on Twitter who said add farming to the ideas but I said because Redigit himself talked about it which means It's one of those ideas he knows about, so I don't include it,but so far i have included so many unbalance and impossible or hard ideas to implement so why not add this possible idea as well?

Here are my concepts
  • Animals
Cows:black&white, brown&white
Goats:white and white and brown
Sheep:white and black
Pig:pink and brown
Chickens:white and brown
Turkey:Red head and blue head
Ducks:white and mallard
Gesse:white and greylag

*Ducks that are already in the game should be renamed to wild white duck
And wild mallard duck
And thier terrariums as well
  • Crops
garlic and mushroom and bell pepper and hot pepper
They have four stage of growth
And have some conditions to grow
For example they won't grow on evil biome blocks and rice only grows in the Jungle or near water
These crops can be used in the cooking recipes
  • NPC
farmer npc is needed to buy the items needed for farming (animals themselves and thier foods, seeds and mushrooms spores )
Farmer npc is an early game npc and will unlock more of his stock as you progress through the game
You can also sell your animals and goods to him
  • Items
Fence block:a block that keeps animals in the wanted area if it's two blocks or higher
If it's not, they will jump over it
It's just a block but looks cool for players who don't want to use normal blocks
This is the fence block concept
View attachment 470461

And this is three of it on top of each other
View attachment 470459

*Ducks and gesse won't fly because they are tamed birds.

Leash:an item to move animals around

Animal foods are packs
What I mean is
Cow food pack ,chicken food pack, goat food pack and ,etc.
These food packs can be crafted from the livestock food maker, a machine which is bought from the farmer
You use certain crops and flowers to make food for your animals and also the farmer sells their foods as well
There are three other machines
One for butter making
One for cheese and one for cloth
Cows and goats give butter and cheese (thier milked is gathered with bucket)
And cloth from sheep's wool (a shear is needed to gather the wool)
Milks, butter and cheese and eggs from the birds are used in cooking recipes
I'm not sure about the pig
Only ways he is useful lead to its death
Which I don't know if Terraria community likes or not.
Or even if it's allowed in PGEI 12

Again , thank you for reading.
Now I should clarify some things.
I literally fear all things I said about the impossible and hard suggestions to Terraria are complete nonsense
If they are,I'm extremely sorry.
The items of this post have been gathered in course of months and arranged in four days
on the Google docs and on a mobile phone.
As I said at the top of the post
My post includes all famous(and not famous but cool)Terraria suggestions(which devs didn't react to) on Terraria subreddit alongside with my ideas until May 2nd
As I'm writing right now it's May 6nd
I tried to include posts from these four days as well,(if there was any)
I apologize if I missed any.
I'm not a native English speaker
I will read through all this and check every link to edit mistakes(I apologize for the capitalisation mistakes I made)
But if you found any grammatical mistakes I'm sorry,I'm not a English student
I learned English from watching YouTube videos in English and talking online with people around the world.one of the great communities I learned English from is the great community of Terraria.I was never in an English school.
I try to leave no spelling mistakes.
But for grammar I might see them but never notice them, I'm sorry.
Another thing to mention is,I have included lots of link in this suggestion post
You had to go from this link to other or keep several tabs open
Firstly I did this to minimize the amount of text on this post and keep its volume as low as possible because I wouldn't have to put all their explanations here as well.
And secondly because there is no art on this psot, it would be boring for most people.
Going from this website to another would entertain you and seeing those beautiful arts,people made is amazing(especially Russ Guss Doodles).
One thing that I think people may criticize me for,is I kept some topics empty.
For example Hallow alternative(topic 18)
I just said my suggestion for a name and
How that biome needs to be balanced with others and how others need to be balanced with it.
But I gave no suggestions for the biome itself.
This was because I want to discuss this with other people,Two minds is better than one mind.If you have any suggestions for the topics I kept empty or any other topic,
leave a comment and I will be more than happy to discuss it with you.
And last thing that I thought people could have misunderstood is.
As I said at the very first top of the post, I wrote all this because I enjoy listing things, I like
And some other people said to me they like reading ideas.So I said to myself
Why not entertain others as well?
I'm not sure if I was successful in that matter.
Another thing to mention is,
Most of these suggestions had imperative verbs (add that,do that,fix that,etc.)
I'm not ordering developers or anyone else to do anything,
I had to write it this way so it looks like a normal suggestion post.we all know these things will probably never be added,Terraria is at its end.
Probably the last update ever is 1.4.5.
I say probably because you never know what happens.
Whatever happens,We are all thankful to Re-Logic
they have already given Terraria so much
I say this from the depths of my heart
I literally LOVE them.
Thank you for all you have done for us and
how much you cared about us.

Thank You ❤️

Done by AMIR HYBER on Twitter
Amirhyber on reddit
Amirhta🌳🤝🪓 on Terraria Forums
Hello @Redigit🌳
If you remember
Some weeks ago one Twitter I said, I have gathered all the terraria subreddit top suggestions until May 2nd and my own suggestions
I asked you if you would read them And you said yes
And you actually did
Thank you !
Since you saw the first post which was a Word file
I added some more content and edited already existing ones
I would really appreciate it , if you could take a look at these as well (the new contents are mentioned at the top of the post )
As I said in this post, it's just for fun
I enjoyed writing this post
I dont expect anything to be added
I would really really appreciate if you could check it for one last time.
I promise this is the last time I ping you (at least for one year)
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