I'm Tsuki, AMA.

I apologize if my questions are repeats of earlier questions.

What are your top 5 favorite Anime?

As well as your favorite types of Anime?

Then what is your favorite Vocaloid song?

What are your general views on Polygamy? If you had the choice, would you want Polygamies to become a common and accepted part of culture around the world?
I apologize if my questions are repeats of earlier questions.

What are your top 5 favorite Anime?

As well as your favorite types of Anime?

Then what is your favorite Vocaloid song?

What are your general views on Polygamy? If you had the choice, would you want Polygamies to become a common and accepted part of culture around the world?
Time Magazine says monogamy is pretty much unnatural.
I apologize if my questions are repeats of earlier questions.

What are your top 5 favorite Anime?

As well as your favorite types of Anime?

Then what is your favorite Vocaloid song?

What are your general views on Polygamy? If you had the choice, would you want Polygamies to become a common and accepted part of culture around the world?

Let's see...Top 5 anime, in order, would probably be... Detective Conan, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Lucky Star, Naruto...uh. I guess Inuyasha, just because it was the first anime I'd ever seen.

Favorite types of anime would probably be crime drama types like Detective Conan. Enjoy the clues and methods for finding the culprit.

Favorite vocaloid song is hands-down "World is Mine" because I fancy myself as a super mega princess who deserves more than anyone can give.

And Polygamy...this is a bit of a tough one. Being polyamorous and liking the idea of marriage is pretty interesting. I actually turned down a proposal for marriage because I didn't know how my other girlfriends would react if I picked only one of them to marry, and was unable to marry the others. I'd like the idea of polygamy being a thing, just so I could marry them all without anyone feeling like they're "Less than" another. It'd be amazing for me if polygamy became an accepted / common thing, would definitely enjoy the weddings and being able to have the ceremony with all of my lovers, but I don't expect that to happen for quite some time, honestly.
Time Magazine says monogamy is pretty much unnatural.

That is interesting. It does seem to be unnatural when I think about it more deeply considering how Marriage seems to be handled overall in most cultures. I actually learned what Monogamy and Polygamy were only about 2-3 years ago from reading a Manga series.

For some more questions:

Do you read Visual Novels? If so what are your Top 3 favorites?

Then who are your favorite characters from your favorite Anime? (1 each from Detective Conan, Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, Lucky Star, and Inuyasha)

And in stories in general do you prefer Protagonists who are traditional Superheroes like Superman (And perhaps Goku/Naruto if they are classified as Traditional), or Anti-Heroes like Light Yagami and Lelouch Vi Britannia?
I think the only visual novel I've ever really read and got invested in was Analogue: A Hate Story. I enjoyed it very much, but mainly because I could identify a humongous deal with one of the characters.

As for favorite characters, I like Conan from Conan, Hawkeye from FMA, Hinata from Naruto, Konata, and Kikyo from InuYasha.

I do tend to like anti-heroes more than traditional ones. Antiheroes to me seem to be more interesting in terms of motive and character development, beyond "I fight for my friends / for friendship" stuff.
At one point I knew morse code. I was actually able to decently communicate with a blind girl using morse code, many years ago. But don't remember a whole lot now.
How did you become the biggest `:cool:? And as the biggest are you able to eat Stars from space and absorb their energy? :joy:

Then if you could pick any Anime Universe to be in, which would you pick?

Also, what do you think of Orcas?
Hmm. Well the biggest thing is an interesting story that started in FF14. Got a bit into roleplaying, and my character was just starting off as a tank. She has several quirky speech impediments; to her, being the "biggest" meant being the best. Things aren't "good" to her, they're "big". So when she got a new set of armor that made her look a bit like a tin can, she was confident that the armor would protect her in dangerous dungeons. And it did! So she started calling herself the biggest because the weak enemies couldn't hurt her, and her confidence grew and grew.

One day, I posted a status here saying nothing but "I'm the biggest" and everyone seemed to love and embrace it, and it sort of became a huge thing over the past several months. The huger it became, the bigger I actually got because of it, and now I'm the biggest thing on the forums. So, basically, it started off because of a random status made as a reference to my silly speech patterns of my FF14 character.

As for anime universe, I'd have to say Detective Conan simply because it'd be interesting to match wits against criminals in interesting cases.

Orcas are pretty cool too, though I've never actually seen one in the flesh.
Might your Home be where the Moon Lord lives?

What Pokemon Types (Water/Fire/Grass etc.) Do you enjoy using the most?

What building Material do you enjoy using most in Terraria? And what types of farms do you make?

Also Do you Like Me? :nursepassionate:
what fears do you have?
have you ever heard of neopets?
if this isn't too personal, what are your views on religion?(i.e what do you believe and what do you think about religion in general)
what is your favorite holiday, and why?
if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
if you could choose any one skill to be extremely fantastic at, which would you choose?
Let's see...

