Sprites Izzabelle's Alternates

I'm a professional illustrator -- but pixel art is new to me, and I've done 0 pixel art outside of the alternates.

Never met a Professional illustrator or generally illustrator interesting :dryadwhat:. And when this is/was ur first steps on Pixel art then hat down fantastic work ur truly talented Artist :cool:

Edit : better then mine pixelart trys atleast... xD

I will eventually for sure. Exactly when is a little harder to pin down...

The Necropolis, then ????, then The Castle is the order I think for new Biomes.

But there are updates, forum things, and life between all that. So it won't be "soon" by any stretch of the imagination.
What about the End of Days? Or is that the "???"?
I both do and don't want to see the End of Days finished, because it sounds awsome, but it means it's the end of watching you make content.
Because of the election results, I think everyone could use some good news for a change and some positive vibes. Which is why today I will be revealing

The Tides
The Tides are an alluring, but treacherous, span of waters home to a variety of legends only whispered or sung of on the sea breezes.

The Castle
The Castle is a cursed thorn sunken into the land. It's very existence draws evil to it and causes madness, but it's depths are rumored to house great treasures.



Some aspects of the Necropolis have changed (though not by much). A natural evolution of the creative process. Nothing to be concerned over -- but it is worth mentioning that the theme is slightly different.

Also... I've decided to cut into my sleep this week and next week to advance my release timeline. I think we all need a "pick me up", and some cool alternate stuff could be just what the doctor ordered.

what the ?
Wow, nice. New ocean, new dungeon, news on the Necropolis, and another little teaser to guess on.
Not sure what to think about the teaser image, something to do with the ice biome? Another Corruption/Hallow alt? An event?! I have no idea.
Been skulking around-- I haven't had much time to spare these days. Just gonna drop several lines of opinion/speculations:
  • So, while the Starship is the post-futuristic Chariot-of-the-Gods Predalien-themed version of the Aztec temple; the Necropolis seems to be a dark and literal take of the name "City of the Dead" or Teotihuacan of the Aztec empire. Might forsee references to Día de los Muertos...
  • The Tides, as someone has mentioned/implied, could be obviously based on classic mythologies (of the Greeks). Yet it could also be a mish-mosh of other sea-based mythologies (like the Viking's Sea of Worms).
  • The Castle sounds like it would be inspired by Castlevania... I maybe 100% wrong though,there's just something I'm missing there.
  • That new icon reveal suspiciously looks like the Lunar Event's towers.
Well, that's pretty much it. Oh, and vvell done on the River update! I love it. :)
Been skulking around-- I haven't had much time to spare these days. Just gonna drop several lines of opinion/speculations:
  • So, while the Starship is the post-futuristic Chariot-of-the-Gods Predalien-themed version of the Aztec temple; the Necropolis seems to be a dark and literal take of the name "City of the Dead" or Teotihuacan of the Aztec empire. Might forsee references to Día de los Muertos...
  • The Tides, as someone has mentioned/implied, could be obviously based on classic mythologies (of the Greeks). Yet it could also be a mish-mosh of other sea-based mythologies (like the Viking's Sea of Worms).
  • The Castle sounds like it would be inspired by Castlevania... I maybe 100% wrong though,there's just something I'm missing there.
  • That new icon reveal suspiciously looks like the Lunar Event's towers.
Well, that's pretty much it. Oh, and vvell done on the River update! I love it. :)
I like the way your brain works. You will be pleasantly surprised.
Well i cant speak for Izzabelle but i guess even with the Tools she would be running on time and not getting it out. She/He would need a entire team + Tools/Resources to do so.
Im working currently alone on a Game and its massive time consuming.


The Necropolis is officially 50% done. It should have been complete by now. But this last week and a halfish have been -- wowser. Just so crazy. I'm hoping everything levels out next week so I can put some real good work in and complete the biome.


Hopefully everyone by now has checked out the Vermin Horde! It was a very sneaky biome surprise. I hope it has tided you guys over while you wait patiently for the Necropolis. I like being able to drop surprises, so don't assume that biomes are all I have in store for you guys. Let the theories commence.


Work on the Tides and Castle have begun -- but they're not a priority just yet. I am still sticking to the schedule that I established a bit back. But the two biomes are officially part of the development cycle now, and will become more and more of a higher priority as we push through the completion of more and more alts.


It looks like we're slowly closing in on the End of Days. Just a few more alts. You can expect more End of Days teasers to start cropping up now.

But I don't think the End of Days should arrive just yet. With how dark and dangerous all these alts are becoming... you're going to need a place of safety soon...

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