Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality

-snipperoni and cheese-

...Well, I wouldn't put it like that. As the aforementioned statement I made about things being more complex as they are: I do whole heartedly agree the internet should be this place of free exchange of ideas and sharing them with each other, talking openly about them and engaging in things like arts and music composition, but you do have to understand why some people practice the way that they do when it comes to opportunities to make a lot of money or to try and have their own influences and get their opinions out the way they think is best, as would why anyone would be all be for the repealing of Net Neutrality.

I could propose only a few ideas on why, but they would only be a couple over hundreds of reason - even if we determined the sole goal why Pai would do this and why the companies and people would support Pai in the endeavor to put something like his proposal into place - which we know is severly flawed and would only suit him and some companies looking to make more money they actually need to function on a daily basis, rather than actually fixing the problem, which I wish the way that they talked - I wish they would stop being so sketchy and vague how they address things. I personally think they are going to gradually be less trustworthy, more memetic and make fools of themselves.

  • One reason that I can list is greed, so that one has been gotten out of the way, but the other is both monopolization and competition. Sadly, or in part, some companies would see the internet as this resource that is simply to be banked on for extra money, whether they don't make enough to keep in business, just simply see it that way, or they haven't spent enough time prying the dollar bills from their eyes the past few days. Monopolization basically is a way for someone to be either the first to do so or a way to have the most power and influence to be the guy to (somewhat) set the rules around their community. Why do you think some companies underperform than would the most advertised companies? One thing is a lack of the same resources, hardware, manpower and funds to keep on the same level as the more prominent and profitable companies, but also those lesser companies are told to underperform and work less effectively than the more flourishing companies are.

    And the other is competition, there isn't a strict guideline to how one can compete against one another, without letting things degrade into a point of ruling over people like tyrants or keeping other companies from getting a change to prosper, as competition can be a effective means to allow both people facing off strive to do something better... like, competing to provide a better internet service, or develop a faster processor for computers, make a healthier food product to put on the shelves, etc; but things would typically fall into going too far just for the sake of beating their opponents and never giving them a chance to fight back, but also corruption is a typical thing that happens for companies that not only have more than they need to grow, but also begin to lose sight of their passions or let some event affect them negatively that they lose sight of how to actually engage with their consumers, run a business, and get the money they only will ever need to pay off taxes, expenses, their employee's, repairs and projects on the side. Probably why one isn't made is not only the fear that how they compete would restrict their freedoms, but maybe... just maybe, it would restrict them from doing anything detrimental to other companies or their own customer base.

    There seems to be this ever present wide gap between consumer and seller, and it feels like some business would rather look at a statistic as all the information they need (or sometimes invasions of privacy and asking rather invasive questions, rather than trying to develop a relationship with us individually as they possibly), instead of simply getting to know us, and in turn we can to them. But that is how I see it, that is my opinion, and I probably only barely scratched the surface...

    In conjunction with greed, desire for control, or on some other reason, maybe it's just so damn expensive for companies to allow this colossal amount of freedom for every user imaginable that uses their service, in addition to how some people use their service for... questionable activities can make a company or two feel uncomfortable allowing their customer use their service like that. (E.G. to upload adult material, do anything illegal, etc.)

  • The other that I think people outside of business would be in support of this are those who don't use the internet a lot, other than only for what they think is necessary (to look up information for a brief moment, business, etc), but also I feel that some people think that a lot of us spend too much time on the internet, have submitted and done questionable/very unethical and/or immoral things on the internet, and kinda see the bulk of us as Psychopathes, Sociopathes, or just juvenile or sick headed people using the internet as this last bastion to continue carrying out our worst behavior, and expecting them to leave us well alone to continue.

    It's not a surprise that even with our freedom, it's still debated on what shouldn't or should be on the web for everyone to see. One thing I can agree is I wish for, and I'm only going to mention this once since I do not wish to get in trouble in terms of Forum rules for mentioning this, is the removal of pornographic material all across of the world wide web, even if there are people who want it to be there and to view it at their leisure. But at the same time is that, as uncomfortable as the subject is to talk about it, there is enough people who will go to Hell and high water to keep that material up. This extends into grown adults, our elders, and our youth who are taught to think of certain things that are bad or to think and view some things as bad by their parents/guardians, will compete with the anonymous identities about removing some of the worst things that can be found on the internet and doing just as damned well to keep it from being uploaded onto the internet. It ends in a stalemate, some cases the people with the better sense of morals or those who think they do can keep it pretty clean and still able to share the freedom to talk about touchy subjects - but also sometimes going too far to make things too clean or become corrupt and try to control how people use their internet more than what is really allowed of them, while on the other spectrum some people want the toxic spewed threads, uncomfortable depictions of unsettling materials, or just good ol'/overboard juvenile behavior continue unabated, also going too far to the point of harassment, abuse, getting plain out of control, and in some cases trying to convince a wider audience for those questionable things to be ok in the eyes of the public -- it really depends on the subjects.

    You can guess by this, this can also happen on the other end of the spectrum when it comes to some people who do use the internet, who will do whatever the hell they want and expect their freedoms to be respected, but this isn't a black and white issue, since we're plenty capable of setting our own selfishness and biased aside to identify what is right and what is wrong when it comes to whats submitted on the internet... heck, what is done in any place, both real life and virtual.

    The point is, that we're viewed that way, and there is great people out there in real life and on the internet who have their own uses for it, for the better or the worst, but what I am pointing out is that the people who do want this insane amount of censorship on the internet because they don't educate themselves on it and the fact they mostly see for themselves or hear on the media (such as news outlets) about all these juvenile, mental internet users makes them not want to educate themselves - or even associate themselves with the people on the internet, if it either makes them feel uncomfortable or it could put their respect and reputation in jeapordy if anyone finds out they had so much as a few seconds of time spent with these crazy strangers. Probably those people who want this censorship and monitoring of internet activity want to get rid of all/most of the people they feel just make the internet less enjoyable or get rid of something that would be the cause of whatever problems are happening on the internet, and probably want us/some of us to do something they think would be more productive, healthy, etc.

Again, there is no one way to look at this. It's way more complex and everyone with their perspectives and experiences, some just think what we're doing is wasteful - even if they are a pretty great person and they just don't have that experience like we do. Some don't care and will want it either way, not giving much thought to what the consequences would be. In some cases, someone who is a parent who doesn't care and to some degree expect everything their kid can get their hands on to be kid friendly for them without having to do much work - and their kid manages to find a forum where they learn profanity, some parents will restrict their kids activity and ground them for learning that, some, sadly, think the best approach is to just shut down the site their kid found as a solution when there could have been better ways to deal with it.
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u faster than my mom.
i cant do mlg vids. i cant use obs studio. iwanttokillmyself.mp3
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Figured this would happen sooner or later, my apologies.
I don't get it why they're trying to make it so you can't have access to the internet for free. "Free". You already have to pay for your broadband and
sim card/ insurance
. This is a very serious matter and they shouldn't have even thought about it. I really hope it doesn't happen as many people rely on it to talk to friends, family and have fun. If this will get into place then it would make Earth miserable again as without the internet everything is boring and nobody will have anything to do in their spare time if they're not a gamer and/ or do chores around the house.

Net neutrality has to stay the same!
The way these corporations act is complete bull:red:. They don't have the right to try and take control of the largest source of media on the planet. This seems illegal on so many levels...
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The way these corporations act is complete bull:red:

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