1) I'm afraid of the dark and probably nothing else.
2) I've heard of Neopets, but never was a part of it.
3) I personally worship the moon, as does my mom and her mom. It's essentially an offshoot of animism, but with a strong focus on celestial bodies, the moon in particular. My views on religion are pretty straightforward and simple. If people want to believe something, to give them hope, to give them strength, to give them confidence, to give them the power to get through their days, weeks, months, and entire lives...I don't see an issue with that. Religion is faith itself. It's only when they start forcing their beliefs onto others and doing immoral things in the name of their religion that I don't care for, which is a main issue with religion today. The zealots of each respective religion.

4) I'd probably make it so I have a voice again. And if it's a question of personality thing, I have no idea. I might make it so I don't get discouraged as easily.
5) I would love to be extremely proficient at playing the violin, really.

6) Oh, also, my favorite Holiday is Christmas. It's a time for togetherness, spending time with people you love, and appreciating them. I love this holiday, because I get to spend time wtih my girlfriends and boyfriends, and I get to give presents, and get presents, and everyone is so happy and cheerful, and I love to be a part of it, and spend time with my loved ones.
What do you think the reasoning may be, if a person on the Internet chooses to not reveal their gender?

Let me know if this question is too personal, but how would you say becoming mute has affected you overall? Would you say it has made you more highly expressive when using different communication mediums to communicate what you want to say? Such as saying more than you would've before on sites such as this one? Or if it hasn't changed how you express yourself through typing?

Which also leads me into another question, if you think how much a person types and how much or how little detail a person puts into their posts can say something about a person's personality? Compared to how they may talk IRL as well?

Then what do you think of my OC Akatsuki and how it represents me? (Image here for reference incase I change my Avatar)
Akatsuki Waterfall New Kimono.png
1) Well, if a person chooses not to reveal their gender on the internet, there may be several reasons. When I first got subjected to the internet, I didn't want to reveal I was a female. I was in a "clan" on a game, and I was worried they wouldn't take me seriously or would ostracize me if they found out. So I let them believe I was a boy, and avoided revealing my gender. That was my reasoning for it, but I was a kid back then.

Nowadays, there can be a bunch of reasons. The main reason I see these days, is people not wanting to reveal their gender because they don't want their gender to be a focal point, or a deciding factor on how people interact with them. They don't necessarily see their gender as a key trait in their personality. And on the internet, gender isn't really too important as it is, depending on what you do. Being a girl or a boy makes no difference on these forums, though there are people who insist females get more positive attention. So as a result, females might not to reveal themselves for fear of unwanted attention, etc.

Another reason may be that people just are ashamed of the gender they are, and don't know if they should reveal the gender they are, or the gender they wish to be. In my opinion, only the gender you want to be matters, since gender plays very little role otherwise.

2) Becoming mute made me a smarter, wiser, and overall much better person. However, it's made me bitter (at times) and more cynical too. It immediately made me value the act of listening, as opposed to talking. You learn more when you listen, than when you talk. At first, I refused to communicate with anyone, at all, for months. But then I began to understand the importance of choosing my words carefully. When you're forced to think before you speak, and listen before it's your turn to speak, it changes who you are and how you think about things.

I never learned sign language because nobody else understood it. So my way of communicating was writing everything down. Typical conversations tend to go "I speak, then I will read what you wrote." They could take away my power to communicate by just refusing to read, or by taking my notebook away. There is no way for me to yell or shout in these conversations, so in a way, it made me realize how utterly useless shouting and yelling is to effective conversation and discussion. That knowledge alone made me get much less angry and flustered in arguments, and overall made me a more mellow person. So in heated debates or conversations, I choose my words in such a way so I don't offend whoever I'm talking with, because they can take away my power to talk just by refusing to read.

I speak with people generally the same way I type on this site though. However, the issue is that I type super fast, but handwriting / texting is much, much slower. So if I'm talking to an impatient person, or if they don't want to read a lot, I don't say as much, and instead get right to the point. When I type, I do tend to say more and more, because it's stress relieving and nice to be able to communicate with people.

3) Hmm, I dunno if I believe how much or how little someone types on a website can be attributed or indicated by their personality so much. Even though the mood of my typing is overall the same as when I communicate in real life, I may type walls of text quite often, but I'm not interested in saying a whole lot with my pen and pad. So people might see me as overly talkative on websites, but in reality I'm a wallflower who prefers to listen and watch rather than talk. Because as I said, you learn more when you do so, than when you talk.

4) Hrm...OC's are an interesting source of thought for me. Some people make OC's to represent the person / creature they want to be, and some people make them to represent the type of person they are. I think it's a very nice, unique OC, but forgive me for being cryptic, but this question isn't really one I can answer too well. Perhaps it's a question best answered by you, if you'll forgive me for saying it. I don't know you quite well enough to answer it, but I think asking yourself that may lead to a better answer anyway.
Have you read my stories, and if so, what do you think of them? What do you think of Jerion, my OC? Have you read Whateley Academy stories? What do you think of Skyrim Remastered?
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