Idea for a challenge playthrough


The Destroyer
I have an idea for a challenge playthrough;
GetFixedBoi, but every boss has to be fought in the most annoying arena possible. However, this necessitates that you have to come in with an endgame character and prepare the arenas beforehand.
I recommend doing this on Journey. Or, if you're someone crazy like Waffletime, you can do this on Hardcore Legendary GetFixedBoi.

King Slime on top of a shimmer pool just deep enough to shimmer the little slimes, and slime statues constantly activating in the shimmer pool as well.
EoC, but the arena is really small.
EoW with Corrupt Statues constantly activating.
BoC in an arena entirely made of platforms that's on the surface, and with Goldfish Statues constantly activating.
Skeletron, but the arena has Cursed Dungeon Walls, and it's just barely deep enough for Dungeon enemies to spawn, but not deep enough for Dungeon Guardians.
Queen Bee in a very short arena that has no ceiling and is uncomfortably close to the world border.
Deerclops, but there's boulder statues to make a stream of boulders along the floor, requiring very precise jumps.
WoF, but there's Imp Statues constantly activating.
Queen Slime, but in the aforementioned King Slime arena.
Mechdusa, but the arena is filled with lava.
Plantera, but you're in a really short, really wide arena.
EoL, but the arena is on the surface.
Golem on the surface, but you're in a big room with forbidden lihzahard walls and it's filled completely with torches.
Lunatic Cultist, but the floor, walls, and ceiling of the arena are really thin and made of Wooden Spikes.
The Pillars, but in a big hole with barely any blocks to keep the pillar from falling into where there are blocks.
Moon Lord, but the arena is really small.
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I have an idea for a challenge playthrough;
GetFixedBoi, but every boss has to be fought in the most annoying arena possible. However, this necessitates that you have to come in with an endgame character and prepare the arenas beforehand.
I recommend doing this on Journey. Or, if you're someone crazy like Waffletime, you can do this on Hardcore Legendary GetFixedBoi.

King Slime on top of a shimmer pool just deep enough to shimmer the little slimes, and slime statues constantly activating in the shimmer pool as well.
EoC, but the arena is really small.
EoW with Corrupt Statues constantly activating.
BoC in an arena entirely made of platforms that's on the surface, and with Goldfish Statues constantly activating.
Skeletron, but the arena has Cursed Dungeon Walls, and it's just barely deep enough for Dungeon enemies to spawn, but not deep enough for Dungeon Guardians.
Queen Bee in a very short arena that has no ceiling and is uncomfortably close to the world border.
Deerclops, but there's boulder statues to make a stream of boulders along the floor, requiring very precise jumps.
WoF, but there's Imp Statues constantly activating.
Queen Slime, but in the aforementioned King Slime arena.
Mechdusa, but the arena is filled with lava.
Plantera, but you're in a really short, really wide arena.
EoL, but the arena is on the surface.
Golem on the surface, but you're in a big room with forbidden lihzahard walls and it's filled completely with torches.
Lunatic Cultist, but the floor, walls, and ceiling of the arena are really thin and made of Wooden Spikes.
The Pillars, but in a big hole with barely any blocks to keep the pillar from falling into where there are blocks.
Moon Lord, but the arena is really small.
I did a similar playthrough to this, and the arenas I did were identical to the above arena ideas except:
I didn't do EoW because it was Journey FTW.
I ended up making the BoC arena out of minecart tracks instead, with lava on the top and bottom of the arena and no goldfish statues.
I ended up using the side of the Dungeon for the Skeletron arena. It wasn't particularly challenging, but it was really fun.
I fought QB in the EoC arena.
I fought The Twins in the EoC arena, Prime in the Skeletron arena, and The Destroyer in a cube arena made of platforms.
I fought Plantera in the WoF arena, enraged. IT WAS SO FUN.
I didn't fight EoL on-tier because she was too hard and I ended up fighting her post-Moonlord.
I fought Golem in the EoC arena.
I fought Lunatic Cultist in a really tall arena with space as the ceiling, the dungeon roof as the floor, and walls made of bubble blocks and shimmer that were only about 15 blocks apart.
I didn't make fancy arenas for the pillars.
I fought Moonlord in an wooden box about 20*20 with spiky ball traps lining the ceiling that activated randomly on a 1/4 second timer.
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